[top] Align FPGA, Verilator and DV tops
Signed-off-by: Michael Schaffner <msf@opentitan.org>
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/data/clocks.xdc b/hw/top_earlgrey/data/clocks.xdc
index 2c6c90b..c82c5cf 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/data/clocks.xdc
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/data/clocks.xdc
@@ -22,8 +22,10 @@
create_generated_clock -name clk_io_div4 -source [get_pin ${u_pll}/CLKOUT0] -divide_by 4 [get_pin ${u_div4}/u_clk_div_buf/gen_xilinx.u_impl_xilinx/bufg_i/O]
## JTAG and SPI clocks
-create_clock -add -name jtag_tck -period 100.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_nets jtag_tck_buf]
+create_clock -add -name lc_jtag_tck -period 100.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_pin top_*/u_pinmux_aon/u_pinmux_strap_sampling/u_pinmux_jtag_buf_lc/prim_clock_buf_tck/gen_xilinx.u_impl_xilinx/bufg_i/O]
+create_clock -add -name rv_jtag_tck -period 100.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_pin top_*/u_pinmux_aon/u_pinmux_strap_sampling/u_pinmux_jtag_buf_rv/prim_clock_buf_tck/gen_xilinx.u_impl_xilinx/bufg_i/O]
create_clock -add -name clk_spi_in -period 100.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_pin top_*/u_spi_device/u_clk_spi_in_buf/gen_xilinx.u_impl_xilinx/bufg_i/O]
create_clock -add -name clk_spi_out -period 100.00 -waveform {0 5} [get_pin top_*/u_spi_device/u_clk_spi_out_buf/gen_xilinx.u_impl_xilinx/bufg_i/O]
-set_clock_groups -group ${clks_10_unbuf} -group ${clks_48_unbuf} -group ${clks_aon_unbuf} -group clk_io_div2 -group clk_io_div4 -group jtag_tck -group clk_spi_in -group clk_spi_out -asynchronous
+set_clock_groups -group ${clks_10_unbuf} -group ${clks_48_unbuf} -group ${clks_aon_unbuf} -group clk_io_div2 -group clk_io_div4 -group lc_jtag_tck -group rv_jtag_tck -group clk_spi_in -group clk_spi_out -asynchronous
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/tb/tb.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/tb/tb.sv
index 6f630f7..fe596a8 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/tb/tb.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/dv/tb/tb.sv
@@ -128,10 +128,10 @@
.IOC2(tie_off[0]), // MIO 20
.IOC3(tie_off[1]), // MIO 21
.IOC4(tie_off[2]), // MIO 22
- .IOC5(tie_off[3]), // MIO 23
+ .IOC5(jtag_spi_n), // MIO 23 -- TAP_STRAP_SEL1
.IOC6(tie_off[4]), // MIO 24
.IOC7(tie_off[5]), // MIO 25
- .IOC8(tie_off[6]), // MIO 26
+ .IOC8(tie_off[6]), // MIO 26 -- TAP_STRAP_SEL0
.IOC9(tie_off[7]), // MIO 27
.IOC10(tie_off[8]), // MIO 28
.IOC11(tie_off[9]), // MIO 29
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
assign io_dps[0] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tck : spi_device_sck;
assign io_dps[1] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tdi : spi_device_sdi_i;
assign io_dps[3] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tms : spi_device_csb;
- assign io_dps[4] = jtag_trst_n;
+ assign (weak0, weak1) io_dps[4] = 1'b0;
assign io_dps[5] = srst_n;
assign io_dps[6] = jtag_spi_n;
assign io_dps[7] = bootstrap;
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/clkgen_xil7series.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/clkgen_xil7series.sv
index 817e041..d931b9c 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/clkgen_xil7series.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/clkgen_xil7series.sv
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
// Add BUFG if not done by downstream logic
parameter bit AddClkBuf = 1
) (
- input IO_CLK,
- input IO_RST_N,
- input jtag_srst_n,
+ input IO_CLK,
+ input IO_RST_N,
+ input jtag_srst_n,
output clk_main,
output clk_48MHz,
output clk_aon,
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_asic.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_asic.sv
index 30da7b0..7d562cc 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_asic.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_asic.sv
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
logic rst_n;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core, mio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core, mio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core, mio_in_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_padring;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_umux;
// unused pad signals. need to hook these wires up since lint does not like module ports that are
// tied to 1'bz.
