blob: 7d562ccfd6da394dcde43fd567267a2d331a5834 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module top_earlgrey_asic (
// Clock and Reset
inout POR_N,
// Bank A (VIOA domain)
inout SPI_HOST_D0,
inout SPI_HOST_D1,
inout SPI_HOST_D2,
inout SPI_HOST_D3,
inout SPI_HOST_CS_L,
inout SPI_DEV_D0,
inout SPI_DEV_D1,
inout SPI_DEV_D2,
inout SPI_DEV_D3,
inout SPI_DEV_CLK,
inout SPI_DEV_CS_L,
inout IOA0, // MIO 0
inout IOA1, // MIO 1
inout IOA2, // MIO 2
inout IOA3, // MIO 3
inout IOA4, // MIO 4
inout IOA5, // MIO 5
// Bank B (VIOB domain)
inout IOB0, // MIO 6
inout IOB1, // MIO 7
inout IOB2, // MIO 8
inout IOB3, // MIO 9
inout IOB4, // MIO 10
inout IOB5, // MIO 11
inout IOB6, // MIO 12
inout IOB7, // MIO 13
inout IOB8, // MIO 14
inout IOB9, // MIO 15
inout IOB10, // MIO 16
inout IOB11, // MIO 17
// Bank C (VCC domain)
inout IOC0, // MIO 18
inout IOC1, // MIO 19
inout IOC2, // MIO 20
inout IOC3, // MIO 21
inout IOC4, // MIO 22
inout IOC5, // MIO 23
inout IOC6, // MIO 24
inout IOC7, // MIO 25
inout IOC8, // MIO 26
inout IOC9, // MIO 27
inout IOC10, // MIO 28
inout IOC11, // MIO 29
// Bank R (VCC domain)
inout IOR0, // MIO 30
inout IOR1, // MIO 31
inout IOR2, // MIO 32
inout IOR3, // MIO 33
inout IOR4, // MIO 34
inout IOR5, // MIO 35
inout IOR6, // MIO 36
inout IOR7, // MIO 37
inout IOR8, // MIO 38
inout IOR9, // MIO 39
inout IOR10, // MIO 40
inout IOR11, // MIO 41
inout IOR12, // MIO 42
inout IOR13, // MIO 43
// DCD (VCC domain)
inout CC1,
inout CC2,
// USB (VCC domain)
inout USB_P,
inout USB_N,
inout [3:0] FLASH_TEST_MODE,
import top_earlgrey_pkg::*;
// Signal definitions //
// Padring Instance //
logic rst_n;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] mio_attr;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0][pinmux_reg_pkg::AttrDw-1:0] dio_attr;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_out_core;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_oe_core;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads-1:0] mio_in_core;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_out_core, dio_out_umux;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_oe_core, dio_oe_umux;
logic [pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads-1:0] dio_in_core, dio_in_umux;
// unused pad signals. need to hook these wires up since lint does not like module ports that are
// tied to 1'bz.
wire unused_usbdev_se0, unused_usbdev_tx_mode, unused_usbdev_suspend;
wire unused_usbdev_d, unused_usbdev_aon_sense;
wire unused_usbdev_dp_pullup_en, unused_usbdev_dn_pullup_en;
wire unused_spi_device_s2, unused_spi_device_s3;
wire unused_clk;
padring #(
// The clock pad is not connected since
// AST contains an internal oscillator model.
