blob: d0966290e580d29a2cbcaadad99d53a6abaca86f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from typing import List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
from .trace import Trace
from .ext_regs import OTBNExtRegs
class TraceWSR(Trace):
def __init__(self, wsr_name: str, new_value: Optional[int]):
self.wsr_name = wsr_name
self.new_value = new_value
def trace(self) -> str:
s = '{} = '.format(self.wsr_name)
if self.new_value is None:
s += '0x' + 'x' * 8
s += '{:#x}'.format(self.new_value)
return s
def rtl_trace(self) -> str:
return '> {}: {}'.format(self.wsr_name,
Trace.hex_value(self.new_value, 256))
class WSR:
'''Models a Wide Status Register'''
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self._pending_write = False
def has_value(self) -> bool:
'''Return whether the WSR has a valid value'''
return True
def on_start(self) -> None:
'''Reset the WSR if necessary for the start of an operation'''
def read_unsigned(self) -> int:
'''Get the stored value as a 256-bit unsigned value'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def write_unsigned(self, value: int) -> None:
'''Set the stored value as a 256-bit unsigned value'''
raise NotImplementedError()
def read_signed(self) -> int:
'''Get the stored value as a 256-bit signed value'''
uval = self.read_unsigned()
return uval - (1 << 256 if uval >> 255 else 0)
def write_signed(self, value: int) -> None:
'''Set the stored value as a 256-bit signed value'''
assert -(1 << 255) <= value < (1 << 255)
uval = (1 << 256) + value if value < 0 else value
def commit(self) -> None:
'''Commit pending changes'''
self._pending_write = False
def abort(self) -> None:
'''Abort pending changes'''
self._pending_write = False
def changes(self) -> Sequence[Trace]:
'''Return list of pending architectural changes'''
return []
class DumbWSR(WSR):
'''Models a WSR without special behaviour'''
def __init__(self, name: str):
self._value = 0
self._next_value = None # type: Optional[int]
def on_start(self) -> None:
self._value = 0
self._next_value = None
def read_unsigned(self) -> int:
return self._value
def write_unsigned(self, value: int) -> None:
assert 0 <= value < (1 << 256)
self._next_value = value
self._pending_write = True
def write_invalid(self) -> None:
self._next_value = None
self._pending_write = True
def commit(self) -> None:
if self._next_value is not None:
self._value = self._next_value
self._next_value = None
self._pending_write = False
def abort(self) -> None:
self._next_value = None
self._pending_write = False
def changes(self) -> List[TraceWSR]:
return ([TraceWSR(, self._next_value)]
if self._pending_write else [])
class RandWSR(WSR):
'''The magic RND WSR
RND is special as OTBN can stall on reads to it. A read from RND either
immediately returns data from a cache of a previous EDN request (triggered
by writing to the RND_PREFETCH CSR) or waits for data from the EDN. To
model this, anything reading from RND must first call `request_value` which
returns True if the value is available.
def __init__(self, name: str, ext_regs: OTBNExtRegs):
self._random_value = None # type: Optional[int]
self._next_random_value = None # type: Optional[int]
