blob: 6f630f738a13d9486e7f09a88913781d8e5c35b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
module tb;
// dep packages
import uvm_pkg::*;
import dv_utils_pkg::*;
import tl_agent_pkg::*;
import chip_env_pkg::*;
import top_pkg::*;
import chip_test_pkg::*;
import xbar_test_pkg::*;
// macro includes
`include "uvm_macros.svh"
`include "dv_macros.svh"
`include "chip_hier_macros.svh"
wire clk, rst_n;
wire usb_clk, usb_rst_n;
wire [NUM_GPIOS-1:0] gpio_pins;
wire jtag_tck;
wire jtag_tms;
wire jtag_trst_n;
wire jtag_tdi;
wire jtag_tdo;
wire spi_device_sck;
wire spi_device_csb;
wire spi_device_sdo_o;
wire spi_device_sdi_i;
wire srst_n;
wire jtag_spi_n;
wire bootstrap;
wire [7:0] io_dps;
wire usb_dp0, usb_dn0, usb_sense0, usb_dppullup0, usb_dnpullup0;
wire uart_rx, uart_tx;
bit stub_cpu;
bit en_sim_sram = 1'b1;
// internal clocks and resets
// cpu clock cannot reference cpu_hier since cpu clocks are forced off in stub_cpu mode
wire cpu_clk = `CLKMGR_HIER.clocks_o.clk_proc_main;
wire cpu_rst_n = `CPU_HIER.rst_ni;
wire alert_handler_clk = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.clk_i;
// interfaces
clk_rst_if clk_rst_if(.clk, .rst_n);
clk_rst_if usb_clk_rst_if(.clk(usb_clk), .rst_n(usb_rst_n));
alert_esc_if alert_if[NUM_ALERTS](.clk(alert_handler_clk), .rst_n(rst_n));
pins_if #(NUM_GPIOS) gpio_if(.pins(gpio_pins));
pins_if #(1) srst_n_if(.pins(srst_n));
pins_if #(1) jtag_spi_n_if(.pins(jtag_spi_n));
pins_if #(1) bootstrap_if(.pins(bootstrap));
pins_if #(1) rst_n_mon_if(.pins(cpu_rst_n));
spi_if spi_if(.rst_n);
tl_if cpu_d_tl_if(.clk(cpu_clk), .rst_n(cpu_rst_n));
uart_if uart_if();
jtag_if jtag_if();
// TODO: Replace with correct interfaces once
// pinmux/padring and pinout have been updated.
wire [28:0] tie_off;
wire [5:0] spi_host_tie_off;
wire [1:0] spi_dev_tie_off;
assign (weak0, weak1) tie_off = '0;
assign (weak0, weak1) spi_host_tie_off = '0;
assign (weak0, weak1) spi_dev_tie_off = '0;
// backdoors
bind `ROM_HIER mem_bkdr_if rom_mem_bkdr_if();
bind `RAM_MAIN_HIER mem_bkdr_if #(.MEM_PARITY(1)) ram_mem_bkdr_if();
bind `RAM_RET_HIER mem_bkdr_if #(.MEM_PARITY(1)) ram_mem_bkdr_if();
bind `FLASH0_MEM_HIER mem_bkdr_if flash0_mem_bkdr_if();
bind `FLASH1_MEM_HIER mem_bkdr_if flash1_mem_bkdr_if();
bind `FLASH0_INFO_HIER mem_bkdr_if flash0_info_bkdr_if();
bind `FLASH1_INFO_HIER mem_bkdr_if flash1_info_bkdr_if();
bind `OTP_MEM_HIER mem_bkdr_if #(.MEM_ECC(1)) otp_bkdr_if();
// TODO: the external clk is currently not connected.
// We will need to feed this in via a muxed pin, once that function implemented.
