| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // USB Full-Speed Device Interface core internals |
| // |
| // |
| |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| // This module runs on the 48MHz USB clock |
| module usbdev_usbif #( |
| parameter int NEndpoints = 12, |
| parameter int AVFifoWidth = 4, |
| parameter int RXFifoWidth = 4, |
| parameter int MaxPktSizeByte = 64, |
| parameter int NBuf = 4, |
| parameter int SramAw = 4, |
| localparam int NBufWidth = $clog2(NBuf), // derived parameter |
| localparam int PktW = $clog2(MaxPktSizeByte) // derived parameter |
| ) ( |
| input logic clk_48mhz_i, // 48MHz USB clock |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| |
| // Pins (synchronous) |
| input logic usb_d_i, |
| input logic usb_dp_i, |
| input logic usb_dn_i, |
| |
| output logic usb_d_o, |
| output logic usb_se0_o, |
| output logic usb_dp_o, |
| output logic usb_dn_o, |
| output logic usb_oe_o, |
| |
| output logic usb_pullup_en_o, |
| input logic usb_sense_i, |
| |
| // receive (OUT or SETUP) side |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] rx_setup_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] rx_out_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] rx_stall_i, |
| input logic av_rvalid_i, |
| output logic av_rready_o, |
| input logic [AVFifoWidth - 1: 0]av_rdata_i, |
| |
| output logic rx_wvalid_o, |
| input logic rx_wready_i, |
| output logic [RXFifoWidth - 1:0] rx_wdata_o, |
| output logic setup_received_o, |
| output logic [3:0] out_endpoint_o, |
| output logic out_endpoint_val_o, |
| |
| // transmit (IN) side |
| input logic [NBufWidth - 1:0] in_buf_i, |
| input logic [PktW:0] in_size_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] in_stall_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] in_rdy_i, |
| output logic in_ep_xact_end_o, |
| output logic [3:0] in_endpoint_o, |
| output logic in_endpoint_val_o, |
| |
| // memory interface |
| output logic mem_req_o, |
| output logic mem_write_o, |
| output logic [SramAw-1:0] mem_addr_o, |
| output logic [31:0] mem_wdata_o, |
| input logic [31:0] mem_rdata_i, |
| |
| // time reference |
| input logic us_tick_i, |
| |
| // control |
| input logic connect_en_i, |
| input logic [6:0] devaddr_i, |
| output logic clr_devaddr_o, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] in_ep_enabled_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] out_ep_enabled_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] out_ep_iso_i, |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] in_ep_iso_i, |
| input logic diff_rx_ok_i, // 1: differential symbols (K/J) are valid |
| input logic cfg_eop_single_bit_i, // 1: detect a single SE0 bit as EOP |
| input logic cfg_use_diff_rcvr_i, // 1: use single-ended rx data on usb_d_i |
| input logic cfg_pinflip_i, // 1: Treat outputs and inputs as though D+/D- |
| // are flipped |
| input logic tx_osc_test_mode_i, // Oscillator test mode: constant JK output |
| input logic [NEndpoints-1:0] data_toggle_clear_i, // Clear the data toggles for an EP |
| input logic resume_link_active_i, // Jump from LinkPowered to LinkResuming |
| |
| // status |
| output logic frame_start_o, // Pulses with host-generated and internal SOF |
| output logic [10:0] frame_o, |
| output logic sof_valid_o, // Pulses with only host-generated SOF. |
| // Used for clock sync. |
| output logic [2:0] link_state_o, |
| output logic link_disconnect_o, |
| output logic link_powered_o, |
| output logic link_reset_o, |
| output logic link_active_o, |
| output logic link_suspend_o, |
