| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| |
| `ifndef SYNTHESIS |
| `include "prim_assert.sv" |
| |
| /** |
| * OpenTitan Big Number Accelerator (OTBN) Core |
| * |
| * This module is the top-level of the OTBN processing core. |
| */ |
| |
| module otbn_core_model |
| import otbn_pkg::*; |
| import edn_pkg::*; |
| import keymgr_pkg::otbn_key_req_t; |
| #( |
| // The scope that contains the instruction and data memory (for DPI) |
| parameter string MemScope = "", |
| |
| // Scope of an RTL OTBN implementation (for DPI). This should be give the scope for the top-level |
| // of a real implementation running alongside. We will use it to check DMEM and register file |
| // contents on completion of an operation. |
| parameter string DesignScope = "" |
| )( |
| input logic clk_i, |
| input logic clk_edn_i, |
| input logic rst_ni, |
| input logic rst_edn_ni, |
| |
| input logic [7:0] cmd_i, // CMD register for OTBN commands |
| input logic cmd_en_i, // CMD register enable for OTBN commands |
| |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_escalate_en_i, |
| input lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_rma_req_i, |
| |
| output err_bits_t err_bits_o, // updated when STATUS switches to idle |
| |
| input edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t edn_rnd_i, // EDN response interface for RND |
| output logic edn_rnd_o, // EDN request interface for RND |
| input logic edn_rnd_cdc_done_i, // RND from EDN is valid (DUT perspective) |
| |
| input edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t edn_urnd_i, // EDN response interface for URND seed |
| output logic edn_urnd_o, // EDN request interface for URND seed |
| input logic edn_urnd_cdc_done_i, // URND seed from EDN is valid (DUT perspective) |
| |
| input logic init_sec_wipe_done_i, |
| |
| input logic otp_key_cdc_done_i, // Scrambling key from OTP is valid (DUT perspective) |
| |
| output bit [7:0] status_o, // STATUS register |
| output bit [31:0] insn_cnt_o, // INSN_CNT register |
| |
| input keymgr_pkg::otbn_key_req_t keymgr_key_i, |
| |
| output bit done_rr_o, |
| |
| output bit err_o // something went wrong |
| ); |
| |
| `include "otbn_model_dpi.svh" |
| |
| // Create and destroy an object through which we can talk to the ISS. |
| chandle model_handle; |
| initial begin |
| model_handle = otbn_model_init(MemScope, DesignScope); |
| assert(model_handle != null); |
| end |
| final begin |
| otbn_model_destroy(model_handle); |
| end |
| |
| // A packed set of bits representing the state of the model. This gets assigned by DPI function |
| // calls that need to update both whether we're running and also error flags at the same time. The |
| // contents are magic simulation values, so get initialized before reset (to avoid stopping the |
| // simulation before it even starts). |
| int unsigned model_state = 0; |
| |
| // Extract particular bits of the model_state value. |
| // |
| // [0] running: The ISS is currently running |
| // [1] check_due: The ISS needs to check results |
| // [2] failed_step: Something went wrong when trying to start or step the ISS. |
| |
| bit failed_step, check_due, running; |
| assign {failed_step, check_due, running} = model_state[2:0]; |
| |
| // Process incoming CMD command only when it is allowed to do so. |
| logic [7:0] cmd; |
| |
| assign cmd = cmd_en_i ? cmd_i : 8'h0; |
| bit [7:0] status_q; |
| bit [31:0] insn_cnt_q; |
| bit [31:0] raw_err_bits_q; |
| bit [31:0] stop_pc_q; |
| bit rnd_req_start_q; |
| |
| bit unused_raw_err_bits; |
| logic unused_edn_rsp_fips; |
| |
| logic lock_immediately_d, lock_immediately_q; |
| |
| // EDN RND Request Logic |
| logic edn_rnd_req_q, edn_rnd_req_d; |
| |
| // Since RND is instantly set inside model we need to wait right until |
| // it is also going to be written in RTL (which takes one cycle). |
| logic edn_rnd_cdc_done_q; |
| |
| // The lc_escalate_en_i and lc_rma_req_i signals in the design go through a prim_lc_sync |
| // which always injects exactly two cycles of delay (this is a synchroniser, not a CDC, so |
| // its behaviour is easy to predict). |
| // We model those delays in the SystemVerilog here, since it's much easier than handling it |
| // in the Python. |
| logic [2:0] escalate_fifo; |
| logic [2:0] rma_req_fifo; |
| logic [3:0] lc_mubi_err_fifo; |
| logic new_escalation; |
| logic new_rma_req; |
| logic new_lc_mubi_err; |
| logic valid_lc_rma_req; |
| logic valid_lc_esc_req; |
| logic valid_lc_mubi_err; |