.ConnectClk ( 0 ),
// All MIOs are connected
.ConnectMioIn ( 44'hFFF_FFFF_FFFF ),
.ConnectMioOut ( 44'hFFF_FFFF_FFFF ),
// Tied off DIOs:
// 2-8 (USB)
.ConnectDioIn ( 21'h1FFE03 ),
.ConnectDioOut ( 21'h1FFE03 ),
// MIO pad types
.MioPadVariant ( { // RBox
2'd3, // IOR13 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOR12 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOR11 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOR10 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOR9 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOR8 -- open drain
2'd0, // IOR7 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR6 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR5 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR4 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR3 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR2 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR1 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOR0 -- bidir
// Bank C
2'd3, // IOC11 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOC10 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOC9 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOC8 -- open drain
2'd0, // IOC7 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC6 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC5 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC4 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC3 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC2 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC1 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOC0 -- bidir
// Bank B
2'd3, // IOB11 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOB10 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOB9 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOB8 -- open drain
2'd0, // IOB7 -- birid
2'd0, // IOB6 -- birid
2'd0, // IOB5 -- birid
2'd0, // IOB4 -- birid
2'd0, // IOB3 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOB2 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOB1 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOB0 -- bidir
// Bank A
2'd3, // IOA5 -- open drain
2'd3, // IOA4 -- open drain
2'd0, // IOA3 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOA2 -- bidir
2'd0, // IOA1 -- bidir
2'd0 // IOA0 -- bidir
} ),
// DIO pad types
.DioPadVariant ( { 2'd1, // SPI_DEV_CLK -- input only
2'd1, // SPI_DEV_CS_L -- input only
2'd0, // SPI_DEV_D3 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_DEV_D2 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_DEV_D1 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_DEV_D0 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_CLK -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_CS_L -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_D3 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_D2 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_D1 -- bidir
2'd0, // SPI_HOST_D0 -- bidir
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd0, // unused
2'd2, // USB_P -- tolerant
2'd2 // USB_N -- tolerant
} )
) u_padring (
// Clk / Rst
.clk_pad_i ( unused_clk ),
.rst_pad_ni ( POR_N ),
.clk_o ( ),
.rst_no ( rst_n ),
.cc1_i ( CC1 ),
.cc2_i ( CC2 ),
// "special"
// MIO Pads
.mio_pad_io ( { // RBox
IOR13, // MIO 43
IOR12, // MIO 42
IOR11, // MIO 41
IOR10, // MIO 40
IOR9, // MIO 39
IOR8, // MIO 38
IOR7, // MIO 37
IOR6, // MIO 36
IOR5, // MIO 35
IOR4, // MIO 34
IOR3, // MIO 33
IOR2, // MIO 32
IOR1, // MIO 31
IOR0, // MIO 30
// Bank C
IOC11, // MIO 29
IOC10, // MIO 28
IOC9, // MIO 27
IOC8, // MIO 26
IOC7, // MIO 25
IOC6, // MIO 24
IOC5, // MIO 23
IOC4, // MIO 22
IOC3, // MIO 21
IOC2, // MIO 20
IOC1, // MIO 19
IOC0, // MIO 18
// Bank B
IOB11, // MIO 17
IOB10, // MIO 16
IOB9, // MIO 15
IOB8, // MIO 14
IOB7, // MIO 13
IOB6, // MIO 12
IOB5, // MIO 11
IOB4, // MIO 10
IOB3, // MIO 9
IOB2, // MIO 8
IOB1, // MIO 7
IOB0, // MIO 6
// Bank A
IOA5, // MIO 5
IOA4, // MIO 4
IOA3, // MIO 3
IOA2, // MIO 2
IOA1, // MIO 1
IOA0 // MIO 0
} ),
// DIO Pads
.dio_pad_io ( { SPI_DEV_CLK, // cio_spi_device_sck_p2d
SPI_DEV_CS_L, // cio_spi_device_csb_p2d
SPI_DEV_D3, // cio_spi_device_s_p2d[3]
SPI_DEV_D2, // cio_spi_device_s_p2d[2]
SPI_DEV_D1, // cio_spi_device_s_p2d[1]
SPI_DEV_D0, // cio_spi_device_s_p2d[0]
SPI_HOST_CLK, // cio_spi_host0_sck_p2d
SPI_HOST_CS_L, // cio_spi_host0_csb_p2d
SPI_HOST_D3, // cio_spi_host0_s_p2d[3]
SPI_HOST_D2, // cio_spi_host0_s_p2d[2]
SPI_HOST_D1, // cio_spi_host0_s_p2d[1]
SPI_HOST_D0, // cio_spi_host0_s_p2d[0]
unused_usbdev_aon_sense, // cio_usbdev_aon_sense_p2d
unused_usbdev_se0, // cio_usbdev_aon_se0
unused_usbdev_dp_pullup_en, // cio_usbdev_aon_dp_pullup
unused_usbdev_dn_pullup_en, // cio_usbdev_aon_dn_pullup
unused_usbdev_tx_mode, // cio_usbdev_aon_tx_mode_se
unused_usbdev_suspend, // cio_usbdev_aon_suspend
unused_usbdev_d, // cio_usbdev_aon_d_p2d
USB_P, // cio_usbdev_aon_dp_p2d
USB_N // cio_usbdev_aon_dn_p2d
} ),
// Muxed IOs
.mio_in_o ( mio_in_core ),
.mio_out_i ( mio_out_core ),
.mio_oe_i ( mio_oe_core ),
// Dedicated IOs
.dio_in_o ( dio_in_umux ),
.dio_out_i ( dio_out_umux ),
.dio_oe_i ( dio_oe_umux ),
// Pad Attributes
.mio_attr_i ( mio_attr ),
.dio_attr_i ( dio_attr )
// USB Overlay Mux //
// TODO: generalize this USB mux code and align with other tops.