| output logic link_resume_o, |
| output logic link_in_err_o, |
| output logic link_out_err_o, |
| output logic host_lost_o, |
| output logic rx_crc_err_o, |
| output logic rx_pid_err_o, |
| output logic rx_bitstuff_err_o |
| ); |
| |
| // Enable pull-up resistor only if VBUS is active |
| assign usb_pullup_en_o = connect_en_i & usb_sense_i; |
| |
| // OUT or SETUP direction |
| logic [PktW:0] out_max_used_d, out_max_used_q; |
| logic [PktW-1:0] out_ep_put_addr; |
| logic [7:0] out_ep_data; |
| |
| logic [3:0] out_ep_current; |
| logic out_ep_data_put, out_ep_acked, out_ep_rollback; |
| logic current_setup, all_out_blocked; |
| logic [NEndpoints-1:0] out_ep_setup, out_ep_full, out_ep_stall; |
| logic [NEndpoints-1:0] out_blocked; |
| logic [31:0] wdata_q, wdata_d; |
| logic mem_read; |
| logic [SramAw-1:0] mem_waddr, mem_raddr; |
| logic link_reset; |
| |
| // Make sure out_endpoint_o can safely be used to index signals of NEndpoints width. |
| assign out_endpoint_val_o = int'(out_ep_current) < NEndpoints; |
| assign out_endpoint_o = out_endpoint_val_o ? out_ep_current : '0; |
| |
| assign link_reset_o = link_reset; |
| assign clr_devaddr_o = ~connect_en_i | link_reset; |
| assign link_out_err_o = out_ep_rollback; |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| if (out_ep_acked || out_ep_rollback) begin |
| out_max_used_d = 0; |
| |
| end else if (out_ep_data_put) begin |
| // In the normal case <MaxPktSizeByte this is out_max_used_q <= out_ep_put_addr |
| // Following all ones out_max_used_q will get 1,00..00 and 1,00..01 to cover |
| // one and two bytes of the CRC overflowing, then stick at 1,00..01 |
| if (int'(out_max_used_q) < MaxPktSizeByte - 1) begin |
| out_max_used_d = {1'b0, out_ep_put_addr}; |
| end else if (int'(out_max_used_q) < MaxPktSizeByte + 1) begin |
| out_max_used_d = out_max_used_q + 1; |
| end else begin |
| out_max_used_d = out_max_used_q; |
| end |
| |
| end else begin |
| out_max_used_d = out_max_used_q; |
| end |
| end // always_comb |
| |
| // don't write if the address has wrapped (happens for two CRC bytes after max data) |
| logic std_write_d, std_write_q; |
| assign std_write_d = out_ep_data_put & ((int'(out_max_used_q) < MaxPktSizeByte - 1) & |
| (out_ep_put_addr[1:0] == 2'b11)); |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| wdata_d = wdata_q; |
| |
| unique case (out_ep_put_addr[1:0]) |
| 0: wdata_d[7:0] = out_ep_data; |
| 1: wdata_d[15:8] = out_ep_data; |
| 2: wdata_d[23:16] = out_ep_data; |
| 3: wdata_d[31:24] = out_ep_data; |
| default: wdata_d[7:0] = out_ep_data; |
| endcase |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_48mhz_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| out_max_used_q <= '0; |
| wdata_q <= '0; |
| std_write_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| out_max_used_q <= out_max_used_d; |
| std_write_q <= std_write_d; |
| |
| if (out_ep_data_put) begin |
| wdata_q <= wdata_d; |
| end |
| end |
| end // always_ff @ (posedge clk_48mhz_i) |
| |
| // need extra write at end if packet not multiple of 4 bytes |
| assign mem_write_o = av_rvalid_i & (std_write_q | |
| (~out_max_used_q[PktW] & (out_max_used_q[1:0] != 2'b11) & out_ep_acked)); |
| assign mem_waddr = {av_rdata_i, out_max_used_q[PktW-1:2]}; |
| assign mem_wdata_o = wdata_q; |
| assign mem_addr_o = mem_write_o ? mem_waddr : mem_raddr; |
| assign mem_req_o = mem_read | mem_write_o; |
| assign current_setup = out_ep_setup[out_endpoint_o]; |
| |
| logic [PktW:0] out_max_minus1; |
| // -2 for CRC bytes but +1 for zero-based address to size |
