| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| module top_earlgrey_artys7 #( |
| // Path to a VMEM file containing the contents of the boot ROM, which will be |
| // baked into the FPGA bitstream. |
| parameter BootRomInitFile = "boot_rom_fpga_artys7.32.vmem" |
| ) ( |
| // Clock and Reset |
| input IO_CLK, |
| input IO_RST_N, |
| // JTAG interface -- not hooked up at the moment |
| // inout IO_DPS0, // IO_JTCK, IO_SDCK |
| // inout IO_DPS3, // IO_JTMS, IO_SDCSB |
| // inout IO_DPS1, // IO_JTDI, IO_SDSDI |
| // inout IO_DPS4, // IO_JTRST_N, |
| // inout IO_DPS5, // IO_JSRST_N, |
| // inout IO_DPS2, // IO_JTDO, IO_SDO |
| // inout IO_DPS6, // JTAG=1, SPI=0 |
| // inout IO_DPS7, // BOOTSTRAP=1 |
| // UART interface |
| inout IO_URX, |
| inout IO_UTX, |
| // USB interface |
| inout IO_USB_DP0, |
| inout IO_USB_DN0, |
| inout IO_USB_SENSE0, |
| inout IO_USB_DNPULLUP0, |
| inout IO_USB_DPPULLUP0, |
| // GPIO x 16 interface |
| inout IO_GP0, |
| inout IO_GP1, |
| inout IO_GP2, |
| inout IO_GP3, |
| inout IO_GP4, |
| inout IO_GP5, |
| inout IO_GP6, |
| inout IO_GP7, |
| inout IO_GP8, |
| inout IO_GP9, |
| inout IO_GP10, |
| inout IO_GP11, |
| inout IO_GP12, |
| inout IO_GP13, |
| inout IO_GP14, |
| inout IO_GP15 |
| ); |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // Padring Instance // |
| ////////////////////// |
| |
| logic clk_main, clk_usb_48mhz, rst_n; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][padctrl_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core, mio_out_padring; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core, mio_oe_padring; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core, mio_in_padring; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_padring; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_padring; |
| logic [padctrl_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_padring; |
| |
| padring #( |
| // MIOs 31:20 are currently not |
| // connected to pads and hence tied off |
| .ConnectMioIn ( 32'h0000FFFF ), |
| .ConnectMioOut ( 32'h0000FFFF ), |
| // Tied off DIOs: |
| // 2: usbdev_d |
| // 3: usbdev_suspend |
| // 4: usbdev_tx_mode |
| // 7: usbdev_se |
| // 11-14: SPI / JTAG |
| .ConnectDioIn ( 15'h0763 ), |
| .ConnectDioOut ( 15'h0763 ) |
| ) padring ( |
| // Clk / Rst |
| .clk_pad_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .clk_usb_48mhz_pad_i ( 1'b0 ), |
| .rst_pad_ni ( 1'b0 ), |
| .clk_o ( ), |
| .clk_usb_48mhz_o ( ), |
| .rst_no ( ), |
| // MIO Pads |
| .mio_pad_io ( { 16'bz, // Note that 31:16 are currently not mapped |
| IO_GP15, |
| IO_GP14, |
| IO_GP13, |
| IO_GP12, |
| IO_GP11, |
| IO_GP10, |
| IO_GP9, |
| IO_GP8, |
| IO_GP7, |
| IO_GP6, |
| IO_GP5, |
| IO_GP4, |
| IO_GP3, |
| IO_GP2, |
| IO_GP1, |
| IO_GP0 } ), |
| // DIO Pads |
| .dio_pad_io ( { 4'bz, |
| IO_URX, |
| IO_UTX, |
| 1'bz, // usbdev_se0 |
| 1'bz, // usbdev_tx_mode |
| 1'bz, // usbdev_suspend |
| 1'bz, // usbdev_d |
| IO_USB_DP0, |
| IO_USB_DN0 } ), |
| // Muxed IOs |
| .mio_in_o ( mio_in_padring ), |
| .mio_out_i ( mio_out_padring ), |
| .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_padring ), |
| // Dedicated IOs |
| .dio_in_o ( dio_in_padring ), |
| .dio_out_i ( dio_out_padring ), |
| .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_padring ), |
| // Pad Attributes |
| .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ), |
| .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr ) |