| logic invalid_lc_rma_req; |
| logic invalid_lc_esc_en; |
| |
| assign invalid_lc_rma_req = lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_invalid(lc_rma_req_i); |
| assign invalid_lc_esc_en = lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_invalid(lc_escalate_en_i); |
| |
| assign valid_lc_rma_req = lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_true_strict(lc_rma_req_i); |
| assign valid_lc_esc_req = lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_test_true_loose(lc_escalate_en_i); |
| assign valid_lc_mubi_err = invalid_lc_rma_req || invalid_lc_esc_en; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| escalate_fifo <= '0; |
| rma_req_fifo <= '0; |
| lc_mubi_err_fifo <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| escalate_fifo <= {escalate_fifo[1:0], valid_lc_esc_req}; |
| rma_req_fifo <= {rma_req_fifo[1:0], valid_lc_rma_req}; |
| lc_mubi_err_fifo <= {lc_mubi_err_fifo[2:0], valid_lc_mubi_err}; |
| end |
| end |
| assign new_escalation = escalate_fifo[1] & ~escalate_fifo[2]; |
| assign new_rma_req = rma_req_fifo[1] & ~rma_req_fifo[2]; |
| // Invalid escalate goes through one cycle faster because its check is done earlier. |
| assign new_lc_mubi_err = invalid_lc_esc_en ? lc_mubi_err_fifo[2] & ~lc_mubi_err_fifo[3] : |
| lc_mubi_err_fifo[1] & ~lc_mubi_err_fifo[2]; |
| |
| assign lock_immediately_d = new_lc_mubi_err | lock_immediately_q; |
| |
| // RND Request starts if OTBN Model raises rnd_req_start while we are not |
| // finishing up processing RND. |
| assign edn_rnd_req_d = ~edn_rnd_cdc_done_q & (edn_rnd_req_q | rnd_req_start_q); |
| |
| assign edn_rnd_o = edn_rnd_req_d; |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| edn_rnd_req_q <= 1'b0; |
| edn_rnd_cdc_done_q <= 1'b0; |
| lock_immediately_q <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| edn_rnd_cdc_done_q <= edn_rnd_cdc_done_i; |
| edn_rnd_req_q <= edn_rnd_req_d; |
| lock_immediately_q <= lock_immediately_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // EDN URND Seed Request Logic |
| logic start_q, start_d; |
| bit is_idle; |
| |
| assign start_d = (cmd == CmdExecute) & is_idle; |
| assign is_idle = otbn_pkg::status_e'(status_o) == StatusIdle; |
| |
| // URND Reseeding is done twice as part of every secure wipe: once before the secure wipe and once |
| // after a first wipe with random data. A secure wipe happens after reset and when OTBN receives |
| // the `EXECUTE` command. |
| typedef enum logic [2:0] { |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateReset, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitInitialAck, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitWipe, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitSecondAck, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitStart, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostStartAck, |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostExecSecWipe |
| } urnd_state_e; |
| urnd_state_e urnd_state_q, urnd_state_d; |
| |
| localparam int unsigned WIPE_CYCLES = 67; |
| typedef logic [$clog2(WIPE_CYCLES+1)-1:0] wipe_cyc_cnt_t; |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_t wipe_cyc_cnt_q, wipe_cyc_cnt_d; |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| edn_urnd_o = 1'b0; |
| urnd_state_d = urnd_state_q; |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_d = wipe_cyc_cnt_q; |
| |
| unique case (urnd_state_q) |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateReset: begin |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitInitialAck; |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitInitialAck: begin |
| edn_urnd_o = 1'b1; |
| if (edn_urnd_cdc_done_i) begin |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_d = wipe_cyc_cnt_t'(WIPE_CYCLES); |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitWipe; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitWipe: begin |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_d = wipe_cyc_cnt_q - 1; |
| if (wipe_cyc_cnt_q == '0) begin |
| edn_urnd_o = 1'b1; |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitSecondAck; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitSecondAck: begin |
| edn_urnd_o = 1'b1; |
| if (edn_urnd_cdc_done_i) begin |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitStart; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitStart: begin |
| if (start_q) begin |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostStartAck; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostStartAck: begin |
