blob: ef9534f00b8256958a7ab1ee1d02182eb0ddac9b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// SPI FW Mode: Intention of this mode is to download FW image. Doesn't parse Commands
module spi_fwmode
import spi_device_pkg::*;
// Configurations
// No sync logic. Configuration should be static when SPI operating
input spi_mode_e mode_i, // Only works at mode_i == FwMode
// RX, TX FIFO interface
output logic rx_wvalid_o,
input rx_wready_i,
output spi_byte_t rx_data_o,
input tx_rvalid_i,
output logic tx_rready_o,
input spi_byte_t tx_data_i,
output logic rx_overflow_o,
output logic tx_underflow_o,
// Serial to Parallel
input rx_data_valid_i,
input spi_byte_t rx_data_i,
output io_mode_e io_mode_o,
// Parallel to SPI
output logic tx_wvalid_o,
output spi_byte_t tx_data_o,
input tx_wready_i
import spi_device_pkg::*;
assign rx_wvalid_o = rx_data_valid_i;
assign rx_data_o = rx_data_i;
assign tx_wvalid_o = 1'b 1;
assign tx_rready_o = tx_wready_i;
assign tx_data_o = tx_data_i;
// Generic Mode only uses SingleIO. s_i[0] is MOSI, s_o[1] is MISO.
assign io_mode_o = SingleIO;
// Events: rx_overflow, tx_underflow
// Reminder: Those events are not 100% accurate. If the event happens at
// the end of the transaction right before CSb de-assertion, the event
// cannot be propagated to the main clock domain due to the reset and lack
// of SCK after CSb de-assertion.
// For these events to be propagated to the main clock domain, it needds
// one more clock edge to creates toggle signal in the pulse synchronizer.
assign rx_overflow_o = rx_wvalid_o & ~rx_wready_i;
assign tx_underflow_o = tx_rready_o & ~tx_rvalid_i;