blob: 573d985a3f7f9f0cec98f0d4d297f6ccd18ea778 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Azure template for archiving pipeline step outputs and uploading them.
# This template will archive all of $BIN_DIR, and upload it for use by
# downstream jobs using download-artifacts-template.yml.
# This template expects that a variable $BUILD_ROOT is set. See
# util/ for more information.
# Rsync-style file patterns to include in the partial BIN_DIR output. If a
# file is captured by these patterns, but it was previously downloaded via
# ci/download-artifacts-template.yml, it will not be uploaded again.
- name: includePatterns
type: object
default: []
# Rsync-style file patterns to unconditionally include in the partial BIN_DIR
# output. If a file is captured by these patterns, it will be uploaded even if
# it came from ci/download-artifacts-template.yml.
- name: unconditionalIncludePatterns
type: object
default: []
- bash: |
set -e
test -n "$BUILD_ROOT"
. util/
# Write all sets of include patterns to files used by rsync.
echo -e "${{ join('\n', parameters.includePatterns) }}" > "$BUILD_ROOT/include_patterns.txt"
echo -e "${{ join('\n', parameters.unconditionalIncludePatterns) }}" > "$BUILD_ROOT/unconditional_include_patterns.txt"
echo Files matching these patterns will be included in the binary build
echo artifact for this job unless they were downloaded from an upstream job:
echo vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
cat "$BUILD_ROOT/include_patterns.txt"
echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
echo Files matching these patterns will always be included in the binary
echo build artifact for this job:
echo vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
cat "$BUILD_ROOT/unconditional_include_patterns.txt"
echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
# The file upstream_bin_dir_contents.txt lists all files which were part
# of an "upstream" BIN_DIR which got downloaded at the beginning of this
# job. Ensure that this file exists, even if no upstream BIN_DIR was
# downloaded.
touch "$BUILD_ROOT/upstream_bin_dir_contents.txt"
mkdir -p "$BIN_DIR"
echo Copying files into the output archive:
rsync \
--archive \
--verbose \
--remove-source-files \
--prune-empty-dirs \
--include-from="$BUILD_ROOT/unconditional_include_patterns.txt" \
--exclude-from="$BUILD_ROOT/upstream_bin_dir_contents.txt" \
--include="*/" \
--include-from="$BUILD_ROOT/include_patterns.txt" \
--exclude="*" \
"${BIN_DIR_FULL}/" "${BIN_DIR}/"
echo 'Files in $BIN_DIR not considered outputs of this job:'
echo vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
find "$BIN_DIR_FULL"
echo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
tar -C "$BUILD_ROOT" \
-cvf "$BUILD_ROOT/build-bin.tar" \
displayName: Archive step outputs
- publish: "$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/build-bin.tar"
# The PhaseName is the string after the "job" key in the build description,
# e.g. "job: my_phase_name".
artifact: partial-build-bin-$(System.PhaseName)
displayName: Upload step outputs