top_earlgrey_asic dut (
// Clock and Reset
// Bank A (VIOA domain)
.IOA0(gpio_pins[0]), // MIO 0
.IOA1(gpio_pins[1]), // MIO 1
.IOA2(gpio_pins[2]), // MIO 2
.IOA3(gpio_pins[3]), // MIO 3
.IOA4(gpio_pins[4]), // MIO 4
.IOA5(gpio_pins[5]), // MIO 5
// Bank B (VIOB domain)
.IOB0(gpio_pins[6]), // MIO 6
.IOB1(gpio_pins[7]), // MIO 7
.IOB2(gpio_pins[8]), // MIO 8
.IOB3(gpio_pins[9]), // MIO 9
.IOB4(gpio_pins[10]), // MIO 10
.IOB5(gpio_pins[11]), // MIO 11
.IOB6(gpio_pins[12]), // MIO 12
.IOB7(gpio_pins[13]), // MIO 13
.IOB8(gpio_pins[14]), // MIO 14
.IOB9(gpio_pins[15]), // MIO 15
.IOB10(io_dps[6]), // MIO 16
.IOB11(io_dps[7]), // MIO 17
// Bank C (VCC domain)
.IOC0(io_dps[4]), // MIO 18
.IOC1(io_dps[5]), // MIO 19
.IOC2(tie_off[0]), // MIO 20
.IOC3(tie_off[1]), // MIO 21
.IOC4(tie_off[2]), // MIO 22
.IOC5(tie_off[3]), // MIO 23
.IOC6(tie_off[4]), // MIO 24
.IOC7(tie_off[5]), // MIO 25
.IOC8(tie_off[6]), // MIO 26
.IOC9(tie_off[7]), // MIO 27
.IOC10(tie_off[8]), // MIO 28
.IOC11(tie_off[9]), // MIO 29
// Bank R (VCC domain)
.IOR0(tie_off[10]), // MIO 30
.IOR1(tie_off[11]), // MIO 31
.IOR2(uart_rx), // MIO 32
.IOR3(uart_tx), // MIO 33
.IOR4(tie_off[12]), // MIO 34
.IOR5(tie_off[13]), // MIO 35
.IOR6(tie_off[14]), // MIO 36
.IOR7(tie_off[15]), // MIO 37
.IOR8(tie_off[16]), // MIO 38
.IOR9(tie_off[17]), // MIO 39
.IOR10(tie_off[18]), // MIO 40
.IOR11(tie_off[19]), // MIO 41
.IOR12(tie_off[20]), // MIO 42
.IOR13(tie_off[21]), // MIO 43
// DCD (VCC domain)
// USB (VCC domain)
// connect signals
assign io_dps[0] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tck : spi_device_sck;
assign io_dps[1] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tdi : spi_device_sdi_i;
assign io_dps[3] = jtag_spi_n ? jtag_tms : spi_device_csb;
assign io_dps[4] = jtag_trst_n;
assign io_dps[5] = srst_n;
assign io_dps[6] = jtag_spi_n;
assign io_dps[7] = bootstrap;
assign spi_device_sdo_o = jtag_spi_n ? 1'b0 : io_dps[2];
assign jtag_tdo = jtag_spi_n ? io_dps[2] : 1'b0;
assign jtag_tck = jtag_if.tck;
assign jtag_tms = jtag_if.tms;
assign jtag_trst_n = jtag_if.trst_n;
assign jtag_tdi = jtag_if.tdi;
assign jtag_if.tdo = jtag_tdo;
assign spi_device_sck = spi_if.sck;
assign spi_device_csb = spi_if.csb;
assign spi_device_sdi_i = spi_if.sio[0];
assign spi_if.sio[1] = spi_device_sdo_o;
// TODO: Replace this weak pull to a known value with initialization
// in the agent/interface.
assign (weak0, weak1) uart_rx = 1'b1;
assign (weak0, weak1) uart_tx = 1'b1;
assign uart_rx = uart_if.uart_rx;
assign uart_if.uart_tx = uart_tx;
// TODO: USB-related signals, hookup an interface.
assign usb_rst_n = `USBDEV_HIER.rst_usb_48mhz_ni;
assign usb_dp0 = 1'b1;
assign usb_dn0 = 1'b0;
assign usb_sense0 = 1'b0;
assign usb_dppullup0 = 1'b0;
assign usb_dnpullup0 = 1'b0;
`define SIM_SRAM_IF u_sim_sram.u_sim_sram_if
// Instantiate & connect the simulation SRAM inside the CPU (rv_core_ibex) using forces.
sim_sram u_sim_sram (
.clk_i (`CPU_HIER.clk_i),
.rst_ni (`CPU_HIER.rst_ni),
.tl_in_i (`CPU_HIER.tl_d_o_int),
.tl_in_o (),
.tl_out_o (),
.tl_out_i (`CPU_HIER.tl_d_i)
initial begin
void'($value$plusargs("en_sim_sram=%0b", en_sim_sram));
if (!stub_cpu && en_sim_sram) begin
force `CPU_HIER.tl_d_i_int = u_sim_sram.tl_in_o;
force `CPU_HIER.tl_d_o = u_sim_sram.tl_out_o;
end else begin
force u_sim_sram.clk_i = 1'b0;
// Bind the SW test status interface directly to the sim SRAM interface.
bind `SIM_SRAM_IF sw_test_status_if u_sw_test_status_if (
.addr (tl_h2d.a_address),
.data (tl_h2d.a_data[15:0]),
// Bind the SW logger interface directly to the sim SRAM interface.
