| // Copyright lowRISC contributors. |
| // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 |
| // |
| // Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Device module. |
| // |
| |
| package spi_device_pkg; |
| |
| // Passthrough Inter-module signals |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // passthrough_en: switch the mux for downstream SPI pad to host system not |
| // the internal SPI_HOST IP |
| logic passthrough_en; |
| |
| // Passthrough includes SCK also. The sck_en is pad out enable not CG |
| // enable. The CG is placed in SPI_DEVICE IP. |
| logic sck; |
| logic sck_gate_en; // TBD: place for CG? |
| logic sck_en; |
| |
| // CSb should be pull-up pad. In passthrough mode, CSb is directly connected |
| // to the host systems CSb except when SPI_DEVICE decides to drop the |
| // command. |
| logic csb; |
| logic csb_en; |
| |
| // SPI data from host system to downstream flash device. |
| logic [3:0] s; |
| logic [3:0] s_en; |
| } passthrough_req_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // SPI data from downstream flash device to host system. |
| logic [3:0] s; |
| } passthrough_rsp_t; |
| |
| parameter passthrough_req_t PASSTHROUGH_REQ_DEFAULT = '{ |
| passthrough_en: 1'b 0, |
| sck: 1'b 0, |
| sck_gate_en: 1'b 0, |
| sck_en: 1'b 0, |
| csb: 1'b 1, |
| csb_en: 1'b 0, |
| s: 4'h 0, |
| s_en: 4'h 0 |
| }; |
| |
| parameter passthrough_rsp_t PASSTHROUGH_RSP_DEFAULT = '{ |
| s: 4'h 0 |
| }; |
| |
| // Command Type |
| // |
| // Passthrough module does not strictly follow every bit on the SPI line but |
| // loosely tracks the phase of the commands. |
| // |
| // The command in SPI Flash can be categorized as follow: |
| // |
| // - {Address, PayloadOut}: examples are ReadData |
| // - {Address, Dummy, PayloadOut}: FastRead / Dual/ Quad commands have dummy |
| // - {Dummy, PayloadOut}: Release Power-down / Manufacturer ID |
| // - {PayloadOut}: Right after opcode, the device sends data |
| // to host |
| // - {Address, PayloadIn}: Host sends address and payload back-to-back |
| // - {PayloadIn}: Host sends payload without any address hint |
| // - None: The commands complete without any address / |
| // payload(in/out) |
| // |
| // If a received command has more than one state, the counter value will be |
| // set to help the state machine to move to the next state with the exact |
| // timing. |
| // |
| // A `cmd_type_t` struct has information for a command. The actual value for |
| // commands are compile-time parameters. When the logic receives 8 bits of |
| // opcode, it latches the parameter into this struct and references this |
| // through the transaction. |
| |
| // Address or anything host driving after opcode counter |
| localparam int unsigned MaxAddrBit = 32; |
| localparam int unsigned AddrCntW = $clog2(MaxAddrBit); |
| |
| // Dummy |
| localparam int unsigned MaxDummyBit = 8; |
| localparam int unsigned DummyCntW = $clog2(MaxDummyBit); |
| |
| typedef enum logic { |
| PayloadIn = 1'b 0, |
| PayloadOut = 1'b 1 |
| } payload_dir_e; |
| |
| // addr_mode_e: CMD_INFO.addr_mode informs HW if a command has address field, |
| // CFG.addr_4b_en affected, or address is 3B/4B. |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| AddrDisabled = 2'b 00, |
| AddrCfg = 2'b 01, |
| Addr3B = 2'b 10, |
| Addr4B = 2'b 11 |
| } addr_mode_e; |
| |
| // cmd_info_t defines the command relevant information. SPI Device IP has |
| // #NumCmdInfo cmd registers (default 16). A few of them are assigned to a |