@@ -272,86 +272,48 @@
USB_N // cio_usbdev_aon_dn_p2d
} ),
// Muxed IOs
- .mio_in_o ( mio_in_padring ),
- .mio_out_i ( mio_out_padring ),
- .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_padring ),
+ .mio_in_o ( mio_in_core ),
+ .mio_out_i ( mio_out_core ),
+ .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_core ),
// Dedicated IOs
- .dio_in_o ( dio_in_padring ),
- .dio_out_i ( dio_out_padring ),
- .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_padring ),
+ .dio_in_o ( dio_in_umux ),
+ .dio_out_i ( dio_out_umux ),
+ .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_umux ),
// Pad Attributes
- .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
- .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
+ .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
+ .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
- //////////////////////
- // JTAG Overlay Mux //
- //////////////////////
+ /////////////////////
+ // USB Overlay Mux //
+ /////////////////////
+ // TODO: generalize this USB mux code and align with other tops.
logic usbdev_aon_usb_rx_enable;
logic usb_pullup_p_en;
logic usb_pullup_n_en;
logic usb_diff_input;
logic [ast_pkg::UsbCalibWidth-1:0] usb_io_pu_cal;
- logic jtag_trst_n, jtag_srst_n;
- logic jtag_tck, jtag_tms, jtag_tdi, jtag_tdo;
+ assign usb_pullup_p_en_o = dio_out_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDpPullup] &
+ dio_oe_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDpPullup];
+ assign usb_pullup_n_en_o = dio_out_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDnPullup] &
+ dio_oe_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDnPullup];
- localparam int NumIOs = pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads;
+ // Input tie-off muxes
+ for (genvar k = 0; k < pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads; k++) begin : gen_input_tie_off
+ if (k == top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevD) begin : gen_usb_diff_in
+ logic unused_in;
+ assign unused_in = dio_in_umux[k];
+ assign dio_in_core[k] = usb_diff_input;
+ end else begin : gen_other_inputs
+ assign dio_in_core[k] = dio_in_umux[k];
+ end
+ end
- // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
- // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
- localparam logic [NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues =NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
- // TODO: this is a temporary solution. JTAG will eventually be selected and
- // qualified inside the pinmux, based on strap and lifecycle state.
- // Parameterizeable JTAG overlay mux.
- // Unaffected indices are just passed through.
- jtag_mux #(
- .NumIOs ( NumIOs ),
- .TieOffValues ( TieOffValues ),
- .JtagEnIdx ( 16 ), // MIO 16
- .JtagEnPolarity ( 1 ),
- .TckIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSck ),
- .TmsIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb ),
- .TrstIdx ( 18 ), // MIO 18
- .SrstIdx ( 19 ), // MIO 19
- .TdiIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd0 ),
- .TdoIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd1 ),
- .UsbDpPuIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDpPullup ),
- .UsbDnPuIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDnPullup ),
- .UsbDIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevD ),
- .ConnectUSB (1)
- ) jtag_mux (
- // To JTAG inside core
- .jtag_tck_o ( jtag_tck ),
- .jtag_tms_o ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_no ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_srst_no ( jtag_srst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_o ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_i ( jtag_tdo ),
- // To core side
- .out_core_i ( {dio_out_core, mio_out_core} ),
- .oe_core_i ( {dio_oe_core, mio_oe_core} ),
- .in_core_o ( {dio_in_core, mio_in_core} ),
- // To padring side
- .out_padring_o ( {dio_out_padring, mio_out_padring} ),
- .oe_padring_o ( {dio_oe_padring , mio_oe_padring } ),
- .in_padring_i ( {dio_in_padring , mio_in_padring } ),
- // USB breakouts
- .usb_pullup_p_en_o ( usb_pullup_p_en ),
- .usb_pullup_n_en_o ( usb_pullup_n_en ),
- .usb_diff_input_i ( usb_diff_input )
- );
+ assign dio_out_umux = dio_out_core;
+ assign dio_oe_umux = dio_oe_core;
// AST //
@@ -616,6 +578,33 @@
// Top-level design //
+ // TODO: this is temporary and will be removed in the future.
+ // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
+ // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
+ localparam logic [pinmux_pkg::NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = pinmux_pkg::NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
+ pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
+ // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
+ // TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
+ // pinout configuration.
+ localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
+ const_sampling: 1'b1,
+ tie_offs: TieOffValues,
+ tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSck,
+ tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb,
+ trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
+ tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd0,
+ tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd1,
+ tap_strap0_idx: 26, // MIO 26
+ tap_strap1_idx: 23, // MIO 23
+ dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21
+ dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22
+ };
top_earlgrey #(
@@ -624,7 +613,8 @@
.KmacEnMasking(1), // DOM AND + Masking scheme
- .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1)
+ .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1),
+ .PinmuxAonTargetCfg(PinmuxTargetCfg)
) top_earlgrey (
.rst_ni ( aon_pok ),
// ast connections
@@ -658,12 +648,6 @@
// TODO: connect these
.flash_test_mode_a_i ('0 ),
.flash_test_voltage_h_i ('0 ),
- // JTAG
- .jtag_tck_i ( jtag_tck ),
- .jtag_tms_i ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_ni ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_i ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_o ( jtag_tdo ),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i ( mio_in_core ),
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
index 52c7dd4..0fe1b8c 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_nexysvideo.sv
@@ -78,12 +78,12 @@
logic clk_main, clk_usb_48mhz, clk_aon, rst_n;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core, mio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core, mio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core, mio_in_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_umux, dio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_umux, dio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_umux, dio_in_padring;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_umux;
padring #(
// MIOs 43:34 and 23:20 are currently not
@@ -230,73 +230,24 @@
IO_USB_DN0 } ),
// Muxed IOs
- .mio_in_o ( mio_in_padring ),
- .mio_out_i ( mio_out_padring ),
- .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_padring ),
+ .mio_in_o ( mio_in_core ),
+ .mio_out_i ( mio_out_core ),
+ .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_core ),
// Dedicated IOs
- .dio_in_o ( dio_in_padring ),
- .dio_out_i ( dio_out_padring ),
- .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_padring ),
+ .dio_in_o ( dio_in_umux ),
+ .dio_out_i ( dio_out_umux ),
+ .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_umux ),
// Pad Attributes
- .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
- .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
+ .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
+ .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
- //////////////////////
- // JTAG Overlay Mux //
- //////////////////////
- logic jtag_trst_n, jtag_srst_n;
- logic jtag_tck, jtag_tck_buf, jtag_tms, jtag_tdi, jtag_tdo;
+ /////////////////////
+ // USB Overlay Mux //
+ /////////////////////
- localparam int NumIOs = pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads;
- // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
- // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
- localparam logic [NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
- // TODO: this is a temporary solution. JTAG will eventually be selected and
- // qualified inside the pinmux, based on strap and lifecycle state.
- // Parameterizeable JTAG overlay mux.
- // Unaffected indices are just passed through.
- jtag_mux #(
- .NumIOs ( NumIOs ),
- .TieOffValues ( TieOffValues ),
- .JtagEnIdx ( 16 ), // MIO 16
- .JtagEnPolarity ( 1 ),
- .TckIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSck ),
- .TmsIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb ),
- .TrstIdx ( 18 ), // MIO 18
- .SrstIdx ( 19 ), // MIO 19
- .TdiIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd0 ),
- .TdoIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd1 )
- ) jtag_mux (
- // To JTAG inside core
- .jtag_tck_o ( jtag_tck ),
- .jtag_tms_o ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_no ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_srst_no ( jtag_srst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_o ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_i ( jtag_tdo ),
- // To core side via usbmux for DIOs
- .out_core_i ( {dio_out_umux, mio_out_core} ),
- .oe_core_i ( {dio_oe_umux, mio_oe_core} ),
- .in_core_o ( {dio_in_umux, mio_in_core} ),
- // To padring side
- .out_padring_o ( {dio_out_padring, mio_out_padring} ),
- .oe_padring_o ( {dio_oe_padring, mio_oe_padring } ),
- .in_padring_i ( {dio_in_padring, mio_in_padring } ),
- // USB breakouts
- .usb_pullup_p_en_o ( ),
- .usb_pullup_n_en_o ( ),
- .usb_diff_input_i ( 1'b0 )
- );
+ // TODO: generalize this USB mux code and align with other tops.
