blob: 203393796961ebbded9209e0160d25e7c0fce51a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Simple stack parameterised on width and depth
* When a push and pop occur in the same cycle the pop is ordered before the push (so top_data_o
* reflects what was on top of the stack, which is retrieved by the pop, the push then immediately
* replaces this with a new piece of data). Internal checking is performed for full & empty
* conditions so a push on full/pop on empty is allowable, though meaningless. For a push on full
* the data will be dropped, for a pop no empty there is no valid data to pop. The exception is
* a combined push & pop on full, here the top is popped off and replaced with what is pushed, no
* data is dropped.
* The read and write pointers and read and write signals are exposed as `stack_rd_idx_i,
* `stack_wr_idx_o`, `stack_write_o` and `stack_read_o`. `next_top_data_o` and `next_top_valid_o`
* provide the top_data_o and top_valid_o output that will be seen in the following cycle. This is
* to enable users to extend the stack in case where it's not a simple matter of adding extra data
* bits (e.g. where this is a prim_count instance per stack entry).
module otbn_stack
import otbn_pkg::*;
parameter int unsigned StackWidth = 32,
parameter int unsigned StackDepth = 4,
localparam int unsigned StackDepthW = prim_util_pkg::vbits(StackDepth)
) (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
output logic full_o, // Stack is full
output logic cnt_err_o, // Stack counters are wrong
input logic clear_i, // Clear all data
input logic push_i, // Push the data
input logic [StackWidth-1:0] push_data_i, // Data to push
input logic pop_i, // Pop top of the stack
output logic [StackWidth-1:0] top_data_o, // Data on top of the stack
output logic top_valid_o, // Stack is non empty (`top_data_o` is valid)
output logic [StackDepthW-1:0] stack_wr_idx_o,
output logic stack_write_o,
output logic [StackDepthW-1:0] stack_rd_idx_o,
output logic stack_read_o,
output logic [StackWidth-1:0] next_top_data_o,
output logic next_top_valid_o
logic [StackWidth-1:0] stack_storage [StackDepth];
logic [StackDepthW:0] stack_wr_ptr;
logic [StackDepthW-1:0] stack_rd_idx, stack_wr_idx;
logic [StackDepthW:0] next_stack_wr_ptr;
logic [StackDepthW-1:0] next_stack_rd_idx;
logic cnt_err, cnt_err_d, cnt_err_q;
logic stack_empty;
logic stack_full;
logic stack_write;
logic stack_read;
assign stack_empty = stack_wr_ptr == '0;
assign stack_full = stack_wr_ptr == StackDepth[StackDepthW:0];
assign stack_write = push_i & (~full_o | pop_i);
assign stack_read = top_valid_o & pop_i;
assign stack_rd_idx = stack_wr_ptr[StackDepthW-1:0] - 1'b1;
assign stack_wr_idx = pop_i ? stack_rd_idx : stack_wr_ptr[StackDepthW-1:0];
prim_count #(
.Width (StackDepthW+1)
) u_stack_wr_ptr (
.clr_i (clear_i),
.set_i (1'b0),
.set_cnt_i ('0),
.incr_en_i (stack_write),
.decr_en_i (stack_read),
.step_i ((StackDepthW+1)'(1'b1)),
.cnt_o (stack_wr_ptr),
.cnt_next_o (next_stack_wr_ptr),
.err_o (cnt_err)
assign cnt_err_d = cnt_err_q | cnt_err;
prim_flop #(
) u_cnt_err_flop (
assign cnt_err_o = cnt_err_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i) begin
if (stack_write) begin
stack_storage[stack_wr_idx] <= push_data_i;
assign full_o = stack_full;
assign top_data_o = stack_storage[stack_rd_idx];
assign top_valid_o = ~stack_empty;
assign stack_wr_idx_o = stack_wr_idx;
assign stack_rd_idx_o = stack_rd_idx;
assign stack_write_o = stack_write;
assign stack_read_o = stack_read;
assign next_stack_rd_idx = next_stack_wr_ptr[StackDepthW-1:0] - 1'b1;
assign next_top_data_o = stack_write ? push_data_i : stack_storage[next_stack_rd_idx];
assign next_top_valid_o = next_stack_wr_ptr != '0;