| // specific commands such as Read Status, Read SFDP. |
| // |
| // These fields are SW programmable via CSR interface. |
| typedef struct packed { |
| // If 1, the cmd_info slot is in active and contains valid config. |
| logic valid; |
| |
| // opcode: Each cmd_info type has 8bit opcode. SPI_DEVICE has 16 command |
| // slots. The logic compares the opcode and uses the command info when |
| // opcode is matched. If same opcode exists, SPI_DEVICE uses the command |
| // info slot having the lowest index among the matched ones. |
| logic [7:0] opcode; |
| |
| // Look at addr_mode_e description for details |
| // - 00: Address disabled |
| // - 01: Address is affected by CFG |
| // - 10: Address is 3 bytes field |
| // - 11: Address is 4 bytes field |
| addr_mode_e addr_mode; |
| |
| // swap_en is used in the passthrough logic. If this field is set to 1, the |
| // address in the passthrough command is replaced to the preconfigured |
| // value. |
| logic addr_swap_en; |
| |
| // Mbyte field exist. If set to 1, the command waits 1 byte before moving |
| // to dummy field. This field data is ignored. |
| logic mbyte_en; |
| |
| // set to 1 if the command has a dummy cycle following the address field. |
| logic dummy_en; |
| logic [DummyCntW-1:0] dummy_size; |
| |
| // set to non-zero if the command has payload at the end of the protocol. If |
| // dummy_en is 1, then the payload follows the dummy cycle. payload_en has |
| // four bits. Each bit represents the SPI line. If a command is single IO |
| // command and returns data to the host system, the data is returned on the |
| // MISO line (IO[1]). In this case, SW sets payload_en to 4'b0010 and |
| // payload_dir to PayloadOut. |
| logic [3:0] payload_en; |
| payload_dir_e payload_dir; |
| |
| // If payload_swap_en is set, the passthrough logic swaps the first |
| // 4 bytes of the write payload with PAYLOAD_SWAP_MASK and |
| // |
| // `payload_swap_en` only works with write data and SingleIO mode. |
| // `payload_en` should be 4'b 0001 && `payload_dir` to be PayloadIn. |
| logic payload_swap_en; |
| |
| // upload: If upload field in the command info entry is set, the cmdparse |
| // activates the upload submodule when the opcode is received. `addr_en`, |
| // `addr_4B_affected`, and `addr_4b_forced` (TBD) affect the upload |
| // functionality. The three address related configs defines the command |
| // address field size. |
| |
| // The logic assumes the following SPI input stream as payload, which max |
| // size is 256B. If the command exceeds the maximum payload size 256B, the |
| // logic wraps the payload and overwrites. |
| logic upload; |
| |
| // busy: Set to 1 to set the BUSY bit in the FLASH_STATUS when the command |
| // is received. This bit is active only when `upload` bit is set. |
| logic busy; |
| |
| } cmd_info_t; |
| |
| // CmdInfoInput parameter is the default value if no opcode in the cmd info |
| // slot is matched to the received command opcode. |
| parameter cmd_info_t CmdInfoInput = '{ |
| valid: 1'b 0, |
| opcode: 8'h 00, |
| addr_mode: AddrDisabled, |
| addr_swap_en: 1'b 0, |
| mbyte_en: 1'b 0, |
| dummy_en: 1'b 0, |
| dummy_size: 3'h 0, |
| payload_en: 4'b 0001, // MOSI active |
| payload_dir: PayloadIn, |
| payload_swap_en: 1'b 0, |
| upload: 1'b 0, |
| busy: 1'b 0 |
| }; |
| |
| function automatic logic is_cmdinfo_addr_4b(cmd_info_t ci, logic addr_4b_en); |
| logic result; |
| result = ci.addr_mode == AddrCfg ? addr_4b_en : (ci.addr_mode == Addr4B); |