// Software can enable the pinflip feature inside usbdev.
// The example hello_usbdev does this based on GPIO0 (a switch on the board)
@@ -365,7 +316,7 @@
// GPIO[2] = Switch 2 on board is used to select using the UPHY
// Keep GPIO[1] for selecting differential in sw
logic use_uphy;
- assign use_uphy = mio_in_padring[2];
+ assign use_uphy = mio_in_core[2];
for (genvar i = 0; i < pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads; i++) begin : gen_dio
if (i == DioIdxUsbDn0) begin
@@ -417,19 +368,14 @@
- ////////////////////////////////
- // JTAG clock buffer for FPGA //
- ////////////////////////////////
- BUFG jtag_buf (
- .I (jtag_tck),
- .O (jtag_tck_buf)
- );
// PLL for FPGA //
+ // TODO: This needs to become a dedicated custom pin for FPGAs
+ logic jtag_srst_n;
+ assign jtag_srst_n = mio_in_core[19];
clkgen_xil7series # (
) clkgen (
@@ -468,6 +414,33 @@
// for verilator purposes, make these two the same.
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_clk_bypass;
+ // TODO: this is temporary and will be removed in the future.
+ // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
+ // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
+ localparam logic [pinmux_pkg::NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = pinmux_pkg::NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
+ pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
+ // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
+ // TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
+ // pinout configuration.
+ localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
+ const_sampling: 1'b1,
+ tie_offs: TieOffValues,
+ tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSck,
+ tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb,
+ trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
+ tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd0,
+ tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd1,
+ tap_strap0_idx: 20, // MIO 20 (tied off)
+ tap_strap1_idx: 16, // MIO 16 (used as JTAG/SPI select signal)
+ dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21 (tied off)
+ dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22 (tied off)
+ };
top_earlgrey #(
@@ -481,7 +454,8 @@
- .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1)
+ .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1),
+ .PinmuxAonTargetCfg(PinmuxTargetCfg)
) top_earlgrey (
// Clocks, resets
.rst_ni ( rst_n ),
@@ -516,13 +490,6 @@
.flash_test_mode_a_i ('0 ),
.flash_test_voltage_h_i ('0 ),
- // JTAG
- .jtag_tck_i ( jtag_tck_buf ),
- .jtag_tms_i ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_ni ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_i ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_o ( jtag_tdo ),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i ( mio_in_core ),
.mio_out_o ( mio_out_core ),
diff --git a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_verilator.sv b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_verilator.sv
index ce6b044..a88ebee 100644
--- a/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_verilator.sv
+++ b/hw/top_earlgrey/rtl/top_earlgrey_verilator.sv
@@ -8,9 +8,6 @@
input rst_ni
- logic cio_jtag_tck, cio_jtag_tms, cio_jtag_tdi, cio_jtag_tdo;
- logic cio_jtag_trst_n, cio_jtag_srst_n;
logic [31:0] cio_gpio_p2d, cio_gpio_d2p, cio_gpio_en_d2p;
logic cio_uart_rx_p2d, cio_uart_tx_d2p, cio_uart_tx_en_d2p;
@@ -130,12 +127,33 @@
+ // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
+ // TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
+ // pinout configuration.
+ localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
+ const_sampling: 1'b1,
+ tie_offs: '0,
+ tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSck,
+ tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb,
+ trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
+ tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd0,
+ tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceSd1,
+ tap_strap0_idx: 26, // MIO 26
+ tap_strap1_idx: 16, // MIO 16 (this is different in the ASIC top)
+ dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21
+ dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22
+ };
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_clk_bypass;
// Top-level design
top_earlgrey #(
- .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1)
+ .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1),
+ .PinmuxAonTargetCfg(PinmuxTargetCfg)
) top_earlgrey (
.rst_ni (rst_ni ),
.clk_main_i (clk_i ),
@@ -168,11 +186,6 @@
.lc_clk_byp_ack_i ( lc_clk_bypass ),
.flash_test_mode_a_i ('0),
.flash_test_voltage_h_i ('0),
- .jtag_tck_i (cio_jtag_tck),
- .jtag_tms_i (cio_jtag_tms),
- .jtag_trst_ni (cio_jtag_trst_n),
- .jtag_tdi_i (cio_jtag_tdi),
- .jtag_tdo_o (cio_jtag_tdo),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i (mio_in),
@@ -234,18 +247,22 @@
.dmi_rst_n (dmi_rst_n)
- // JTAG DPI for OpenOCD
- jtagdpi u_jtagdpi (
- .clk_i,
- .rst_ni,
+ // TODO: this is currently not supported.