logic usbdev_aon_usb_rx_enable;
logic usb_pullup_p_en;
logic usb_pullup_n_en;
logic usb_diff_input;
logic [ast_pkg::UsbCalibWidth-1:0] usb_io_pu_cal;
assign usb_pullup_p_en_o = dio_out_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDpPullup] &
assign usb_pullup_n_en_o = dio_out_core[top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevDnPullup] &
// Input tie-off muxes
for (genvar k = 0; k < pinmux_reg_pkg::NDioPads; k++) begin : gen_input_tie_off
if (k == top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinUsbdevD) begin : gen_usb_diff_in
logic unused_in;
assign unused_in = dio_in_umux[k];
assign dio_in_core[k] = usb_diff_input;
end else begin : gen_other_inputs
assign dio_in_core[k] = dio_in_umux[k];
assign dio_out_umux = dio_out_core;
assign dio_oe_umux = dio_oe_core;
// AST //
// TLUL interface
tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t base_ast_bus;
tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t ast_base_bus;
// assorted ast status
ast_pkg::ast_status_t ast_status;
// ast clocks and resets
logic aon_pok;
ast_pkg::ast_clks_t ast_base_clks;
// pwrmgr interface
pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_ast_req_t base_ast_pwr;
pwrmgr_pkg::pwr_ast_rsp_t ast_base_pwr;
// synchronization clocks / rests
clkmgr_pkg::clkmgr_ast_out_t clks_ast;
rstmgr_pkg::rstmgr_ast_out_t rsts_ast;
// otp power sequence
otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_ast_req_t otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq;
otp_ctrl_pkg::otp_ast_rsp_t otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h;
logic usb_ref_pulse;
logic usb_ref_val;
// adc
// The adc package definition should eventually be moved to the adc module
ast_pkg::adc_ast_req_t adc_i;
ast_pkg::adc_ast_rsp_t adc_o;
// entropy source interface
// The entropy source pacakge definition should eventually be moved to es
entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_rng_req_t es_rng_req;
entropy_src_pkg::entropy_src_rng_rsp_t es_rng_rsp;
// entropy distribution network
edn_pkg::edn_req_t ast_edn_edn_req;
edn_pkg::edn_rsp_t ast_edn_edn_rsp;
// alerts interface
ast_pkg::ast_alert_rsp_t ast_alert_rsp;
ast_pkg::ast_alert_req_t ast_alert_req;
// Flash connections
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t flash_bist_enable;
logic flash_power_down_h;
logic flash_power_ready_h;
// Life cycle clock bypass req/ack
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ast_clk_byp_req;
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t lc_ast_clk_byp_ack;
// DFT connections
logic scan_rst_n;
logic scan_en;
lc_ctrl_pkg::lc_tx_t scanmode;
// Jitter enable
logic jen;
// Alert connections
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::AsSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::CgSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::GdSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::TsHiSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::TsLoSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::LsSel;
import sensor_ctrl_reg_pkg::OtSel;
// reset domain connections
import rstmgr_pkg::PowerDomains;
import rstmgr_pkg::DomainAonSel;
import rstmgr_pkg::Domain0Sel;
// TODO: need to mux the external clock.