| edn_urnd_o = 1'b1; |
| if (edn_urnd_cdc_done_i) begin |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostExecSecWipe; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitPostExecSecWipe: begin |
| if (status_q == StatusBusySecWipeInt) begin |
| // This wipe is three clock cycles shorter, because it does starts directly after |
| // execution and not directly after an URND reseed. |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_d = wipe_cyc_cnt_t'(WIPE_CYCLES) - 3; |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateAwaitWipe; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| default: urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateReset; |
| endcase |
| |
| if (lock_immediately_q) begin |
| urnd_state_d = OtbnCoreModelUrndStateReset; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| start_q <= 1'b0; |
| urnd_state_q <= OtbnCoreModelUrndStateReset; |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_q <= '0; |
| end else begin |
| start_q <= start_d; |
| urnd_state_q <= urnd_state_d; |
| wipe_cyc_cnt_q <= wipe_cyc_cnt_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // EDN Stepping is done with the EDN clock for also asserting the CDC measures in the design. |
| logic failed_edn_flush, failed_rnd_step, failed_urnd_step; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_edn_i or negedge rst_edn_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_edn_ni) begin |
| failed_rnd_step <= 0; |
| failed_urnd_step <= 0; |
| failed_edn_flush <= (otbn_model_edn_flush(model_handle) != 0); |
| end else begin |
| if (edn_rnd_i.edn_ack) begin |
| failed_rnd_step <= (otbn_model_edn_rnd_step(model_handle, edn_rnd_i.edn_bus, |
| ~edn_rnd_i.edn_fips) != 0); |
| end |
| if (edn_urnd_i.edn_ack) begin |
| failed_urnd_step <= (otbn_model_edn_urnd_step(model_handle, edn_urnd_i.edn_bus) != 0); |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // A "busy" counter. We'd like to avoid stepping the Python process on every cycle when there's |
| // nothing going on (since it's rather expensive). But exactly modelling *when* we can safely |
| // avoid doing this is rather awkward. So we do a conservative approximation. We know that some |
| // events show there's stuff going on (the 'running' bit, a CDC completion, or a lifecycle |
| // escalation signal). If these happen, we reset the counter. If it gets down to zero, we stop |
| // stepping the model. This counter lets us "flush out" events for a few cycles without having to |
| // model the timing too precisely on the SV side. |
| logic [3:0] busy_counter_q, busy_counter_d; |
| logic reset_busy_counter, step_iss; |
| // This bit can be set by a hierrachical component when ISS model should step for extra time. |
| bit wakeup_iss; |
| |
| initial begin |
| wakeup_iss = 0; |
| end |
| |
| assign reset_busy_counter = |{running, cmd_en_i, check_due, new_escalation, edn_rnd_cdc_done_i, |
| ~init_sec_wipe_done_i, wakeup_iss, new_rma_req}; |
| assign step_iss = reset_busy_counter || (busy_counter_q != 0); |
| |
| always_comb begin |
| busy_counter_d = busy_counter_q; |
| |
| if (reset_busy_counter) begin |
| busy_counter_d = 4'd10; |
| end else if (busy_counter_q > 0) begin |
| busy_counter_d = busy_counter_q - 4'd1; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| busy_counter_q <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| busy_counter_q <= busy_counter_d; |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Note: This can't be an always_ff block because we write to model_state here and also in an |
| // initial block (see declaration of the variable above) |
| bit failed_reset, failed_lc_escalate, failed_keymgr_value, failed_lc_rma_req; |
| bit failed_urnd_cdc, failed_rnd_cdc, failed_otp_key_cdc; |
| bit failed_initial_secure_wipe, initial_secure_wipe_started; |
| always @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| failed_reset <= (otbn_model_reset(model_handle, |
| status_q, |
| insn_cnt_q, |
| rnd_req_start_q, |
| raw_err_bits_q, |
| stop_pc_q) |
| != 0); |
| failed_lc_escalate <= 0; |
| failed_keymgr_value <= 0; |
| failed_urnd_cdc <= 0; |
| failed_rnd_cdc <= 0; |
| failed_otp_key_cdc <= 0; |
| failed_initial_secure_wipe <= 0; |
| initial_secure_wipe_started <= 0; |
| model_state <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| if (!initial_secure_wipe_started) begin |
| failed_initial_secure_wipe <= (otbn_model_initial_secure_wipe(model_handle) != 0); |
