blob: 497101c79845e47800848a6424f9472e3389fb4c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI byte to SPI (Single/ Dual/ Quad)
module spi_p2s
import spi_device_pkg::*;
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// Input byte interface
input data_valid_i,
input spi_byte_t data_i,
output logic data_sent_o,
// SPI interface
input logic csb_i, // for line floating
output logic [3:0] s_en_o,
output logic [3:0] s_o,
// Configuration
// If CPHA=1, then the first byte should be delayed.
// But this does not matter in SPI Flash. Only applicable to Generic mode
input cpha_i,
// Control
// txorder: controls which bit goes out first.
input order_i,
// IO mode
input io_mode_e io_mode_i
// Definition //
localparam int unsigned Bits = $bits(spi_byte_t);
localparam int unsigned BitWidth = $clog2(Bits);
typedef logic [BitWidth-1:0] count_t;
typedef enum logic {
} tx_state_e;
tx_state_e tx_state; // Only for handling CPHA
// Latching io_mode_i when last beat is set.
// This guarantees cnt not abruptly changed during operation
// which affects `last_beat` again.
io_mode_e io_mode;
// in Mode3, the logic skips first clock edge to move to next bit.
// This is not necessary for Flash / Passthrough mode. But Generic mode
// sends the data through TX line right after reset
logic first_beat, last_beat;
count_t cnt;
logic [3:0] out_enable;
spi_byte_t out_shift, out_shift_d;
// Enable selection
// in Single mode, line 1 is for output.
// in Dual mode, line 0:1 are for output
// in Quad mode, all lines 0:3 are for output.
always_comb begin
out_enable = 4'b 0000; // default
unique case (io_mode)
SingleIO: begin
out_enable = {2'b 00, data_valid_i, 1'b 0};
DualIO: begin
out_enable = {2'b 00, {2{data_valid_i}}};
QuadIO: begin
out_enable = {4{data_valid_i}};
default: begin
out_enable = 4'b 0000;
assign s_en_o = (csb_i) ? 4'b 0000 : out_enable ;
// `data_sent`
// Popping signal is a little bit tricky if p2s supports Quad IO
// The sent signal cannot be sent at the end of the beat, as it does not have
// enought time to affect the FIFO.
// If the sent signal asserted at the first beat, at the very first byte of
// SPI has no time to assert valid signal. So the sent signal does not affect
// the FIFO. So the logic sends first byte twice.
// This won't affect in Flash mode as in Flash/Passthrough mode, first byte is
// always SPI command. It does not send anything on the SPI bus.
// So, the logic generating `sent` signal looks not straightforward. It tries
// assert second last beat. So, in SingleIO (right after reset always), it
// asserts at 7th beat. Then the mode could be changed to Dual/ Quad.
always_comb begin
data_sent_o = 1'b 0;
unique case (io_mode)
SingleIO: data_sent_o = (cnt == BitWidth'(6));
DualIO: data_sent_o = (cnt == BitWidth'(2));
QuadIO: data_sent_o = (cnt == BitWidth'(0));
default: data_sent_o = '0;
// data shift
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
unique case (io_mode)
SingleIO: begin
out_shift <= (order_i) ? {1'b0, out_shift_d[7:1]} : {out_shift_d[6:0], 1'b0};
DualIO: begin
out_shift <= (order_i) ? {2'b0, out_shift_d[7:2]} : {out_shift_d[5:0], 2'b0};
QuadIO: begin
out_shift <= (order_i) ? {4'b0, out_shift_d[7:4]} : {out_shift_d[3:0], 4'b0};
default: begin
out_shift <= out_shift_d;
// out_shift_d
assign out_shift_d = (first_beat) ? data_i : out_shift;
// SPI out
always_comb begin
s_o = 4'b 0000;
unique case (io_mode)
SingleIO: begin
s_o[1] = (order_i) ? ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[0] : data_i[0])
: ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[7] : data_i[7]);
DualIO: begin
s_o[1:0] = (order_i) ? ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[1:0] : data_i[1:0])
: ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[7:6] : data_i[7:6]);
QuadIO: begin
s_o = (order_i) ? ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[3:0] : data_i[3:0])
: ((!first_beat) ? out_shift[7:4] : data_i[7:4]);
default: begin
s_o = 4'b 0000;
// io_mode
// io_mode reset value is SingleIO (as described in assumption)
// Then, every byte sent, the logic updates its value to `io_mode_i`
// This makes the logic safer than direct use of `io_mode_i`.
// If `io_mode_i` value is changed within a byte, it affects to `last_beat`
// then, the incorrect `last_beat` affects `cnt`, which could break
// the data operation.
// Following logic has high chance to break the rule. As there's no
// indication of the end of a byte. `data_sent_o` is not a valid indicator
// as the signal asserted one cycle earlier than the last beat.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
io_mode <= SingleIO;
end else if (last_beat) begin
io_mode <= io_mode_i;
// cnt
// TODO: Consider dummy cycle that is not aligned to a byte
// Is this valid scenario?
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
cnt <= BitWidth'(0);
end else if (last_beat) begin
cnt <= BitWidth'(0);
end else if (tx_state != TxIdle || cpha_i == 1'b 0) begin
cnt <= cnt + 1'b 1;
assign first_beat = (cnt == '0);
// Last beat depends on the mode
always_comb begin
last_beat = 1'b 0;
unique case (io_mode)
SingleIO: last_beat = (cnt == BitWidth'('h7));
DualIO: last_beat = (cnt == BitWidth'('h3));
QuadIO: last_beat = (cnt == BitWidth'('h1));
default: last_beat = BitWidth'(0);
// State //
// At reset, tx state sits in TxIdle. It moves to TxActive.
// This is to delay the first posedge in Mode 3.
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
tx_state <= TxIdle;
end else begin
tx_state <= TxActive;
// Assumption //
// Right after reset (CSb assert), the io_mode_i shall be Single IO
`ASSERT(IoModeDefault_A, $rose(rst_ni) |-> io_mode_i == SingleIO, clk_i, 0)
// io_mode shall be changed when bit 0.
`ASSERT(IoModeChangeValid_A, $changed(io_mode_i) |-> first_beat)
endmodule : spi_p2s