| return result; |
| endfunction : is_cmdinfo_addr_4b |
| |
| // get_addr_mode removes AddrCfg. |
| // It returns {AddrDisabled, Addr3B, Addr4B} |
| function automatic addr_mode_e get_addr_mode(cmd_info_t ci, logic addr_4b_en); |
| addr_mode_e result; |
| result = (ci.addr_mode != AddrCfg) ? ci.addr_mode |
| : (addr_4b_en) ? Addr4B : Addr3B ; |
| return result; |
| endfunction : get_addr_mode |
| |
| // SPI_DEVICE HWIP has 16 command info slots. A few of them are pre-assigned. |
| // (defined in the spi_device_pkg) |
| // |
| //parameter int unsigned NumCmdInfo = 16; |
| |
| // cmd_info_index_e assigns some cmd_info slots to specific commands. The |
| // reason why command slots cannot be fully flexible (unlike NumCmdInfo-way $) |
| // is that the slots are used in the Flash mode also. The Read Status/ SFDP/ |
| // etc submodules only see the pre-assigned slot and use it. |
| typedef enum int unsigned { |
| // Read Status subblock in Flash mode only uses opcode of cmd_info |
| CmdInfoReadStatus1 = 0, |
| CmdInfoReadStatus2 = 1, |
| CmdInfoReadStatus3 = 2, |
| |
| CmdInfoReadJedecId = 3, |
| |
| CmdInfoReadSfdp = 4, |
| |
| // 6 slots are assigned to Read commands in Flash mode. |
| // |
| // Read Data / Fast Read / Fast Read Dual / Fast Read Quad |
| // Fast Read Dual IO / Fast Read Quad IO (IO commands are TBD) |
| CmdInfoReadCmdStart = 5, |
| CmdInfoReadCmdEnd = 10, |
| |
| // other slots are used in the Passthrough and/or upload submodules. These |
| // free slots may be used for the commands that are not processed in the |
| // flash mode. Examples are "Release Power-down / ID", |
| // "Manufacture/Device ID", etc. They are not always Input mode. Some has |
| // a dummy cycle followed by the output field. |
| CmdInfoReserveStart = 11, |
| CmdInfoReserveEnd = spi_device_reg_pkg::NumCmdInfo - 1, |
| CmdInfoEn4B = CmdInfoReserveEnd + 1, |
| CmdInfoEx4B = CmdInfoEn4B + 1, |
| CmdInfoWrEn = CmdInfoEx4B + 1, |
| CmdInfoWrDi = CmdInfoWrEn + 1, |
| NumTotalCmdInfo |
| } cmd_info_index_e; |
| |
| parameter int unsigned NumReadCmdInfo = CmdInfoReadCmdEnd - CmdInfoReadCmdStart + 1; |
| |
| // NumCmdInfo adds two more entries (EN4B/ EX4B) |
| // or, add NumTotalCmdInfo inside cmd_info_index_e and use? |
| //parameter int unsigned NumFixedCmdInfo = 2; |
| //parameter int unsigned NumTotalCmdInfo = NumFixedCmdInfo |
| // + spi_device_reg_pkg::NumCmdInfo; |
| |
| parameter int unsigned CmdInfoIdxW = $clog2(NumTotalCmdInfo); |
| |
| // Jedec Configuration Structure |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [7:0] num_cc; // continuation code repeat |
| logic [7:0] cc; // the value of CC (default 7Fh) |
| logic [7:0] jedec_id; // JEDEC Manufacturer ID |
| logic [15:0] device_id; // Device ID |
| } jedec_cfg_t ; |
| |
| // SPI Operation mode |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| FwMode = 'h0, |
| FlashMode = 'h1, |
| PassThrough = 'h2 |
| } spi_mode_e; |
| |
| // SPI IO mode |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| SingleIO = 2'h 0, |
| DualIO = 2'h 1, |
| QuadIO = 2'h 2 |
| } io_mode_e; |
| |
| typedef enum int unsigned { |
| IoModeFw = 0, |
| IoModeCmdParse = 1, |
| IoModeReadCmd = 2, |
| IoModeStatus = 3, |
| IoModeJedec = 4, |
| IoModeUpload = 5, |
| IoModeEnd = 6 // Indicate of Length |
| } sub_io_mode_e; |
| |
| // SPI Line Mode (Mode0 <-> Mode3) |
| // This HWIP does not support Mode1 and Mode2 |
| typedef enum logic { |
| // Mode0: CPOL=0, CPHA=0 |
| // Data sampled on rising edge and shifted on falling edge |
