The Makefile system implemented here is a standardized solution for building and running DV sims for all ip/block/top level testbenches. This is only a stop gap solution until a proper build and run tool is developed and implemented. The way the Makefiles are structured will hopefully make the eventual transition easier.
- hw/ip/<ip>/dv/Makefile OR hw/top_earlgrey/dv/Makefile - hw/dv/tools/Makefile - - - - - vcs/ # if SIMULATOR=vcs - xcelium/ # if SIMULATOR=xcelium
The test Makefile that serves as the entry point into the DV build and run flow is placed in individual ‘dv’ directories of each testbench. For example: hw/ip/uart/dv/Makefile
This includes the top level Makefile, some mandatory variables that are to be set and exported and the actual tests.
This includes the top level Makefile which contains generic set of variable names (most of which can be overridden) to indicate where, what and how to build and run tests, some option groups and generic set of rules. This is located at hw/dv/tools/Makefile
The following is a list of Make variables that are used for specifying options to run simulations in a tool-independent way. Some variables are overridable in the Test Makefile (or command line) and some are appended to group / add options together. Please see following table for more details:
Make variable | Description | Overridable (O) or Appendable (A) |
DV_DIR | This is the top level DV directory for the IP containing the Test Makefile. | |
DUT_TOP | This is the top level dut module under test. | |
TB_TOP | This is the top level tb module under test. This is used by the <simulator>.tcl file when dumping waves. | |
FUSESOC_CORE | This is the testbench fusesoc .core name that contains the simulation target. This .core file is typically placed in the same directory as the test Makefile. | |
COMPILE_KEY | Users need to define COMPILE_KEY sets for building Test Makefile, CL with a unique sets of compile time options. This is to be done in the Test Makefile in this way: ifeq ($(COMPILE_KEY),foo) BUILD_OPTS += +define+FOO endif There is a ‘default’ compile key already added which implies no additional compile time options are required. Within each test specification, the COMPILE_KEY can be overridden to use the specific compile key. ifeq ($(TEST_NAME),foo_test) COMPILE_KEY = foo # other test opts endif | O (Within tests, & command line) |
UVM_TEST | SV UVM test class to create in the test. This is set to the ‘base_test’ by default and is overridden in the test specifications if needed. | O (Test Makefile) |
UVM_TEST_SEQ | SV UVM test sequence to create in the test. This is set to the ‘base_test’ by default and is overridden in the test specifications if needed. | O (Test Makefile) |
TEST_NAME | Name of the test to run. These are specified in the test Makefile. By default, it is set to run the sanity test (simply calling ‘make’ will run this test). | O (command line only) |
SIMULATOR | What simulator to use. Currently only ‘vcs’ is supported and is set by default. | O |
BUILD_OPTS | Options to pass for build. | A (Test Makefile :: COMPILE_KEY specifications only) |
CL_BUILD_OPTS | Pass additional build options on the command line. | A (command line only) |
RUN_OPTS | Options to pass for run. | A (Test Makefile :: test specifications only) |
CL_RUN_OPTS | Pass additional run options on the command line. | A (command line only) |
WAVES | Enable wave dumps (fsdb). Set to 0 by default; override with WAVES=1. | O |
SIMPROFILE | Turn on sim profiling (time option by default). Set to 0 by default; override with SIMPROFILE=1. | O |
COV | Turn on coverage collection. Set to 0 by default; override with COV=1. | O |
UVM_VERBOSITY | Verbosity level for UVM. Set to UVM_LOW by default; override with UVM_VERBOSITY=UVM_NONE / UVM_LOW / UVM_HIGH / UVM_DEBUG. | O |
BUILD_LOC | Build directory name in the scratch area. This defaults to the COMPILE_KEY used by the corresponding test. You can override it to use a different directory name. This is helpful when there is a test / regression already running and you made some fixes and want to rerun some failing test from another terminal without affecting the existing running sims. | O |
RUN_LOC | Run directory name in the scratch area. This defaults to a ‘timestamp’ value. You can override this to a specific name. Everytime a test is run, it creates a new directory with the current timestamp for the name. By overriding this with a specific name and rerunning the same test with the same directory name, you won't have to reopen waves - you can just reload. This is useful during test debug. | O |
