blob: 45de2f2ae86c1625599651bad67e05f3537a8505 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Rules for svlint, a SystemVerilog linter commonly used in editors.
# The configuration matches the lowRISC SystemVerilog style guide at
# See for a list of rules.
exclude_paths = ["build.*", "sw/.*", ".sv.tpl$"]
case_default = true
enum_with_type = true
for_with_begin = true
function_same_as_system_function = true
function_with_automatic = true
generate_for_with_label = true
generate_if_with_label = true
generate_keyword_forbidden = true
generate_keyword_required = false
genvar_declaration_in_loop = true
genvar_declaration_out_loop = false
if_with_begin = true
inout_with_tri = false
input_with_var = false
interface_port_with_modport = false
legacy_always = false
level_sensitive_always = true
loop_variable_declaration = true
non_ansi_module = true
output_with_var = false
parameter_in_package = false
priority_keyword = true
tab_character = true
unique0_keyword = false
unique_keyword = false
wire_reg = true
generate_keyword = false
tab_charactor = false
genvar_declaration = false