| ); |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // JTAG Overlay Mux // |
| ////////////////////// |
| |
| // Unlike nexysvideo, there is currently no dedicated |
| // JTAG port available, hence tie off. |
| logic jtag_trst_n, jtag_srst_n; |
| logic jtag_tck, jtag_tms, jtag_tdi, jtag_tdo; |
| |
| assign jtag_trst_n = 1'b1; |
| assign jtag_srst_n = 1'b1; |
| assign jtag_tck = 1'b0; |
| assign jtag_tms = 1'b0; |
| assign jtag_tdi = 1'b0; |
| |
| assign mio_in_core = mio_in_padring; |
| assign mio_out_padring = mio_out_core; |
| assign mio_oe_padring = mio_oe_core; |
| assign dio_in_core = dio_in_padring; |
| assign dio_out_padring = dio_out_core; |
| assign dio_oe_padring = dio_oe_core; |
| |
| ////////////////// |
| // PLL for FPGA // |
| ////////////////// |
| |
| clkgen_xil7series # ( |
| .AddClkBuf(0) |
| ) clkgen ( |
| .IO_CLK, |
| .IO_RST_N, |
| .jtag_srst_n, |
| .clk_main(clk_main), |
| .clk_48MHz(clk_usb_48mhz), |
| .rst_n(rst_n) |
| ); |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // Top-level design // |
| ////////////////////// |
| pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_ast_rsp_t ast_base_pwr; |
| ast_wrapper_pkg::ast_rst_t ast_base_rst; |
| ast_wrapper_pkg::ast_alert_req_t ast_base_alerts; |
| ast_wrapper_pkg::ast_status_t ast_base_status; |
| |
| assign ast_base_pwr.slow_clk_val = pwrmgr_pkg::DiffValid; |
| assign ast_base_pwr.core_clk_val = pwrmgr_pkg::DiffValid; |
| assign ast_base_pwr.io_clk_val = pwrmgr_pkg::DiffValid; |
| assign ast_base_pwr.usb_clk_val = pwrmgr_pkg::DiffValid; |
| assign ast_base_pwr.main_pok = 1'b1; |
| |
| assign ast_base_alerts.alerts_p = '0; |
| assign ast_base_alerts.alerts_n = {ast_wrapper_pkg::NumAlerts{1'b1}}; |
| assign ast_base_status.io_pok = {ast_wrapper_pkg::NumIoRails{1'b1}}; |
| |
| // the rst_ni pin only goes to AST |
| // the rest of the logic generates reset based on the 'pok' signal. |
| // for verilator purposes, make these two the same. |
| assign ast_base_rst.aon_pok = rst_n; |
| top_earlgrey #( |
| .AesMasking(1'b0), |
| .AesSBoxImpl(aes_pkg::SBoxImplLut), |
| .SecAesStartTriggerDelay(0), |
| .IbexRegFile(ibex_pkg::RegFileFPGA), |
| .IbexPipeLine(1), |
| .OtbnRegFile(otbn_pkg::RegFileFPGA), |
| .BootRomInitFile(BootRomInitFile) |
| ) top_earlgrey ( |
| // Clocks, resets |
| .rst_ni ( rst_n ), |
| .clk_main_i ( clk_main ), |
| .clk_io_i ( clk_main ), |
| .clk_usb_i ( clk_usb_48mhz ), |
| .clk_aon_i ( clk_main ), |
| .rstmgr_ast_i ( ast_base_rst ), |
| .pwrmgr_pwr_ast_req_o ( ), |
| .pwrmgr_pwr_ast_rsp_i ( ast_base_pwr ), |
| .sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_req_i ( ast_base_alerts ), |
| .sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_rsp_o ( ), |
| .sensor_ctrl_ast_status_i ( ast_base_status ), |
| .usbdev_usb_ref_val_o ( ), |
| .usbdev_usb_ref_pulse_o ( ), |
| .ast_tl_req_o ( ), |
| .ast_tl_rsp_i ( '0 ), |
| |
| // JTAG |
| .jtag_tck_i ( jtag_tck ), |
| .jtag_tms_i ( jtag_tms ), |
| .jtag_trst_ni ( jtag_trst_n ), |
| .jtag_tdi_i ( jtag_tdi ), |
| .jtag_tdo_o ( jtag_tdo ), |
| |
| // Multiplexed I/O |
| .mio_in_i ( mio_in_core ), |
| .mio_out_o ( mio_out_core ), |
| .mio_oe_o ( mio_oe_core ), |
| |
| // Dedicated I/O |
| .dio_in_i ( dio_in_core ), |
| .dio_out_o ( dio_out_core ), |
| .dio_oe_o ( dio_oe_core ), |
| |
| // Pad attributes |
| .mio_attr_o ( mio_attr ), |
| .dio_attr_o ( dio_attr ), |
| |
| // DFT signals |
| .scan_rst_ni ( 1'b1 ), |
| .scanmode_i ( 1'b0 ) |
| ); |
| |
| endmodule : top_earlgrey_artys7 |