| assign out_max_minus1 = out_max_used_q - 1; |
| |
| assign rx_wdata_o = { |
| out_endpoint_o, |
| current_setup, |
| out_max_minus1, |
| av_rdata_i |
| }; |
| assign rx_wvalid_o = out_ep_acked; |
| // Pop the available fifo after the write that used the previous value |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_48mhz_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| av_rready_o <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| av_rready_o <= rx_wvalid_o; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // full here covers the software blocking by clearing the enable |
| assign out_blocked = ~out_ep_setup & ~rx_out_i; |
| // full also covers being blocked because the hardware can't take any transaction |
| assign all_out_blocked = (~rx_wready_i) | (~av_rvalid_i); |
| |
| assign out_ep_full = {NEndpoints{all_out_blocked}} | out_blocked; |
| assign out_ep_stall = rx_stall_i; |
| |
| // Need to clear IN read if a SETUP is received because it may use the IN channel |
| // This will not trigger, if the AV Buffer is empty, in that case we have replied |
| // with a NAK, which is illegal anyway |
| assign setup_received_o = current_setup & rx_wvalid_o; |
| |
| // IN (device to host) transactions |
| logic in_ep_data_get, in_data_done, in_ep_newpkt, pkt_start_rd; |
| logic [NEndpoints-1:0] in_ep_data_done; |
| logic [PktW-1:0] in_ep_get_addr; |
| logic [7:0] in_ep_data; |
| logic [3:0] in_ep_current; |
| |
| // Make sure in_endpoint_o can safely be used to index signals of NEndpoints width. |
| assign in_endpoint_val_o = int'(in_ep_current) < NEndpoints; |
| assign in_endpoint_o = in_endpoint_val_o ? in_ep_current : '0; |
| |
| // The protocol engine will automatically generate done for a full-length packet |
| // Note: this does the correct thing for sending zero length packets |
| assign in_data_done = {1'b0, in_ep_get_addr} == in_size_i; |
| always_comb begin |
| in_ep_data_done = '0; |
| in_ep_data_done[in_endpoint_o] = in_data_done; |
| end |
| |
| // Need extra read at start of packet to get the first word of data |
| // Delay by one cycle from the in_endpoint update |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_48mhz_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| pkt_start_rd <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| pkt_start_rd <= in_ep_newpkt; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| assign mem_raddr = {in_buf_i,in_ep_get_addr[PktW-1:2]}; |
| assign mem_read = pkt_start_rd | (in_ep_data_get & (in_ep_get_addr[1:0] == 2'b0)); |
| |
| assign in_ep_data = in_ep_get_addr[1] ? |
| (in_ep_get_addr[0] ? mem_rdata_i[31:24] : mem_rdata_i[23:16]) : |
| (in_ep_get_addr[0] ? mem_rdata_i[15:8] : mem_rdata_i[7:0]); |
| |
| logic [10:0] frame_index_raw; |
| logic rx_idle_det; |
| logic rx_j_det; |
| |
| usb_fs_nb_pe #( |
| .NumOutEps (NEndpoints), |
| .NumInEps (NEndpoints), |
| .MaxPktSizeByte (MaxPktSizeByte) |
| ) u_usb_fs_nb_pe ( |
| .clk_48mhz_i (clk_48mhz_i), |
| .rst_ni (rst_ni), |
| .link_reset_i (link_reset), |
| .link_active_i (link_active_o), |
| |
| .cfg_eop_single_bit_i (cfg_eop_single_bit_i), |
| .cfg_use_diff_rcvr_i (cfg_use_diff_rcvr_i), |
| .cfg_pinflip_i (cfg_pinflip_i), |
| .tx_osc_test_mode_i (tx_osc_test_mode_i), |
| .data_toggle_clear_i (data_toggle_clear_i), |
| .diff_rx_ok_i (diff_rx_ok_i), |
| |
| .usb_d_i (usb_d_i), |
| .usb_dp_i (usb_dp_i), |
| .usb_dn_i (usb_dn_i), |
| .usb_d_o (usb_d_o), |
| .usb_se0_o (usb_se0_o), |
| .usb_dp_o (usb_dp_o), |
| .usb_dn_o (usb_dn_o), |