| LineMode0 = 1'b 0, |
| // Mode3: CPOL=1, CPHA=1 |
| // Data sampled on falling edge and shifted on rising edge |
| LineMode3 = 1'b 1 |
| } line_mode_e; |
| |
| // SPI Read mode. QUAD uses additional two pins to read |
| // Bit 0: Single, Bit 1: Dual Bit 2: Quad |
| typedef logic [2:0] spi_rdmode_t; |
| |
| typedef logic [7:0] spi_byte_t; |
| |
| // eSPI utilizes Alert# signal (from device to host) |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| Spi = 2'h0, |
| Espi = 2'h1, |
| Tpm = 2'h2 |
| } spi_type_e; |
| |
| typedef enum logic [1:0] { |
| AddrByte = 2'h0, // 1 byte for address |
| AddrWord = 2'h1, // 2 bytes for address |
| AddrFull = 2'h2 // 3 bytes for address |
| } spi_addr_size_e; |
| |
| localparam int MEM_AW = 12; // Memory Address width (Byte based) |
| |
| typedef enum logic [9:0] { |
| DpNone = 'b 0000000000, |
| DpReadCmd = 'b 0000000001, |
| DpReadStatus = 'b 0000000010, |
| DpReadSFDP = 'b 0000000100, |
| DpReadJEDEC = 'b 0000001000, |
| |
| // Command + Address only: e.g Block Erase |
| // Command + Address + Paylod: Program |
| // Command followed by direct payload |
| // Write Status could be an example |
| // Command only: Write Protect Enable / Chip Erase |
| DpUpload = 'b 0000010000, |
| |
| DpEn4B = 'b 0000100000, |
| DpEx4B = 'b 0001000000, |
| DpWrEn = 'b 0010000000, |
| DpWrDi = 'b 0100000000, |
| // Unrecognizable commands: Just handle this as DpPayload |
| DpUnknown = 'b 1000000000 |
| } sel_datapath_e; |
| |
| typedef enum spi_byte_t { |
| CmdNone = 8'h 00, |
| |
| CmdWriteStatus1 = 8'h 01, |
| CmdWriteStatus2 = 8'h 31, |
| CmdWriteStatus3 = 8'h 11, |
| |
| CmdReadStatus1 = 8'h 05, |
| CmdReadStatus2 = 8'h 35, |
| CmdReadStatus3 = 8'h 15, |
| |
| CmdJedecId = 8'h 9F, |
| |
| CmdPageProgram = 8'h 02, |
| CmdQuadPageProgram = 8'h 32, // Not supported |
| |
| CmdSectorErase = 8'h 20, // 4kB erase |
| CmdBlockErase32 = 8'h 52, // 32kB |
| CmdBlockErase64 = 8'h D8, // 64kB |
| |
| CmdReadData = 8'h 03, |
| CmdReadFast = 8'h 0B, // with Dummy |
| CmdReadDual = 8'h 3B, |
| CmdReadQuad = 8'h 6B, |
| CmdReadDualIO = 8'h BB, |
| CmdReadQuadIO = 8'h EB, |
| |
| CmdWriteDisable = 8'h 04, |
| CmdWriteEnable = 8'h 06, |
| |
| CmdReadSfdp = 8'h 5A, |
| |
| CmdEnableReset = 8'h 66, |
| CmdResetDevice = 8'h 99 |
| } spi_cmd_e; |
| |
| // Sram parameters |
| parameter int unsigned SramDw = 32; |
| parameter int unsigned SramStrbW = SramDw/8; |
| parameter int unsigned SramOffsetW = $clog2(SramStrbW); |
| |
| // Msg region is used for read cmd in Flash and Passthrough region |
| parameter int unsigned SramMsgDepth = 512; // 2kB |
| parameter int unsigned SramMsgBytes = SramMsgDepth * SramStrbW; |
| |
| // Address Width of a Buffer in bytes |
| parameter int unsigned SramBufferBytes = SramMsgBytes / 2; // Double Buffer |
| parameter int unsigned SramBufferAw = $clog2(SramBufferBytes); |
| |
| parameter int unsigned SramMailboxDepth = 256; // 1kB for mailbox |
| |
| // SPI Flash Discoverable Parameter is for host to get the device |
| // information. It is a separate Command. The device provides a region in |
| // DPSRAM for SW. The size is 256B |
| parameter int unsigned SramSfdpDepth = 64; |
| parameter int unsigned SramPayloadDepth = 64; // 256B for Program |
| parameter int unsigned SramCmdFifoDepth = 16; // 16 x 1B for Cmd |
| parameter int unsigned SramAddrFifoDepth = 16; // 16 x 4B for Addr |
| parameter int unsigned SramTotalDepth = SramMsgDepth + SramMailboxDepth |
| + SramSfdpDepth + SramPayloadDepth |
