blob: 3e590f1bb3a94c365207cbd18a3115ccaccbdaa3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
from design.mubi import prim_mubi # type: ignore
from reggen.access import SWAccess, HWAccess
from reggen.bits import Bits
from reggen.enum_entry import EnumEntry
from reggen.lib import (check_keys, check_str, check_name, check_bool,
check_list, check_str_list, check_xint)
from reggen.params import ReggenParams
'bits': ['b', "bit or bit range (msb:lsb)"]
'name': ['s', "name of the field"],
'desc': [
"description of field (required if the field has a name). "
"This field supports the markdown syntax."
'alias_target': [
"name of the field to apply the alias definition to."
'swaccess': [
's', "software access permission, copied from "
"register if not provided in field. "
"(Tool adds if not provided.)"
'hwaccess': [
's', "hardware access permission, copied from "
"register if not prvided in field. "
"(Tool adds if not provided.)"
'hwqe': [
'b', "'true' if hardware uses 'q' enable signal, "
"which is latched signal of software write pulse. "
"Copied from register if not provided in field. "
"(Tool adds if not provided.)"
'resval': [
'x', "reset value, comes from register resval "
"if not provided in field. Zero if neither "
"are provided and the field is readable, "
"x if neither are provided and the field "
"is wo. Must match if both are provided."
'enum': ['l', "list of permitted enumeration groups"],
'tags': [
"tags for the field, followed by the format 'tag_name:item1:item2...'"
'mubi': [
"boolean flag for whether the field is a multi-bit type"
class Field:
def __init__(self,
name: str,
alias_target: Optional[str],
desc: Optional[str],
tags: List[str],
swaccess: SWAccess,
hwaccess: HWAccess,
hwqe: bool,
bits: Bits,
resval: Optional[int],
enum: Optional[List[EnumEntry]],
mubi: bool): = name
self.alias_target = alias_target
self.desc = desc
self.tags = tags
self.swaccess = swaccess
self.hwaccess = hwaccess
self.hwqe = hwqe
self.bits = bits
self.resval = resval
self.enum = enum
self.mubi = mubi
def from_raw(reg_name: str,
field_idx: int,
num_fields: int,
default_swaccess: SWAccess,
default_hwaccess: HWAccess,
reg_resval: Optional[int],
reg_width: int,
params: ReggenParams,
hwext: bool,
default_hwqe: bool,
shadowed: bool,
is_alias: bool,
raw: object) -> 'Field':
where = 'field {} of {} register'.format(field_idx, reg_name)
rd = check_keys(raw, where,
raw_name = rd.get('name')
if raw_name is None:
name = ('field{}'.format(field_idx + 1)
if num_fields > 1 else reg_name)
name = check_name(raw_name, 'name of {}'.format(where))
alias_target = None
if rd.get('alias_target') is not None:
if is_alias:
alias_target = check_name(rd.get('alias_target'),
'name of alias target register')
raise ValueError('Field {} may not have an alias_target key.'