logic ext_clk;
assign ext_clk = 1'b0;
// AST does not use all clocks / resets forwarded to it
logic unused_slow_clk_en;
logic unused_usb_clk_aon;
logic unused_usb_clk_io_div4;
assign unused_slow_clk_en = base_ast_pwr.slow_clk_en;
assign unused_usb_clk_aon = clks_ast.clk_ast_usbdev_aon_peri;
assign unused_usb_clk_io_div4 = clks_ast.clk_ast_usbdev_io_div4_peri;
logic unused_usb_usb_rst;
logic [PowerDomains-1:0] unused_usb_sys_io_div4_rst;
logic [PowerDomains-1:0] unused_usb_sys_aon_rst;
logic unused_ast_sys_io_div4_rst;
logic unused_sensor_ctrl_sys_io_div4_rst;
logic unused_entropy_sys_rst;
logic unused_edn_sys_rst;
assign unused_usb_usb_rst = rsts_ast.rst_ast_usbdev_usb_n[DomainAonSel];
assign unused_usb_sys_io_div4_rst = rsts_ast.rst_ast_usbdev_sys_io_div4_n;
assign unused_usb_sys_aon_rst = rsts_ast.rst_ast_usbdev_sys_aon_n;
assign unused_ast_sys_io_div4_rst =
assign unused_sensor_ctrl_sys_io_div4_rst =
assign unused_entropy_sys_rst = rsts_ast.rst_ast_entropy_src_sys_n[DomainAonSel];
assign unused_edn_sys_rst = rsts_ast.rst_ast_edn0_sys_n[DomainAonSel];
ast #(
) u_ast (
// tlul
.tl_i ( base_ast_bus ),
.tl_o ( ast_base_bus ),
// buffered clocks & resets
// Reset domain connection is manual at the moment
.clk_ast_adc_i ( 1'b0 ),
.rst_ast_adc_ni ( 1'b0 ),
.clk_ast_alert_i ( clks_ast.clk_ast_sensor_ctrl_aon_io_div4_secure ),
.rst_ast_alert_ni ( rsts_ast.rst_ast_sensor_ctrl_aon_sys_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel] ),
.clk_ast_es_i ( clks_ast.clk_ast_edn0_main_secure ),
.rst_ast_es_ni ( rsts_ast.rst_ast_edn0_sys_n[Domain0Sel] ),
.clk_ast_rng_i ( clks_ast.clk_ast_entropy_src_main_secure ),
.rst_ast_rng_ni ( rsts_ast.rst_ast_entropy_src_sys_n[Domain0Sel] ),
.clk_ast_tlul_i ( clks_ast.clk_ast_ast_io_div4_secure ),
.rst_ast_tlul_ni ( rsts_ast.rst_ast_ast_sys_io_div4_n[DomainAonSel] ),
.clk_ast_usb_i ( clks_ast.clk_ast_usbdev_usb_peri ),
.rst_ast_usb_ni ( rsts_ast.rst_ast_usbdev_usb_n[Domain0Sel] ),
.clk_ast_ext_i ( ext_clk ),
.por_ni ( rst_n ),
// pok test for FPGA
.vcc_supp_i ( 1'b1 ),
.vcaon_supp_i ( 1'b1 ),
.vcmain_supp_i ( 1'b1 ),
.vioa_supp_i ( 1'b1 ),
.viob_supp_i ( 1'b1 ),
// pok
.vcaon_pok_o ( aon_pok ),
.vcmain_pok_o ( ast_base_pwr.main_pok ),
.vioa_pok_o ( ast_status.io_pok[0] ),
.viob_pok_o ( ast_status.io_pok[1] ),
// main regulator
.main_iso_en_i ( base_ast_pwr.pwr_clamp ),
.main_pd_ni ( base_ast_pwr.main_pd_n ),
// pdm control (flash)/otp
.flash_power_down_h_o ( flash_power_down_h ),
.flash_power_ready_h_o ( flash_power_ready_h ),
.otp_power_seq_i ( otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq ),
.otp_power_seq_h_o ( otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h ),
// system source clock
.clk_src_sys_en_i ( base_ast_pwr.core_clk_en ),
// need to add function in clkmgr
.clk_src_sys_jen_i ( jen ),
.clk_src_sys_o ( ast_base_clks.clk_sys ),
.clk_src_sys_val_o ( ast_base_pwr.core_clk_val ),
// aon source clock
.clk_src_aon_o ( ast_base_clks.clk_aon ),
.clk_src_aon_val_o ( ast_base_pwr.slow_clk_val ),
// io source clock
.clk_src_io_en_i ( base_ast_pwr.io_clk_en ),
.clk_src_io_o ( ast_base_clks.clk_io ),
.clk_src_io_val_o ( ast_base_pwr.io_clk_val ),
// usb source clock
.usb_ref_pulse_i ( usb_ref_pulse ),
.usb_ref_val_i ( usb_ref_val ),
