blob: d49ba5dc9fd3bd1169e78a542c00a7087572f1c1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class chip_base_test extends cip_base_test #(
// The base class dv_base_test creates the following instances:
// chip_env_cfg: cfg
// chip_env: env
// The base class also looks up UVM_TEST_SEQ plusarg to create and run that seq in
// the run_phase; as such, nothing more needs to be done.
virtual function void build_phase(uvm_phase phase);
string sw_images_plusarg;
string use_otp_image_plusarg;
// Set the number of RAM tiles (1 each).
cfg.num_ram_main_tiles = 1;
cfg.num_ram_ret_tiles = 1;
cfg.num_otbn_dmem_tiles = 1;
// Knob to select the chip clock source.
`DV_GET_ENUM_PLUSARG(chip_clock_source_e, cfg.chip_clock_source, chip_clock_source)
if (cfg.chip_clock_source != ChipClockSourceInternal) begin
cfg.clk_freq_mhz = cfg.chip_clock_source;
// Knob to set the UART baud rate (set to 2M by default).
void'($value$plusargs("uart_baud_rate=%0d", cfg.uart_baud_rate));
// The following plusargs are only valid for SW based tests (i.e., no stubbed CPU).
// Knob to configure writing sw logs to a separate file (enabled by default).
void'($value$plusargs("write_sw_logs_to_file=%0b", cfg.write_sw_logs_to_file));
// Knob to enable logging over UART (disabled by default).
void'($value$plusargs("en_uart_logger=%0b", cfg.en_uart_logger));
cfg.m_uart_agent_cfgs[0].en_logger = cfg.en_uart_logger;
cfg.m_uart_agent_cfgs[0].write_logs_to_file = cfg.write_sw_logs_to_file;
// all the spi_agents talking to the host interface should be configured into
// device mode
foreach (cfg.m_spi_device_agent_cfgs[i]) begin
cfg.m_spi_device_agent_cfgs[i].if_mode = dv_utils_pkg::Device;
// Knob to set the sw_test_timeout_ns (set to 12ms by default).
void'($value$plusargs("sw_test_timeout_ns=%0d", cfg.sw_test_timeout_ns));
// Knob to use SPI to load image via ROM bootstrap.
void'($value$plusargs("use_spi_load_bootstrap=%0b", cfg.use_spi_load_bootstrap));
// Knob to indicate what build device to use (DV, Verilator or FPGA).
void'($value$plusargs("sw_build_device=%0s", cfg.sw_build_device));
// Knob to set custom sw image names for rom and sw.
if ($value$plusargs("sw_images=%0s", sw_images_plusarg)) begin
// Knob to perform the AST configuration.
void'($value$plusargs("do_creator_sw_cfg_ast_cfg=%0b", cfg.do_creator_sw_cfg_ast_cfg));
// Override the initial AST configuration data at runtime via plusarg.
foreach (cfg.creator_sw_cfg_ast_cfg_data[i]) begin
void'($value$plusargs({$sformatf("creator_sw_cfg_ast_cfg_data[%0d]", i), "=%0h"},
// Knob to select the OTP image based on LC state.
`DV_GET_ENUM_PLUSARG(otp_type_e, cfg.use_otp_image, use_otp_image)
$sformatf({"Unsupported plusarg value: +use_otp_image=%0s. An image associated",
"with this LC state needs to be created first."}, cfg.use_otp_image))
// Set the test timeout value to be sufficiently large.
test_timeout_ns = 50_000_000;
test_timeout_ns = `DV_MAX2(test_timeout_ns, 5 * cfg.sw_test_timeout_ns);
`uvm_info(`gfn, $sformatf("test_timeout_ns = %0d", test_timeout_ns), UVM_LOW)
endfunction : build_phase
endclass : chip_base_test