| // Copyright 2023 Google LLC |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| // You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| // |
| // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| // |
| // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| // limitations under the License. |
| |
| package matcha |
| |
| import chisel3._ |
| import chisel3.util._ |
| import _root_.circt.stage.ChiselStage |
| |
| object Crossbar { |
| def apply(ports: Int, addrbits: Int, databits: Int, idbits: Int) = { |
| Module(new Crossbar(ports, addrbits, databits, idbits)) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class CrossbarIO(addrbits: Int, databits: Int, idbits: Int) extends Bundle { |
| // Command. |
| val cvalid = Output(Bool()) |
| val cready = Input(Bool()) |
| val cwrite = Output(Bool()) |
| val caddr = Output(UInt(addrbits.W)) |
| val cid = Output(UInt(idbits.W)) |
| |
| // Write. |
| val wdata = Output(UInt(databits.W)) |
| val wmask = Output(UInt((databits / 8).W)) |
| |
| // Read Response. |
| val rvalid = Input(Bool()) |
| val rid = Input(UInt(idbits.W)) |
| val rdata = Input(UInt(databits.W)) |
| } |
| |
| class SramIO(addrbits: Int, databits: Int) extends Bundle { |
| // 1cc read response. |
| val valid = Output(Bool()) |
| val write = Output(Bool()) |
| val addr = Output(UInt(addrbits.W)) |
| val wdata = Output(UInt(databits.W)) |
| val wmask = Output(UInt((databits / 8).W)) |
| val rdata = Input(UInt(databits.W)) |
| } |
| |
| class Crossbar(ports: Int, addrbits: Int, databits: Int, idbits: Int) extends Module { |
| val io = IO(new Bundle { |
| val in = Flipped(Vec(ports, new CrossbarIO(addrbits, databits, idbits))) |
| val out = new SramIO(addrbits, databits) |
| }) |
| |
| // Register the command interface and the read data response. 3cc latency. |
| // |
| // Cycle0: arbitrate and controls registered io.in(*) |
| // Cycle1: sram command io.out.valid |
| // Cycle2: {sram data registered} |
| // Cycle3: {pipelined read response} |
| |
| val pidbits = idbits + log2Ceil(ports) |
| val alsb = log2Ceil(databits/8) |
| val amsb = addrbits - 1 |
| val indexbits = addrbits - alsb |
| |
| withReset(reset.asAsyncReset) { |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Arbitrate. |
| val csel0 = RegInit(1.U(ports.W)) |
| assert(PopCount(csel0) === 1.U) |
| |
| def PriorityEncodeValid(i: Int = 0, active: Bool = false.B, output: UInt = 0.U((ports).W)): UInt = { |
| if (i == 0) { |
| PriorityEncodeValid( |
| i + 1, |
| io.in(i).cvalid, |
| io.in(i).cvalid |
| ) |
| } else if (i < ports) { |
| PriorityEncodeValid( |
| i + 1, |
| active || io.in(i).cvalid, |
| Cat(io.in(i).cvalid && !active, output(i - 1, 0)) |
| ) |
| } else { |
| output |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Maintain last selection if no other activity. |
| val cvalid = Wire(Vec(ports, Bool())) |
| for (i <- 0 until ports) { |
| cvalid(i) := io.in(i).cvalid |
| } |
| |
| when (cvalid.asUInt =/= 0.U) { |
| csel0 := PriorityEncodeValid() |
| } |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until ports) { |
| io.in(i).cready := csel0(i) |
| } |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Controls. |
| def CEnable(i: Int = 0, enable: Bool = false.B): Bool = { |
| if (i < ports) { |
| CEnable( |
| i + 1, |
| enable || io.in(i).cvalid && csel0(i) |
| ) |
| } else { |
| enable |
| } |
| } |
| |
| val cen0 = CEnable() |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Controls. |
| val cvalid1 = RegInit(false.B) |
| val cwrite1 = RegInit(false.B) |
| val cindex1 = Reg(UInt(indexbits.W)) |
| val cid1 = Reg(UInt(pidbits.W)) |
| val wdata1 = Reg(UInt(databits.W)) |
| val wmask1 = Reg(UInt((databits / 8).W)) |
| |
| def CData(i: Int = 0, |
| iwrite: Bool = false.B, iindex: UInt = 0.U(indexbits.W), iid: UInt = 0.U(pidbits.W), |
| idata: UInt = 0.U(databits.W), imask: UInt = 0.U((databits / 8).W) |
| ): (Bool, UInt, UInt, UInt, UInt) = { |
| if (i < ports) { |
| CData( |
| i + 1, |
| iwrite || Mux(csel0(i), io.in(i).cwrite, false.B), |
| iindex | Mux(csel0(i), io.in(i).caddr(amsb,alsb), 0.U), |
| iid | Mux(csel0(i), Cat(i.U, io.in(i).cid), 0.U), |
| idata | Mux(csel0(i), io.in(i).wdata, 0.U), |
| imask | Mux(csel0(i), io.in(i).wmask, 0.U) |
| ) |
| } else { |
| (iwrite, iindex, iid, idata, imask) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| cvalid1 := cen0 |
| |
| when (cen0) { |
| val (cwriteNxt, cindexNxt, cidNxt, wdataNxt, wmaskNxt) = CData() |
| cwrite1 := cwriteNxt |
| cindex1 := cindexNxt |
| cid1 := cidNxt |
| when (cwriteNxt) { |
| wdata1 := wdataNxt |
| wmask1 := wmaskNxt |
| } |
| } |
| |
| io.out.valid := cvalid1 |
| io.out.write := cwrite1 |
| io.out.addr := Cat(cindex1, 0.U(alsb.W)) |
| io.out.wdata := wdata1 |
| io.out.wmask := wmask1 |
| |
| assert(!(io.out.valid && io.out.addr(alsb - 1, 0) =/= 0.U)) |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Read Data. |
| val rvalid2 = RegInit(false.B) |
| val rid2 = Reg(UInt(pidbits.W)) |
| |
| rvalid2 := cvalid1 && !cwrite1 |
| rid2 := cid1 |
| |
| // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| // Read Response. |
| val rvalid3 = RegInit(VecInit(Seq.fill(ports)(false.B))) |
| val rid3 = Reg(UInt(idbits.W)) |
| val rdata3 = Reg(UInt(databits.W)) |
| |
| if (ports > 1) { |
| for (i <- 0 until ports) { |
| rvalid3(i) := rvalid2 && rid2(pidbits - 1, idbits) === i.U |
| } |
| } else { |
| rvalid3(0) := rvalid2 |
| } |
| |
| when (rvalid2) { |
| rdata3 := io.out.rdata |
| rid3 := rid2(idbits - 1, 0) |
| } |
| |
| for (i <- 0 until ports) { |
| io.in(i).rvalid := rvalid3(i) |
| io.in(i).rdata := Mux(rvalid3(i), rdata3, 0.U) |
| io.in(i).rid := Mux(rvalid3(i), rid3, 0.U) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| object EmitCrossbar extends App { |
| // 4MB = 2^22 = 2^17 * 256/8 |
| ChiselStage.emitSystemVerilogFile(new Crossbar(4, 22, 256, 8), args) |
| } |