| .usb_oe_o (usb_oe_o), |
| |
| .dev_addr_i (devaddr_i), |
| |
| // out endpoint interfaces |
| .out_ep_current_o (out_ep_current), |
| .out_ep_newpkt_o (), |
| .out_ep_data_put_o (out_ep_data_put), |
| .out_ep_put_addr_o (out_ep_put_addr), |
| .out_ep_data_o (out_ep_data), |
| .out_ep_acked_o (out_ep_acked), |
| .out_ep_rollback_o (out_ep_rollback), |
| .out_ep_setup_o (out_ep_setup), |
| .out_ep_enabled_i (out_ep_enabled_i), |
| .out_ep_control_i (rx_setup_i), |
| .out_ep_full_i (out_ep_full), |
| .out_ep_stall_i (out_ep_stall), |
| .out_ep_iso_i (out_ep_iso_i), |
| |
| // in endpoint interfaces |
| .in_ep_current_o (in_ep_current), |
| .in_ep_rollback_o (link_in_err_o), |
| .in_ep_xact_end_o (in_ep_xact_end_o), |
| .in_ep_get_addr_o (in_ep_get_addr), |
| .in_ep_data_get_o (in_ep_data_get), |
| .in_ep_newpkt_o (in_ep_newpkt), |
| .in_ep_enabled_i (in_ep_enabled_i), |
| .in_ep_stall_i (in_stall_i), |
| .in_ep_has_data_i (in_rdy_i), |
| .in_ep_data_i (in_ep_data), |
| .in_ep_data_done_i (in_ep_data_done), |
| .in_ep_iso_i (in_ep_iso_i), |
| |
| // rx status |
| .rx_idle_det_o (rx_idle_det), |
| .rx_j_det_o (rx_j_det), |
| |
| // error signals |
| .rx_crc_err_o (rx_crc_err_o), |
| .rx_pid_err_o (rx_pid_err_o), |
| .rx_bitstuff_err_o (rx_bitstuff_err_o), |
| |
| // sof interface |
| .sof_valid_o (sof_valid_o), |
| .frame_index_o (frame_index_raw) |
| ); |
| |
| // Capture frame number (host sends every 1ms) |
| // Generate an internal SOF if the host's is missing. |
| logic do_internal_sof; |
| logic [10:0] frame_d, frame_q; |
| |
| assign frame_o = frame_q; |
| assign frame_start_o = (frame_q != frame_d); |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| frame_d = frame_q; |
| if (sof_valid_o) begin |
| frame_d = frame_index_raw; |
| end else if (do_internal_sof) begin |
| frame_d = frame_q + 1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_48mhz_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| frame_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| frame_q <= frame_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| usbdev_linkstate u_usbdev_linkstate ( |
| .clk_48mhz_i (clk_48mhz_i), |
| .rst_ni (rst_ni), |
| .us_tick_i (us_tick_i), |
| .usb_sense_i (usb_sense_i), |
| .usb_dp_i (usb_dp_i), |
| .usb_dn_i (usb_dn_i), |
| .usb_oe_i (usb_oe_o), |
| .usb_pullup_en_i (connect_en_i), |
| .rx_idle_det_i (rx_idle_det), |
| .rx_j_det_i (rx_j_det), |
| .sof_valid_i (sof_valid_o), |
| .resume_link_active_i (resume_link_active_i), |
| .link_disconnect_o (link_disconnect_o), |
| .link_powered_o (link_powered_o), |
| .link_reset_o (link_reset), |
| .link_active_o (link_active_o), |
| .link_suspend_o (link_suspend_o), |
| .link_resume_o (link_resume_o), |
| .link_state_o (link_state_o), |
| .host_lost_o (host_lost_o), |
| .sof_missed_o (do_internal_sof) |
| ); |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Assertions // |
| //////////////// |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamNEndpointsValid, (NEndpoints > 0) && (NEndpoints <= 16)) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamAVFifoWidthValid, AVFifoWidth > 0) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamRXFifoWidthValid, RXFifoWidth > 0) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamMaxPktSizeByteValid, MaxPktSizeByte == 64) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamNBufValid, NBuf > 1) |
| // The SRAM should be large enough for all the buffers of max size (4-byte |
| // data width) |
| `ASSERT_INIT(ParamSramAwValid, SramAw >= NBufWidth + PktW - 2) |
| |
| endmodule |