| initial_secure_wipe_started <= 1; |
| end |
| if (new_escalation) begin |
| failed_lc_escalate <= (otbn_model_send_err_escalation(model_handle, |
| 32'd1 << 22, |
| 1'b0) |
| != 0); |
| end |
| if (new_lc_mubi_err) begin |
| // Setting BAD_INTERNAL_STATE bit |
| failed_lc_escalate <= (otbn_model_send_err_escalation(model_handle, |
| 32'd1 << 20, |
| 1'b1) |
| != 0); |
| end |
| if (new_rma_req) begin |
| failed_lc_rma_req <= (otbn_model_send_rma_req(model_handle) != 0); |
| end |
| if (!$stable(keymgr_key_i) || $rose(rst_ni)) begin |
| failed_keymgr_value <= (otbn_model_set_keymgr_value(model_handle, |
| keymgr_key_i.key[0], |
| keymgr_key_i.key[1], |
| keymgr_key_i.valid) != 0); |
| end |
| if (edn_urnd_cdc_done_i) begin |
| failed_urnd_cdc <= (otbn_model_urnd_cdc_done(model_handle) != 0); |
| end |
| if (edn_rnd_cdc_done_i) begin |
| failed_rnd_cdc <= (otbn_model_rnd_cdc_done(model_handle) != 0); |
| end |
| if (otp_key_cdc_done_i) begin |
| failed_otp_key_cdc <= (otbn_model_otp_key_cdc_done(model_handle) != 0); |
| end |
| if (step_iss) begin |
| model_state <= otbn_model_step(model_handle, |
| model_state, |
| cmd, |
| status_q, |
| insn_cnt_q, |
| rnd_req_start_q, |
| raw_err_bits_q, |
| stop_pc_q); |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // If a check is requested, run it on the following negedge. This guarantees that both the ISS and |
| // RTL are "at the end" of a cycle. |
| logic check_mismatch_d, check_mismatch_q; |
| bit failed_check; |
| always_ff @(negedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| failed_check <= 0; |
| check_mismatch_q <= 0; |
| end else begin |
| if (check_due) begin |
| failed_check <= (otbn_model_check(model_handle, check_mismatch_d) == 0); |
| check_mismatch_q <= check_mismatch_d; |
| end |
| end |
| end |
| |
| // Assertion to ensure that keymgr key valid is never unknown. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN(KeyValidIsKnownChk_A, keymgr_key_i.valid) |
| // Assertion to ensure that keymgr key values are never unknown if valid is high. |
| `ASSERT_KNOWN_IF(KeyIsKnownChk_A, {keymgr_key_i.key[0], keymgr_key_i.key[1]}, keymgr_key_i.valid) |
| assign unused_raw_err_bits = ^raw_err_bits_q[31:$bits(err_bits_t)]; |
| assign unused_edn_rsp_fips = edn_urnd_i.edn_fips; |
| |
| assign err_bits_o = raw_err_bits_q[$bits(err_bits_t)-1:0]; |
| |
| assign status_o = status_q; |
| assign insn_cnt_o = insn_cnt_q; |
| |
| // TODO: This bind is by module, rather than by instance, because I couldn't get the by-instance |
| // syntax plus upwards name referencing to work with Verilator. Obviously, this won't work with |
| // multiple OTBN instances, so it would be nice to get it right. |
| bind otbn_rf_base_ff otbn_rf_snooper_if #( |
| .Width (BaseIntgWidth), |
| .Depth (NGpr), |
| .IntegrityEnabled(1) |
| ) u_snooper ( |
| .rf (rf_reg) |
| ); |
| |
| bind otbn_rf_bignum_ff otbn_rf_snooper_if #( |
| .Width (ExtWLEN), |
| .Depth (NWdr), |
| .IntegrityEnabled(1) |
| ) u_snooper ( |
| .rf (rf) |
| ); |
| |
| bind otbn_rf_base otbn_stack_snooper_if #(.StackIntgWidth(39), .StackWidth(32), .StackDepth(8)) |
| u_call_stack_snooper ( |
| .stack_storage(u_call_stack.stack_storage), |
| .stack_wr_ptr_q(u_call_stack.stack_wr_ptr) |
| ); |
| |
| assign err_o = |{failed_step, failed_check, check_mismatch_q, |
| failed_reset, failed_lc_escalate, failed_keymgr_value, |
| failed_edn_flush, failed_rnd_step, failed_urnd_step, |
| failed_urnd_cdc, failed_rnd_cdc, failed_otp_key_cdc, |
| failed_initial_secure_wipe, failed_lc_rma_req}; |
| |
| // Derive a "done" signal. This should trigger for a single cycle when OTBN finishes its work. |
| // It's analogous to the done_o signal on otbn_core, but this signal is delayed by a single cycle |
| // (hence its name is done_r_o). |
| bit otbn_model_busy, otbn_model_busy_r; |
| assign otbn_model_busy = !(status_q inside {StatusIdle, StatusLocked}) & init_sec_wipe_done_i; |
| always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin |
| if (!rst_ni) begin |
| otbn_model_busy_r <= 1'b0; |
| end else begin |
| otbn_model_busy_r <= otbn_model_busy; |
| end |
| end |
| assign done_rr_o = otbn_model_busy_r & ~otbn_model_busy; |
| |
| // Make stop_pc available over DPI. This is handy for Verilator simulations (where the top-level |
| // is in C++). |
| export "DPI-C" function otbn_core_get_stop_pc; |
| function automatic int otbn_core_get_stop_pc(); |
| return stop_pc_q; |
| endfunction |
| |
| endmodule |
| `endif // SYNTHESIS |