+ // connect this to the correct pins once pinout is final and once the
+ // verilator testbench supports DFT/Debug strap sampling.
+ // See also #5221.
+ //
+ // jtagdpi u_jtagdpi (
+ // .clk_i,
+ // .rst_ni,
- .jtag_tck (cio_jtag_tck),
- .jtag_tms (cio_jtag_tms),
- .jtag_tdi (cio_jtag_tdi),
- .jtag_tdo (cio_jtag_tdo),
- .jtag_trst_n (cio_jtag_trst_n),
- .jtag_srst_n (cio_jtag_srst_n)
- );
+ // .jtag_tck (cio_jtag_tck),
+ // .jtag_tms (cio_jtag_tms),
+ // .jtag_tdi (cio_jtag_tdi),
+ // .jtag_tdo (cio_jtag_tdo),
+ // .jtag_trst_n (cio_jtag_trst_n),
+ // .jtag_srst_n (cio_jtag_srst_n)
+ // );
diff --git a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_cw305.sv b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_cw305.sv
index aa8bb17..33a5682 100644
--- a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_cw305.sv
+++ b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_cw305.sv
@@ -60,12 +60,12 @@
logic clk_main, clk_usb_48mhz, clk_aon, rst_n;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core, mio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core, mio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core, mio_in_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_padring;
- logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_padring;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_umux;
+ logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_umux;
padring #(
// MIOs 43:34 and 31:20 are currently not
@@ -204,87 +204,26 @@
IO_USB_DN0 } ),
// Muxed IOs
- .mio_in_o ( mio_in_padring ),
- .mio_out_i ( mio_out_padring ),
- .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_padring ),
+ .mio_in_o ( mio_in_core ),
+ .mio_out_i ( mio_out_core ),
+ .mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_core ),
// Dedicated IOs
- .dio_in_o ( dio_in_padring ),
- .dio_out_i ( dio_out_padring ),
- .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_padring ),
+ .dio_in_o ( dio_in_umux ),
+ .dio_out_i ( dio_out_umux ),
+ .dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_umux ),
// Pad Attributes
- .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
- .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
- );
- //////////////////////
- // JTAG Overlay Mux //
- //////////////////////
- logic jtag_trst_n, jtag_srst_n;
- logic jtag_tck, jtag_tck_buf, jtag_tms, jtag_tdi, jtag_tdo;
- localparam int NumIOs = pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads;
- // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
- // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
- localparam logic [NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
- pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
- // TODO: this is a temporary solution. JTAG will eventually be selected and
- // qualified inside the pinmux, based on strap and lifecycle state.
- // Parameterizeable JTAG overlay mux.
- // Unaffected indices are just passed through.