| + SramCmdFifoDepth + SramAddrFifoDepth ; |
| |
| // Sram Depth is set to 1024 to satisfy DPSRAM parameter even though |
| // SramTotalDepth above is 928. |
| //parameter int unsigned SramDepth = 1024; |
| import spi_device_reg_pkg::SramDepth; |
| export spi_device_reg_pkg::SramDepth; |
| |
| parameter int unsigned SramAw = $clog2(spi_device_reg_pkg::SramDepth); |
| |
| typedef logic [SramAw-1:0] sram_addr_t; |
| typedef logic [SramDw-1:0] sram_data_t; |
| typedef logic [SramStrbW-1:0] sram_strb_t; |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic uncorr; |
| logic corr; |
| } sram_err_t; |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic req; |
| logic we; |
| sram_addr_t addr; |
| sram_data_t wdata; |
| sram_strb_t wstrb; |
| } sram_l2m_t; // logic to Memory |
| |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic rvalid; |
| sram_data_t rdata; |
| sram_err_t rerror; |
| } sram_m2l_t; // Memory to logic |
| |
| function automatic logic [SramDw-1:0] sram_strb2mask(logic [SramStrbW-1:0] strb); |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] result; |
| for (int unsigned i = 0 ; i < SramStrbW ; i++) begin |
| result[8*i+:8] = strb[i] ? 8'h FF : 8'h 00; |
| end |
| return result; |
| endfunction : sram_strb2mask |
| |
| function automatic logic [SramStrbW-1:0] sram_mask2strb( |
| logic [SramDw-1:0] mask |
| ); |
| logic [SramStrbW-1:0] result; |
| for (int unsigned i = 0 ; i < SramStrbW ; i++) begin |
| result[i] = &mask[8*i+:8]; |
| end |
| return result; |
| endfunction : sram_mask2strb |
| |
| // Calculate each space's base and size |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramReadBufferIdx = sram_addr_t'(0); |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramReadBufferSize = sram_addr_t'(SramMsgDepth); |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramMailboxIdx = SramReadBufferIdx + SramReadBufferSize; |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramMailboxSize = sram_addr_t'(SramMailboxDepth); |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramSfdpIdx = SramMailboxIdx + SramMailboxSize; |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramSfdpSize = sram_addr_t'(SramSfdpDepth); |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramPayloadIdx = SramSfdpIdx + SramSfdpSize; |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramPayloadSize = sram_addr_t'(SramPayloadDepth); |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramCmdFifoIdx = SramPayloadIdx + SramPayloadSize ; |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramCmdFifoSize = sram_addr_t'(SramCmdFifoDepth); |
| |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramAddrFifoIdx = SramCmdFifoIdx + SramCmdFifoSize ; |
| parameter sram_addr_t SramAddrFifoSize = sram_addr_t'(SramAddrFifoDepth); |
| |
| // Max BitCount in a transaction |
| parameter int unsigned BitLength = SramMsgDepth * 32; |
| parameter int unsigned BitCntW = $clog2(BitLength + 1); |
| |
| // spi device scanmode usage |
| typedef enum logic [3:0] { |
| ClkInvSel, |
| CsbRstMuxSel, |
| TxRstMuxSel, |
| RxRstMuxSel, |
| ClkMuxSel, |
| ClkSramSel, |
| RstSramSel, |
| TpmRstSel, |
| ScanModeUseLast |
| } scan_mode_e; |
| |
| // TPM ====================================================================== |
| typedef struct packed { |
| logic [7:0] rev; |
| logic locality; |
| logic [2:0] max_xfer_size; |
| } tpm_cap_t; |
| // TPM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| endpackage : spi_device_pkg |