.clk_src_usb_en_i ( base_ast_pwr.usb_clk_en ),
.clk_src_usb_o ( ast_base_clks.clk_usb ),
.clk_src_usb_val_o ( ast_base_pwr.usb_clk_val ),
// USB IO Pull-up Calibration Setting
.usb_io_pu_cal_o ( usb_io_pu_cal ),
// adc
// TODO: Connect to do adc_ctrl when instantiated
.adc_pd_i ( '0 ),
.adc_a0_ai ( '0 ),
.adc_a1_ai ( '0 ),
.adc_chnsel_i ( '0 ),
.adc_d_o ( ),
.adc_d_val_o ( ),
// rng
.rng_en_i ( es_rng_req.rng_enable ),
.rng_val_o ( es_rng_rsp.rng_valid ),
.rng_b_o ( es_rng_rsp.rng_b ),
// entropy
.entropy_rsp_i ( ast_edn_edn_rsp ),
.entropy_req_o ( ast_edn_edn_req ),
// alerts
.as_alert_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[AsSel] ),
.as_alert_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[AsSel] ),
.as_alert_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[AsSel] ),
.cg_alert_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[CgSel] ),
.cg_alert_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[CgSel] ),
.cg_alert_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[CgSel] ),
.gd_alert_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[GdSel] ),
.gd_alert_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[GdSel] ),
.gd_alert_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[GdSel] ),
.ts_alert_hi_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[TsHiSel] ),
.ts_alert_hi_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[TsHiSel] ),
.ts_alert_hi_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[TsHiSel] ),
.ts_alert_lo_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[TsLoSel] ),
.ts_alert_lo_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[TsLoSel] ),
.ts_alert_lo_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[TsLoSel] ),
.ls_alert_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[LsSel] ),
.ls_alert_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[LsSel] ),
.ls_alert_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[LsSel] ),
.ot_alert_trig_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_trig[OtSel] ),
.ot_alert_ack_i ( ast_alert_rsp.alerts_ack[OtSel] ),
.ot_alert_o ( ast_alert_req.alerts[OtSel] ),
// dft
.dft_strap_test_i ( '0 ),
.lc_dft_en_i ( lc_ctrl_pkg::Off ),
// pad mux related
//TODO: Connect to pinmux
.padmux2ast_i ( '0 ),
.ast2padmux_o ( ),
//TODO: Connect to PAD
.pad2ast_t0_ai ( '0 ),
.pad2ast_t1_ai ( '0 ),
.ast2pad_t0_ao ( ),
.ast2pad_t1_ao ( ),
.lc_clk_byp_req_i ( lc_ast_clk_byp_req ),
.lc_clk_byp_ack_o ( lc_ast_clk_byp_ack ),
.flash_bist_en_o ( flash_bist_enable ),
//TODO: Connect to memories
.dpram_rmf_o ( ),
.dpram_rml_o ( ),
.spram_rm_o ( ),
.sprgf_rm_o ( ),
.sprom_rm_o ( ),
// scan
.dft_scan_md_o ( scanmode ),
.scan_shift_en_o ( scan_en ),
.scan_reset_no ( scan_rst_n )
// Differential USB Receiver //
// TODO: overhaul these USB connections
assign usbdev_aon_usb_rx_enable = 1'b0;
prim_usb_diff_rx #(
) u_prim_usb_diff_rx (
.input_pi ( USB_P ),
.input_ni ( USB_N ),
.input_en_i ( usbdev_aon_usb_rx_enable ),
.core_pok_i ( ast_base_pwr.main_pok ),
.pullup_p_en_i ( usb_pullup_p_en ),
.pullup_n_en_i ( usb_pullup_n_en ),
.calibration_i ( usb_io_pu_cal ),
.input_o ( usb_diff_input )
// Top-level design //
// TODO: this is temporary and will be removed in the future.
