blob: 47987dfb1f4092c10a87eeff2134e01f888f1155 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for SHA3
#waive -rules {} -location {} -regexp {} -comment ""
waive -rules {CLOCK_USE} -location {} -regexp {clk_i' is connected to 'keccak_2share' port} \
-comment "In EnMasking = 0, no clock is used in keccak round module"
waive -rules {RESET_USE} -location {} -regexp {'rst_ni' is connected to} \
-comment "No reset is used if EnMasking = 0. connected to unused_* signal"
waive -rules {TWO_STATE_TYPE} -location {} \
-regexp {'index_z' is of two state} \
-comment "index_z behaves as constant"
waive -rules {ARITH_CONTEXT} -location {} -regexp {.*Bitlength of arithmetic operation.*is self-determined in this context.*} \
-comment "Carry issue when determining the bit length."
waive -rules {VAR_INDEX_RANGE} -location {} -regexp {.*of length 32 excluding the sign bit is larger than the.*bits required to address.*} \
-comment "Indexing range does not match."