blob: 33f493368d2da4c9706dc3beb69d325e5af58906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// The comparator inside the ROM checker
// This module is in charge of comparing the digest that was computed over the ROM data with the
// expected digest stored in the top few words.
`include ""
module rom_ctrl_compare
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_t;
parameter int NumWords = 2
) (
input logic clk_i,
input logic rst_ni,
input logic start_i,
output logic done_o,
output mubi4_t good_o,
// CSR inputs for DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST. Ordered with word 0 as LSB.
input logic [NumWords*32-1:0] digest_i,
input logic [NumWords*32-1:0] exp_digest_i,
// To alert system
output logic alert_o
import prim_util_pkg::vbits;
import prim_mubi_pkg::mubi4_bool_to_mubi;
`ASSERT_INIT(NumWordsPositive_A, 0 < NumWords)
localparam int AW = vbits(NumWords);
localparam int unsigned LastAddrInt = NumWords - 1;
localparam bit [AW-1:0] LastAddr = LastAddrInt[AW-1:0];
logic addr_incr;
logic [AW-1:0] addr_q;
// This module must wait until triggered by a write to start_i. At that point, it cycles through
// the words of DIGEST and EXP_DIGEST, comparing them to one another and passing each digest word
// to the key manager. Finally, it gets to the Done state.
// States:
// Waiting
// Checking
// Done
// Encoding generated with:
// $ util/design/ -d 3 -m 3 -n 5 -s 1 --language=sv
// Hamming distance histogram:
// 0: --
// 1: --
// 2: --
// 3: |||||||||||||||||||| (66.67%)
// 4: |||||||||| (33.33%)
// 5: --
// Minimum Hamming distance: 3
// Maximum Hamming distance: 4
// Minimum Hamming weight: 1
// Maximum Hamming weight: 3
typedef enum logic [4:0] {
Waiting = 5'b00100,
Checking = 5'b10010,
Done = 5'b11001
} state_e;
state_e state_q, state_d;
logic matches_q, matches_d;
logic fsm_alert;
`PRIM_FLOP_SPARSE_FSM(u_state_regs, state_d, state_q, state_e, Waiting)
always_comb begin
state_d = state_q;
fsm_alert = 1'b0;
unique case (state_q)
Waiting: begin
if (start_i) state_d = Checking;
Checking: begin
if (addr_q == LastAddr) state_d = Done;
Done: begin
// Final state
default: fsm_alert = 1'b1;
// start_i should only be signalled when we're in the Waiting state
logic start_alert;
assign start_alert = start_i && (state_q != Waiting);
// addr_q should be zero when we're in the Waiting state
logic wait_addr_alert;
assign wait_addr_alert = (state_q == Waiting) && (addr_q != '0);
// addr_q should be LastAddr when we're in the Done state
logic done_addr_alert;
assign done_addr_alert = (state_q == Done) && (addr_q != LastAddr);
// Increment addr_q on each cycle except the last when in Checking. The prim_count primitive
// doesn't overflow but in case NumWords is not a power of 2, we need to take care of this
// ourselves.
assign addr_incr = (state_q == Checking) && (addr_q != LastAddr);
logic addr_ctr_alert;
prim_count #(
) u_prim_count_addr (
logic [AW+5-1:0] digest_idx;
logic [31:0] digest_word, exp_digest_word;
assign digest_idx = {addr_q, 5'd31};
assign digest_word = digest_i[digest_idx -: 32];
assign exp_digest_word = exp_digest_i[digest_idx -: 32];
assign matches_d = matches_q && (digest_word == exp_digest_word);
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
matches_q <= 1'b1;
end else begin
if (state_q == Checking) begin
matches_q <= matches_d;
assign done_o = (state_q == Done);
// Instantiate an explicit prim_mubi4_sender for the good signal. The logic is that we don't want
// to make the actual check multi-bit (doing so properly would mean replicating the 32-bit
// comparator) but we *do* want to make sure a synthesis tool doesn't optimize away the 4-bit
// signal. The barrier from the primitive ensures that won't happen.
u_done_sender (
.mubi_i (mubi4_bool_to_mubi(matches_q)),
.mubi_o (good_o)
assign alert_o = fsm_alert | start_alert | wait_addr_alert | done_addr_alert | addr_ctr_alert;