raw_desc = rd.get('desc')
if raw_desc is None and raw_name is not None:
raise ValueError('Missing desc field for {}'
if raw_desc is None:
desc = None
desc = check_str(raw_desc, 'desc field for {}'.format(where))
tags = check_str_list(rd.get('tags', []),
'tags for {}'.format(where))
raw_swaccess = rd.get('swaccess')
if raw_swaccess is not None:
swaccess = SWAccess(where, raw_swaccess)
swaccess = default_swaccess
raw_hwaccess = rd.get('hwaccess')
if raw_hwaccess is not None:
hwaccess = HWAccess(where, raw_hwaccess)
hwaccess = default_hwaccess
raw_hwqe = rd.get('hwqe', default_hwqe)
hwqe = check_bool(raw_hwqe, 'hwqe field for {}'.format(where))
raw_mubi = rd.get('mubi', False)
is_mubi = check_bool(raw_mubi, 'mubi field for {}'.format(where))
# Currently internal shadow registers do not support hw write type
if not hwext and shadowed and hwaccess.allows_write():
raise ValueError('Internal Shadow registers do not currently support '
'hardware write')
bits = Bits.from_raw(where, reg_width, params, rd['bits'])
raw_resval = rd.get('resval')
if is_mubi:
# When mubi type, the resval supplied is a boolean which is converted
# to a mubi value
chk_resval = check_bool(raw_resval, 'resval field for {}'.format(where))
# Check mubi width is supported
if not prim_mubi.is_width_valid(bits.width()):
raise ValueError(f'mubi field for {name} does not support width '
f'of {bits.width()}')
# Get actual integer value based on mubi selection
raw_resval = prim_mubi.mubi_value_as_int(chk_resval, bits.width())
if raw_resval is None:
# The field doesn't define a reset value. Use bits from reg_resval
# if it's defined. If not, we assume that a hwext register comes up
# as "x" (because the reggen code doesn't have any way to predict
# it). That's represented as None. A non-hwext register is reset to
# zero.
if reg_resval is not None:
resval = bits.extract_field(reg_resval) # type: Optional[int]
elif hwext:
resval = None
resval = 0
# The field does define a reset value. It should be an integer or
# 'x'. In the latter case, we set resval to None (as above).
resval = check_xint(raw_resval, 'resval field for {}'.format(where))
if resval is None:
# We don't allow a field to be explicitly 'x' on reset but for
# the containing register to have a reset value.
if reg_resval is not None:
raise ValueError('resval field for {} is "x", but the '
'register defines a resval as well.'
# Check that the reset value is representable with bits
if not (0 <= resval <= bits.max_value()):
raise ValueError("resval field for {} is {}, which "
"isn't representable as an unsigned "
"{}-bit integer."
.format(where, resval, bits.width()))
# If the register had a resval, check this value matches it.
if reg_resval is not None:
resval_from_reg = bits.extract_field(reg_resval)
if resval != resval_from_reg:
raise ValueError('resval field for {} is {}, but the '
'register defines a resval as well, '
'where bits {}:{} would give {}.'
.format(where, resval,
bits.msb, bits.lsb,
raw_enum = rd.get('enum')
if raw_enum is None:
enum = None
enum = []
raw_entries = check_list(raw_enum,
'enum field for {}'.format(where))
enum_val_to_name = {} # type: Dict[int, str]
for idx, raw_entry in enumerate(raw_entries):
entry = EnumEntry('entry {} in enum list for {}'
.format(idx + 1, where),
if entry.value in enum_val_to_name:
raise ValueError('In {}, duplicate enum entries for '
'value {} ({} and {}).'
enum_val_to_name[entry.value] =
return Field(name, alias_target, desc, tags, swaccess, hwaccess,
hwqe, bits, resval, enum, is_mubi)
def has_incomplete_enum(self) -> bool:
return (self.enum is not None and
len(self.enum) != 1 + self.bits.max_value())
def get_n_bits(self, hwext: bool, hwre: bool, bittype: List[str]) -> int:
'''Get the size of this field in bits
bittype should be a list of the types of signals to count. The elements
should come from the following list:
- 'q': A signal for the value of the field. Only needed if HW can read
its contents.
- 'd': A signal for the next value of the field. Only needed if HW can
write its contents.