- jtag_mux #(
- .NumIOs ( NumIOs ),
- .TieOffValues ( TieOffValues ),
- .JtagEnIdx ( 16 ), // MIO 16
- .JtagEnPolarity ( 1 ),
- .TckIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSck ),
- .TmsIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceCsb ),
- .TrstIdx ( 18 ), // MIO 18
- .SrstIdx ( 19 ), // MIO 19
- .TdiIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd0 ),
- .TdoIdx ( pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
- top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd1 )
- ) jtag_mux (
- // To JTAG inside core
- .jtag_tck_o ( jtag_tck ),
- .jtag_tms_o ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_no ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_srst_no ( jtag_srst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_o ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_i ( jtag_tdo ),
- // To core side
- .out_core_i ( {dio_out_core, mio_out} ),
- .oe_core_i ( {dio_oe_core, mio_oe_core} ),
- .in_core_o ( {dio_in_core, mio_in_core} ),
- // To padring side
- .out_padring_o ( {dio_out_padring, mio_out_padring} ),
- .oe_padring_o ( {dio_oe_padring, mio_oe_padring } ),
- .in_padring_i ( {dio_in_padring, mio_in_padring } ),
- // USB breakouts
- .usb_pullup_p_en_o ( ),
- .usb_pullup_n_en_o ( ),
- .usb_diff_input_i ( 1'b0 )
- );
- ////////////////////////////////
- // JTAG clock buffer for FPGA //
- ////////////////////////////////
- BUFG jtag_buf (
- .I (jtag_tck),
- .O (jtag_tck_buf)
+ .mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
+ .dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
// PLL for FPGA //
+ // TODO: This needs to become a dedicated custom pin for FPGAs
+ logic jtag_srst_n;
+ assign jtag_srst_n = mio_in_core[19];
clkgen_xil7series # (
) clkgen (
@@ -322,6 +261,33 @@
// for verilator purposes, make these two the same.
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_clk_bypass;
+ // TODO: this is temporary and will be removed in the future.
+ // This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
+ // when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
+ localparam logic [pinmux_pkg::NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = pinmux_pkg::NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
+ pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
+ // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
+ // TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
+ // pinout configuration.
+ localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
+ const_sampling: 1'b1,
+ tie_offs: TieOffValues,
+ tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSck,
+ tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceCsb,
+ trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
+ tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd0,
+ tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd1,
+ tap_strap0_idx: 20, // MIO 20 (tied off)
+ tap_strap1_idx: 16, // MIO 16 (used as JTAG/SPI select signal)
+ dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21 (tied off)
+ dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22 (tied off)
+ };
top_englishbreakfast #(
@@ -331,7 +297,8 @@
- .BootRomInitFile(BootRomInitFile)
+ .BootRomInitFile(BootRomInitFile),
+ .PinmuxAonTargetCfg(PinmuxTargetCfg)
) top_englishbreakfast (
// Clocks, resets
.rst_ni ( rst_n ),
@@ -356,13 +323,6 @@
.clks_ast_o ( ),
.rsts_ast_o ( ),
- // JTAG
- .jtag_tck_i ( jtag_tck_buf ),
- .jtag_tms_i ( jtag_tms ),
- .jtag_trst_ni ( jtag_trst_n ),
- .jtag_tdi_i ( jtag_tdi ),
- .jtag_tdo_o ( jtag_tdo ),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i ( mio_in_core ),
.mio_out_o ( mio_out_core ),
diff --git a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
index a96ce46..796c41f 100644
--- a/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
+++ b/hw/top_englishbreakfast/rtl/top_englishbreakfast_verilator.sv
@@ -125,6 +125,27 @@
+ // DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
+ // TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
+ // pinout configuration.
+ localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
+ const_sampling: 1'b1,
+ tie_offs: '0,
+ tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSck,
+ tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceCsb,
+ trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
+ tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd0,
+ tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
+ top_englishbreakfast_pkg::TopEnglishbreakfastDioPinSpiDeviceSd1,
+ tap_strap0_idx: 26, // MIO 26
+ tap_strap1_idx: 16, // MIO 16 (this is different in the ASIC top)
+ dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21
+ dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22
+ };
// the rst_ni pin only goes to AST
// the rest of the logic generates reset based on the 'pok' signal.
// for verilator purposes, make these two the same.
@@ -137,7 +158,8 @@
- .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1)
+ .SramCtrlMainInstrExec(1),
+ .PinmuxAonTargetCfg(PinmuxTargetCfg)
) top_englishbreakfast (
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.clk_main_i (clk_i),
@@ -154,12 +176,6 @@
.flash_power_down_h_i ( '0 ),
.flash_power_ready_h_i ( 1'b1 ),
- .jtag_tck_i (cio_jtag_tck),
- .jtag_tms_i (cio_jtag_tms),
- .jtag_trst_ni (cio_jtag_trst_n),
- .jtag_tdi_i (cio_jtag_tdi),
- .jtag_tdo_o (cio_jtag_tdo),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i (mio_in),
.mio_out_o (mio_out),