// This specifies the tie-off values of the muxed MIO/DIOs
// when the JTAG is active. SPI CSB is active low.
localparam logic [pinmux_pkg::NumIOs-1:0] TieOffValues = pinmux_pkg::NumIOs'(1'b1 << (
pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads + top_earlgrey_pkg::TopEarlgreyDioPinSpiDeviceCsb));
// DFT and Debug signal positions in the pinout.
// TODO: generate these indices from the target-specific
// pinout configuration.
localparam pinmux_pkg::target_cfg_t PinmuxTargetCfg = '{
const_sampling: 1'b1,
tie_offs: TieOffValues,
tck_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
tms_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
trst_idx: 18, // MIO 18
tdi_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
tdo_idx: pinmux_reg_pkg::NMioPads +
tap_strap0_idx: 26, // MIO 26
tap_strap1_idx: 23, // MIO 23
dft_strap0_idx: 21, // MIO 21
dft_strap1_idx: 22 // MIO 22
top_earlgrey #(
.KmacEnMasking(1), // DOM AND + Masking scheme
) top_earlgrey (
.rst_ni ( aon_pok ),
// ast connections
.clk_main_i ( ast_base_clks.clk_sys ),
.clk_io_i ( ast_base_clks.clk_io ),
.clk_usb_i ( ast_base_clks.clk_usb ),
.clk_aon_i ( ast_base_clks.clk_aon ),
.clks_ast_o ( clks_ast ),
.clk_main_jitter_en_o ( jen ),
.rsts_ast_o ( rsts_ast ),
.pwrmgr_ast_req_o ( base_ast_pwr ),
.pwrmgr_ast_rsp_i ( ast_base_pwr ),
.sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_req_i ( ast_alert_req ),
.sensor_ctrl_ast_alert_rsp_o ( ast_alert_rsp ),
.sensor_ctrl_ast_status_i ( ast_status ),
.usbdev_usb_ref_val_o ( usb_ref_pulse ),
.usbdev_usb_ref_pulse_o ( usb_ref_val ),
.ast_tl_req_o ( base_ast_bus ),
.ast_tl_rsp_i ( ast_base_bus ),
.ast_edn_edn_req_i ( ast_edn_edn_req ),
.ast_edn_edn_rsp_o ( ast_edn_edn_rsp ),
.otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_o ( otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq ),
.otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h_i ( otp_ctrl_otp_ast_pwr_seq_h ),
.flash_bist_enable_i ( flash_bist_enable ),
.flash_power_down_h_i ( flash_power_down_h ),
.flash_power_ready_h_i ( flash_power_ready_h ),
.es_rng_req_o ( es_rng_req ),
.es_rng_rsp_i ( es_rng_rsp ),
.lc_clk_byp_req_o ( lc_ast_clk_byp_req ),
.lc_clk_byp_ack_i ( lc_ast_clk_byp_ack ),
// TODO: connect these
.flash_test_mode_a_i ('0 ),
.flash_test_voltage_h_i ('0 ),
// Multiplexed I/O
.mio_in_i ( mio_in_core ),
.mio_out_o ( mio_out_core ),
.mio_oe_o ( mio_oe_core ),
// Dedicated I/O
.dio_in_i ( dio_in_core ),
.dio_out_o ( dio_out_core ),
.dio_oe_o ( dio_oe_core ),
// Pad attributes
.mio_attr_o ( mio_attr ),
.dio_attr_o ( dio_attr ),
// DFT signals
.scan_rst_ni ( scan_rst_n ),
.scan_en_i ( scan_en ),
.scanmode_i ( scanmode )
endmodule : top_earlgrey_asic