SCRATCH_ROOT | This is the path to the root scratch area for bulding and running tests. If SCRATCH_ROOT is not already set, it will create a scratch directory in pwd which typically is the same as DV_DIR . | O (command line only) |
RUN_DIR_LIMIT | When you run tests, The flow creates a new RUN_LOC directory with the current timestamp (unless it is overridden). In course of debug, you may run the same test multiple times, which will eventually result in a large number of old timestamp directories in the scratch space. Without periodic cleanup, you may run out of scratch space. By default, this variable is set to 5, which means before running the test, it will prune the test area to contain no more than RUN_DIR_LIMIT number of most recent directories (including the newly created one). On the flipside, if you want to run the same test with a large number of iterations, you will need to override this variable to be set to that many iterations to prevent the flow from deleting actively running simulations. | O (command line only) |
SEED | This is a run time parameter passed to the sim executable. It uses od command to generate a 32-bit random number to run the sim with a unique seed. You can override this variable on the command line to run the test with a specific seed for debug. | O (command line only) |
XPROP | This is a compile time parameter to enable / disable X-Propagation. Set to 1 by default. | O (command line only) |
This is not an exhaustive list of Make variables. Please see ./Makefile
and ./*.mk
for more such variables in use.
This lists tools and options to generate the ral model by simply running the command make ral
from the same directory as the Test Makefile. For generating the UVM REG based RAL model, we use the same [in-house tool]({{< relref “doc/rm/register_tool” >}}) for autogenerating RTL with mako template.
This lists tools and options to generate the flattened filelist to supply to the simulator during the build step.
This lists common modes (which are groups of compile time and / or run time options) passed to the simulator for turning on a specific function. Modes listed in this file are meant to be common across all environments and simulator tools. Modes added in this file are WAVES
. These are truly global and can be turned on easily on the command line by setting them to 1: COV=1
switch on the command line will turn on coverage. These modes may require options that are specific to the simulator tool, so the make variable SIMULATOR
can be used to set tool specific options.
This is the only file in the make flow that contains targets and recipes that are completely agnostic to the tools used. It sequences the build and run set of targets.
The top level Makefile uses SIMULATOR
variable (which is set to vcs
by default) to enable tool specific options. If support for new tools need to be added, then those tool specific mk files need to be supplied. It sets the following mandatory variables - SIMCC
. It also exports additional tool specific variables to the sub shell when the recipes are executed. This file has been placed in the respective tool directory.
All of the below command examples are to be run from the ‘dv’ directory containing the Test Makefile.
$ make TEST_NAME=[test-name] [overrides]
$ make build TEST_NAME=[test-name] [overrides]
$ make run TEST_NAME=[test-name] [overrides]
$ make
This will work provided user has specified a set a ‘default’ value to the TEST_NAME
Make variable.
This builds the ‘default’ compile key and runs the ‘uart_sanity’ test
$ make TEST_NAME=uart_sanity
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SEED=123423334
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SEED=123423334 WAVES=1
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> COV=1
The file lists several tool options passed to the build and run steps for enabling coverage collection. One of the options is adding a hier file (with a -cm_hier
switch). By default, it looks for a file called cover.cfg
in the ‘dv’ directory set using the CM_HIER
Make variable - if it exists, it adds the switch automatically when coverage is enabled. If another hier file is desired (or with another name), it can be placed anywhere as the user desires and user can add the following line to the Test Makefile:
CM_HIER := <path-to-hier-file
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SIMPROFILE=1
$ make build
$ make build COMPILE_KEY=foo
$ make build CL_BUILD_OPTS+=+define+FOO
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> CL_RUN_OPTS+=+FOO
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SIMULATOR=xcelium
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SIMULATOR=xcelium WAVES=1
$ make TEST_NAME=<test-name> SIMULATOR=xcelium WAVES=1 DUMP=shm
$ make run TEST_NAME=<test-name> SEED=123423334 WAVES=1