- 'de': A write enable signal for hardware accesses. Only needed if HW
can write the field's contents and the register data is stored in the
register block (true if the hwext flag is false).
n_bits = 0
if "q" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += self.bits.width()
if "d" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_write():
n_bits += self.bits.width()
if "qe" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += int(self.hwqe)
if "re" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_read():
n_bits += int(hwre)
if "de" in bittype and self.hwaccess.allows_write():
n_bits += int(not hwext)
return n_bits
def make_multi(self,
reg_width: int,
min_reg_idx: int,
max_reg_idx: int,
cname: str,
creg_idx: int,
stripped: bool) -> List['Field']:
assert 0 <= min_reg_idx <= max_reg_idx
# Check that we won't overflow reg_width. We assume that the LSB should
# be preserved: if msb=5, lsb=2 then the replicated copies will be
# [5:2], [11:8] etc.
num_copies = 1 + max_reg_idx - min_reg_idx
field_width = self.bits.msb + 1
if field_width * num_copies > reg_width:
raise ValueError('Cannot replicate field {} {} times: the '
'resulting width would be {}, but the register '
'width is just {}.'
.format(, num_copies,
field_width * num_copies, reg_width))
desc = ('For {}{}'.format(cname, creg_idx)
if stripped else self.desc)
enum = None if stripped else self.enum
ret = []
for reg_idx in range(min_reg_idx, max_reg_idx + 1):
name = '{}_{}'.format(, reg_idx)
# In case this is an alias register, we need to make sure that
# the alias_target name is expanded as well.
alias_target = None
if self.alias_target is not None:
alias_target = '{}_{}'.format(self.alias_target, reg_idx)
bit_offset = field_width * (reg_idx - min_reg_idx)
bits = (self.bits
if bit_offset == 0
else self.bits.make_translated(bit_offset))
ret.append(Field(name, alias_target, desc,
self.tags, self.swaccess, self.hwaccess, self.hwqe,
bits, self.resval, enum, self.mubi))
return ret
def make_suffixed(self, suffix: str,
cname: str,
creg_idx: int,
stripped: bool) -> 'Field':
desc = ('For {}{}'.format(cname, creg_idx)
if stripped else self.desc)
enum = None if stripped else self.enum
alias_target = None
if self.alias_target is not None:
alias_target = self.alias_target + suffix
return Field( + suffix, alias_target,
desc, self.tags, self.swaccess, self.hwaccess, self.hwqe,
self.bits, self.resval, enum, self.mubi)
def _asdict(self) -> Dict[str, object]:
rd = {
'bits': self.bits.as_str(),
'swaccess': self.swaccess.key,
'hwaccess': self.hwaccess.key,
'resval': 'x' if self.resval is None else str(self.resval),
'tags': self.tags
} # type: Dict[str, object]
if self.desc is not None:
rd['desc'] = self.desc
if self.enum is not None:
rd['enum'] = self.enum
if self.alias_target is not None:
rd['alias_target'] = self.alias_target
return rd
def sw_readable(self) -> bool:
return self.swaccess.key not in ['wo', 'r0w1c']
def sw_writable(self) -> bool:
return self.swaccess.key != 'ro'
def apply_alias(self, alias_field: 'Field', where: str) -> None:
'''Compare all attributes and replace overridable values.
This updates the overridable field attributes with the alias values and
ensures that all non-overridable attributes have identical values.
# Attributes to be crosschecked
attrs = ['bits', 'swaccess', 'hwaccess', 'hwqe', 'mubi']
for attr in attrs:
if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(alias_field, attr):
raise ValueError('Value mismatch for attribute {} between '
'alias field {} and field {} in {}.'
.format(attr,,, where))
# These attributes can be overridden by the aliasing mechanism. =
self.desc = alias_field.desc
self.enum = alias_field.enum
self.resval = alias_field.resval
self.tags = alias_field.tags
# We also keep track of the alias_target when overriding attributes.
# This gives us a way to check whether a register has been overridden
# or not, and what the name of the original register was.
self.alias_target = alias_field.alias_target
def scrub_alias(self, where: str) -> None:
'''Replaces sensitive fields in field with generic names
This function can be used to create the generic field descriptions
from full alias hjson definitions.
# These attributes are scrubbed. Note that the name is scrubbed in
# already.
self.desc = ''
self.enum = []
self.resval = 0
self.tags = []
self.alias_target = None