self._ext_regs = ext_regs
# The pending_request flag says that we've started an instruction that
# reads from RND. Using it means that we can avoid repeated requests
# from the EdnClient which is important because it avoids a request on
# the single cycle where the EdnClient has passed data back to us but
# that data hasn't yet been committed. If we sent another request on
# that cycle, the EdnClient would start another transaction.
self._pending_request = False
self._next_pending_request = False
self._fips_err = False
self.fips_err_escalate = False
self._rep_err = False
self.rep_err_escalate = False
def read_unsigned(self) -> int:
assert self._random_value is not None
self._next_random_value = None
self.rep_err_escalate = self._rep_err
self.fips_err_escalate = self._fips_err
return self._random_value
def read_u32(self) -> int:
'''Read a 32-bit unsigned result'''
self.rep_err_escalate = self._rep_err
self.fips_err_escalate = self._fips_err
return self.read_unsigned() & ((1 << 32) - 1)
def write_unsigned(self, value: int) -> None:
'''Writes to RND are ignored
Note this is different to `set_unsigned`. This is used by executing
instruction, see `set_unsigned` docstring for more details
def on_start(self) -> None:
self._next_random_value = None
self._next_pending_request = False
self.fips_err_escalate = False
self.rep_err_escalate = False
def commit(self) -> None:
self._random_value = self._next_random_value
self._pending_request = self._next_pending_request
def request_value(self) -> bool:
'''Signals intent to read RND, returns True if a value is available'''
if self._random_value is not None:
return True
if not self._pending_request:
self._next_pending_request = True
return False
def set_unsigned(self, value: int, fips_err: bool, rep_err: bool) -> None:
'''Sets a random value that can be read by a future `read_unsigned`
This is different to `write_unsigned`, that is used by an executing
instruction to write to RND. This is used by the simulation environment
to provide a value that is later read by `read_unsigned` and doesn't
relate to instruction execution (e.g. in an RTL simulation it monitors
the EDN bus and supplies the simulator with an RND value when a fresh
one is seen on the EDN bus).
assert 0 <= value < (1 << 256)
self._fips_err = fips_err
self._rep_err = rep_err
self.fips_err_escalate = False
self.rep_err_escalate = False
self._next_random_value = value
self._next_pending_request = False
'''Models URND PRNG Structure'''
def __init__(self, name: str):
seed = [0x84ddfadaf7e1134d, 0x70aa1c59de6197ff,
0x25a4fe335d095f1e, 0x2cba89acbe4a07e9]
self.state = [seed, 4 * [0], 4 * [0], 4 * [0], 4 * [0]]
self.out = 4 * [0]
self._next_value = None # type: Optional[int]
self._value = None # type: Optional[int]
self.running = False
def rol(self, n: int, d: int) -> int:
'''Rotate n left by d bits'''
return ((n << d) & ((1 << 64) - 1)) | (n >> (64 - d))
def read_u32(self) -> int:
'''Read a 32-bit unsigned result'''
return self.read_unsigned() & ((1 << 32) - 1)
def write_unsigned(self, value: int) -> None:
'''Writes to URND are ignored'''
def on_start(self) -> None:
self.running = False
def read_unsigned(self) -> int:
assert self._value is not None
return self._value
def state_update(self, data_in: List[int]) -> List[int]:
a_in = data_in[3]
b_in = data_in[2]
c_in = data_in[1]
d_in = data_in[0]
a_out = a_in ^ b_in ^ d_in
b_out = a_in ^ b_in ^ c_in
c_out = a_in ^ ((b_in << 17) & ((1 << 64) - 1)) ^ c_in
d_out = self.rol(d_in, 45) ^ self.rol(b_in, 45)
assert a_out < (1 << 64)
assert b_out < (1 << 64)
assert c_out < (1 << 64)
assert d_out < (1 << 64)
return [d_out, c_out, b_out, a_out]
def set_seed(self, value: List[int]) -> None:
assert(len(value) == 4)
self.running = True
self.state[0] = value
# Step immediately to update the internal state with the new seed
def step(self) -> None:
if self.running:
mask64 = (1 << 64) - 1
mid = 4 * [0]
nv = 0
for i in range(4):
st_i = self.state[i]
self.state[i + 1] = self.state_update(st_i)
mid[i] = (st_i[3] + st_i[0]) & mask64
self.out[i] = (self.rol(mid[i], 23) + st_i[3]) & mask64
nv |= self.out[i] << (64 * i)
self._next_value = nv
self.state[0] = self.state[4]
def commit(self) -> None:
if self._next_value is not None:
self._value = self._next_value
def abort(self) -> None:
self._next_value = 0
def changes(self) -> List[TraceWSR]:
return ([])
class KeyTrace(Trace):
def __init__(self, name: str, new_value: Optional[int]): = name
self.new_value = new_value
def trace(self) -> str:
val_desc = '(unset)' if self.new_value is None else self.new_value
return '{} = {}'.format(, val_desc)
class SideloadKey:
'''Represents a sideloaded key, with 384 bits of data and a valid signal'''
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
self._value = None # type: Optional[int]
self._new_value = None # type: Optional[Tuple[bool, int]]
def has_value(self) -> bool:
return self._value is not None
def read_unsigned(self, shift: int) -> int:
