blob: a7180e11dbf2ed3fadd339ab822f487eca2b9de5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "rstmgr"
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/dvsim/testplans/alert_test_testplan.hjson",
// TODO: Top-level specific Hjson imported here. This will likely be resolved
// once we move to IPgen flow.
testpoints: [
name: smoke
desc: '''
Smoke test accessing a major datapath within the rstmgr.
Checks the behavior of rstmgr when receiving various reset requests.
- Send a scan reset.
- Send a low power entry reset.
- Send a peripheral reset request.
- Send a debug reset.
- Configure a software request for peripheral reset.
- Set alert and cpu dump inputs to random values.
- Checks the reset_info matches expected values.
- Checks the `alert_info` CSR correctly captures the input info.
- Checks the `cpu_info` CSR correctly captures the input info.
- Checks the output reset pins corresponding to sw resettable
units match `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSR.
stage: V1
tests: ["rstmgr_smoke"]
name: reset_stretcher
desc: '''Test the POR reset signal must be stable for multiple cycles.
The POR reset signal must remain active for at least 32 consecutive
cycles before going inactive for the rest of the reset tree to go
- Activate POR, and de-activate it at a random width less than 32
cycles between de-activations for N de-activations.
- With SVA check the output reset is only set if the input reset
has had at least 32 cycles of steady input reset active.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_por_stretcher"]
name: sw_rst
desc: '''Test the sw_rst functionality.
The `sw_rst_regwen` and `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSRs control the specific
reset outputs to peripherals in the following sequence:
- Test all `sw_rst_ctrl_n` bits when `sw_rst_regwen` is all 1's.
- Clear each `sw_rst_regwen` bit to verify the corresponding resets
are masked.
- Write `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSR with random values when regwen is all 1's.
- Clear each `sw_rst_regwen` bit and write `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSR with
all 0's.
- After each regwen bit check set `sw_rst_ctrl_n` to all 1's.
- Check that the zero bits in `sw_rst_ctrl_n` enabled by
`sw_rst_regwen` cause the respective resets to become active.
- Check that the zero bits in `sw_rst_ctrl_n` disabled by
`sw_rst_regwen` have no effect on resets.
- Check the `reset_info`, `cpu_info`, and `alert_info` CSRs are not modified.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sw_rst"]
name: sw_rst_reset_race
desc: '''Test sw_rst and reset close in time.
Sends sw_rst and regular resets in close temporal proximity.
- Write `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSR with random values when regwen is all 1's.
- Send a hardware reset.
- Release resets.
- Check the `reset_info` CSR.
- Reset behavior is checked by SVA.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_sw_rst_reset_race"]
name: reset_info
desc: '''Test the reporting of reset reason.
- Generate the different resets recorded in `reset_info` CSR.
- Randomly clear `reset_info` (it is rw1c).
- The resulting setting of `reset_info` is as expected.
- Each bit was set at least once.
- Each bit was cleared at least once.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_reset"]
name: cpu_info
desc: '''Test the cpu_info recording.
The `cpu_info` CSR register(s) can capture the contents of the
`cpu_dump_i` input when resets happen and it is enabled.
- Regularly modify the `cpu_dump_i` input.
- With `cpu_regwen` on, randomly set `cpu_info_ctrl.en` to control
whether the dump should be captured.
- Generate reset(s) as in `smoke` testpoint.
- Verify the `cpu_info` is only captured when enabled.
- Verify the `cpu_info` contents at each `cpu_info_ctrl.index`
matches the expected value.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_reset"]
name: alert_info
desc: '''Test the alert_info recording.
The `alert_info` CSR register(s) can capture the contents of the
`alert_dump_i` input when resets happen and it is enabled.
- Regularly modify the `alert_dump_i` input.
- With `alert_regwen` on, randomly set `alert_info_ctrl.en` to
control whether the dump should be captured.
- Generate reset(s) as in `smoke` testpoint.
- Verify the `alert_info` is only captured when enabled.
- Verify the `alert_info` contents at each `alert_info_ctrl.index`
matches the expected value.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_reset"]
name: reset_info_capture
desc: '''Test the capture blocking effect of rst_cpu_n input.
After an AON reset reset capture is blocked until the input
rst_cpu_n goes inactive.
- Wait for a random number of resets before setting rst_cpu_n
- Non-AON resets prior to this event don't capture.
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_reset"]
name: stress_all
desc: '''This runs random tests sequentially.
Stress with the following sequences:
- rstmgr_reset_vseq
- rstmgr_smoke_vseq
- rstmgr_sw_rst_vseq
stage: V2
tests: ["rstmgr_stress_all"]
covergroups: [
name: reset_stretcher_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on the reset_stretcher functionality.
The stretcher counter is reset when por_n_i is not stable.
Collect both the count at the point of instability, and the
number of times the counter was reset.
name: alert_info_capture_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on reset type and enable when reset occurs.
Uses `reset_cp` that records the reset encoded as in `reset_info`
CSR, and `ctrl_en_cp` capturing `alert_info_ctrl.en` CSR, and
creates the per-reset_cp bit cross.
name: alert_info_access_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on the reads of alert_info.
This captures `alert_info_ctrl.index` CSR to verify all fields
of alert_info have been read.
name: cpu_info_capture_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on the reset and enable when reset occurs.
Uses `reset_cp` that records the reset encoded as in `reset_info`
CSR, and `ctrl_en_cp` capturing `cpu_info_ctrl.en` CSR, and creates
the per-reset_cp bit cross.
name: cpu_info_access_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on the reads of cpu_info.
This captures `cpu_info_ctrl.index` CSR to verify all fields
of cpu_info have been read.
name: sw_rst_cg
desc: '''Collects coverage on the software reset functionality.
Each bit of the pair `sw_rst_regwen` and `sw_rst_ctrl_n` CSRs
independently control if the corresponding output reset is
This collects one coverpoint for each, and their cross.