bind `SIM_SRAM_IF sw_logger_if u_sw_logger_if (
.addr (tl_h2d.a_address),
.data (tl_h2d.a_data),
// connect alert rx/tx to alert_if
for (genvar k = 0; k < NUM_ALERTS; k++) begin : gen_connect_alerts_pins
assign alert_if[k].alert_rx = `ALERT_HANDLER_HIER.alert_rx_o[k];
initial begin
uvm_config_db#(virtual alert_esc_if)::set(null, $sformatf("*.env.m_alert_agent_%0s",
LIST_OF_ALERTS[k]), "vif", alert_if[k]);
end : gen_connect_alerts_pins
initial begin
// Set clk_rst_vifs
// drive rst_n from clk_if
// clk_rst_if references internal clock created by ast
usb_clk_rst_if.set_active(.drive_clk_val(1'b1), .drive_rst_n_val(1'b0));
// clk_rst_if will be gotten by env and env.scoreboard (for xbar)
uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env*", "clk_rst_vif", clk_rst_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual clk_rst_if)::set(null, "*.env", "usb_clk_rst_vif", usb_clk_rst_if);
// IO Interfaces
uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(NUM_GPIOS))::set(null, "*.env", "gpio_vif", gpio_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual uart_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_uart_agent*", "vif", uart_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual jtag_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_jtag_agent*", "vif", jtag_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual spi_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_spi_agent*", "vif", spi_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual tl_if)::set(null, "*.env.m_tl_agent*", "vif", cpu_d_tl_if);
// Strap pins
uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set(
null, "*.env", "srst_n_vif", srst_n_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set(
null, "*.env", "jtag_spi_n_vif", jtag_spi_n_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set(
null, "*.env", "bootstrap_vif", bootstrap_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual pins_if #(1))::set(
null, "*.env", "rst_n_mon_vif", rst_n_mon_if);
// Backdoors
null, "*.env", "rom_bkdr_vif", `ROM_HIER.rom_mem_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "ram_main_bkdr_vif", `RAM_MAIN_HIER.ram_mem_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "ram_ret_bkdr_vif", `RAM_RET_HIER.ram_mem_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "flash_bank0_bkdr_vif", `FLASH0_MEM_HIER.flash0_mem_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "flash_bank1_bkdr_vif", `FLASH1_MEM_HIER.flash1_mem_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "flash_info0_bkdr_vif", `FLASH0_INFO_HIER.flash0_info_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "flash_info1_bkdr_vif", `FLASH1_INFO_HIER.flash1_info_bkdr_if);
null, "*.env", "otp_bkdr_vif", `OTP_MEM_HIER.otp_bkdr_if);
// SW logger and test status interfaces.
uvm_config_db#(virtual sw_test_status_if)::set(
null, "*.env", "sw_test_status_vif", `SIM_SRAM_IF.u_sw_test_status_if);
uvm_config_db#(virtual sw_logger_if)::set(
null, "*.env", "sw_logger_vif", `SIM_SRAM_IF.u_sw_logger_if);
// temp disable pinmux assertion AonWkupReqKnownO_A because driving X in spi_device.sdi and
// WkupPadSel choose IO_DPS1 in MIO will trigger this assertion
// TODO: remove this assertion once pinmux is templatized
$assertoff(0, dut.top_earlgrey.u_pinmux_aon.AonWkupReqKnownO_A);
$timeformat(-12, 0, " ps", 12);
`undef SIM_SRAM_IF
// stub cpu environment
// if enabled, clock to cpu is forced to 0
// cpu_d_tl_if force are applied to cpu d tl interface
initial begin
void'($value$plusargs("stub_cpu=%0b", stub_cpu));
if (stub_cpu) begin
force `CPU_HIER.clk_i = 1'b0;
force `CPU_HIER.tl_d_o = cpu_d_tl_if.h2d;
end else begin
force cpu_d_tl_if.h2d = `CPU_HIER.tl_d_o;
assign cpu_d_tl_if.d2h = `CPU_HIER.tl_d_i;
// otp test_access memory is only accessible after otp_init and lc_dft_en = 1.
// TODO: remove them once the otp/pwr otp/lc connections are completed.
initial begin
string common_seq_type, csr_seq_type;
void'($value$plusargs("run_%0s", common_seq_type));
void'($value$plusargs("csr_%0s", csr_seq_type));
if (common_seq_type inside {"mem_partial_access", "csr_mem_rw_with_rand_reset", "tl_errors"} ||
csr_seq_type == "mem_walk") begin
force tb.dut.top_earlgrey.u_otp_ctrl.lc_dft_en_i = 4'b1010;
// Control assertions in the DUT with UVM resource string "dut_assert_en".
`DV_ASSERT_CTRL("dut_assert_en", tb.dut)
`include "../autogen/"
`include "../autogen/"