# The simulator should be careful not to call read_unsigned() unless it
# has first checked that the value exists.
assert self._value is not None
mask256 = (1 << 256) - 1
return (self._value >> shift) & mask256
def set_unsigned(self, value: Optional[int]) -> None:
'''Unlike the WSR write_unsigned, this takes effect immediately
That way, we can correctly model the combinatorial path from sideload
keys to the WSR file in the RTL. Note that we do still report the
change until the next commit.
assert value is None or (0 <= value < (1 << 384))
self._value = value
self._new_value = (False, 0) if value is None else (True, value)
def changes(self) -> List[KeyTrace]:
if self._new_value is not None:
vld, value = self._new_value
return [KeyTrace(, value if vld else None)]
return []
def commit(self) -> None:
self._new_value = None
class KeyWSR(WSR):
def __init__(self, name: str, shift: int, key_reg: SideloadKey):
assert 0 <= shift < 384
self._shift = shift
self._key_reg = key_reg
def has_value(self) -> bool:
return self._key_reg.has_value()
def read_unsigned(self) -> int:
return self._key_reg.read_unsigned(self._shift)
def write_unsigned(self, value: int) -> None:
class WSRFile:
'''A model of the WSR file'''
def __init__(self, ext_regs: OTBNExtRegs) -> None:
self.KeyS0 = SideloadKey('KeyS0')
self.KeyS1 = SideloadKey('KeyS1')
self.MOD = DumbWSR('MOD')
self.RND = RandWSR('RND', ext_regs)
self.ACC = DumbWSR('ACC')
self.KeyS0L = KeyWSR('KeyS0L', 0, self.KeyS0)
self.KeyS0H = KeyWSR('KeyS0H', 256, self.KeyS0)
self.KeyS1L = KeyWSR('KeyS1L', 0, self.KeyS1)
self.KeyS1H = KeyWSR('KeyS1H', 256, self.KeyS1)
self._by_idx = {
0: self.MOD,
1: self.RND,
2: self.URND,
3: self.ACC,
4: self.KeyS0L,
5: self.KeyS0H,
6: self.KeyS1L,
7: self.KeyS1H,
def on_start(self) -> None:
'''Called at the start of an operation
This clears values that don't persist between runs (everything except
RND and the key registers)
for reg in self._by_idx.values():
def check_idx(self, idx: int) -> bool:
'''Return True if idx is a valid WSR index'''
return idx in self._by_idx
def has_value_at_idx(self, idx: int) -> int:
'''Return True if the WSR at idx has a valid valu.
Assumes that idx is a valid index (call check_idx to ensure this).
return self._by_idx[idx].has_value()
def read_at_idx(self, idx: int) -> int:
'''Read the WSR at idx as an unsigned 256-bit value
Assumes that idx is a valid index (call check_idx to ensure this).
return self._by_idx[idx].read_unsigned()
def write_at_idx(self, idx: int, value: int) -> None:
'''Write the WSR at idx as an unsigned 256-bit value
Assumes that idx is a valid index (call check_idx to ensure this).
return self._by_idx[idx].write_unsigned(value)
def commit(self) -> None:
def abort(self) -> None:
# We commit changes to the sideloaded keys from outside, even if the
# instruction itself gets aborted.
def changes(self) -> List[Trace]:
ret = [] # type: List[Trace]
ret += self.MOD.changes()
ret += self.RND.changes()
ret += self.URND.changes()
ret += self.ACC.changes()
ret += self.KeyS0.changes()
ret += self.KeyS1.changes()
return ret
def set_sideload_keys(self,
key0: Optional[int],
key1: Optional[int]) -> None:
def wipe(self) -> None: