blob: c85cee67f0bbb1c2f0091c653cf4b6b17b0581d1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
waive -rules {CONST_FF} -location {} \
-msg {Flip-flop 'rerror_q' is driven by constant zeros in module 'prim_ram_1p_adv' (Depth=1024,Width=22,EnableInputPipeline=1,EnableOutputPipeline=1)} \
-comment "The read error bits are unused and hence set to zero."
waive -rules {INOUT_AS_IN} -location {} \
-msg {Inout port 'ext_voltage_io' has no driver in module 'prim_generic_otp'} \
-comment "This signal is not driven in the generic model."
waive -rules {PARAM_NOT_USED} -location {} \
-regexp {Parameter '(VendorTestOffset|VendorTestSize)' not used in module 'prim_generic_otp'} \
-comment "These two parameters are not used in the generic model."