blob: 85bc44b3642c7a93cc4361227aaae3c75e5e402b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Make variables specific to FUSESOC tool used for generating the filelist
# The following Make variables are to be set in the Test Makefile
# FUSESOC_CORE: the top level fusesoc core file developed for the ip/top level testbench
# see hw/ip/uart/dv/uart_sim.core as an example
# Rest of the Make variables added here are intermeditiate ones used in the flow
# fusesoc tool and options
SV_FLIST_GEN_TOOL ?= fusesoc
SV_FLIST_GEN_OPTS += --cores-root ${PROJ_ROOT} --cores-root ${RAL_MODEL_DIR} \
run --target=sim --setup ${FUSESOC_CORE}
FUSESOC_CORE_ = $(shell echo "${FUSESOC_CORE}" | tr ':' '_')