blob: 6cd22ea437b43637893c83074e4dec1153493366 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include "sw/device/lib/ujson/ujson.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sw/device/lib/base/math.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/base/status.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/runtime/print.h"
#include "sw/device/lib/ujson/private_status.h"
static bool is_space(int c) { return c == ' ' || (unsigned)c - '\t' < 5; }
ujson_t ujson_init(void *context, status_t (*getc)(void *),
status_t (*putbuf)(void *, const char *, size_t)) {
ujson_t u = UJSON_INIT(context, getc, putbuf);
return u;
status_t ujson_putbuf(ujson_t *uj, const char *buf, size_t len) {
return uj->putbuf(uj->io_context, buf, len);
status_t ujson_getc(ujson_t *uj) {
int16_t buffer = uj->buffer;
if (buffer >= 0) {
uj->buffer = -1;
return OK_STATUS(buffer);
} else {
return uj->getc(uj->io_context);
status_t ujson_ungetc(ujson_t *uj, char ch) {
if (uj->buffer >= 0) {
uj->buffer = ch;
return OK_STATUS();
bool ujson_streq(const char *a, const char *b) {
while (*a && *b && *a == *b) {
return *a == *b;
// Consumes whitespace returning first non-whitepsace character found.
static status_t consume_whitespace(ujson_t *uj) {
int ch;
do {
ch = TRY(ujson_getc(uj));
} while (is_space(ch));
return OK_STATUS(ch);
static status_t consume_hexdigit(ujson_t *uj) {
int ch = TRY(ujson_getc(uj));
if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
return OK_STATUS(ch - '0');
} else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') {
return OK_STATUS(ch - 'A' + 10);
} else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') {
return OK_STATUS(ch - 'a' + 10);
} else {
return OUT_OF_RANGE();
static status_t consume_hex(ujson_t *uj) {
int a = TRY(consume_hexdigit(uj));
int b = TRY(consume_hexdigit(uj));
int c = TRY(consume_hexdigit(uj));
int d = TRY(consume_hexdigit(uj));
return OK_STATUS((a << 12) | (b << 8) | (c << 4) | d);
status_t ujson_consume(ujson_t *uj, char ch) {
if (ch != TRY(consume_whitespace(uj))) {
return NOT_FOUND();
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_consume_maybe(ujson_t *uj, char ch) {
char got = TRY(consume_whitespace(uj));
if (ch != got) {
ujson_ungetc(uj, got);
return OK_STATUS(0);
return OK_STATUS(1);
status_t ujson_parse_qs(ujson_t *uj, char *str, size_t len) {
int ch;
int n = 0;
len--; // One char for the nul terminator.
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, '"'));
while (true) {
ch = TRY(ujson_getc(uj));
if (ch == '\"')
if (ch == '\\') {
ch = TRY(ujson_getc(uj));
switch (ch) {
case '"':
case '\\':
case '/':
case 'b':
ch = '\b';
case 'f':
ch = '\f';
case 'n':
ch = '\n';
case 'r':
ch = '\r';
case 't':
ch = '\t';
case 'u':
ch = TRY(consume_hex(uj));
return OUT_OF_RANGE();
if (len > 0) {
*str++ = ch;
*str = '\0';
return OK_STATUS(n);
status_t ujson_parse_integer(ujson_t *uj, void *result, size_t rsz) {
char ch = TRY(consume_whitespace(uj));
bool neg = false;
if (ch == '-') {
neg = true;
ch = TRY(ujson_getc(uj));
int64_t value = 0;
status_t s;
while (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
value *= 10;
value += ch - '0';
s = ujson_getc(uj);
if (status_err(s))
ch = (char)s.value;
if (status_ok(s))
TRY(ujson_ungetc(uj, ch));
if (neg)
value = -value;
memcpy(result, &value, rsz);
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_deserialize_bool(ujson_t *uj, bool *value) {
char got = TRY(consume_whitespace(uj));
if (got == 't') {
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'r'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'u'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'e'));
*value = true;
} else if (got == 'f') {
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'a'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'l'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 's'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, 'e'));
*value = false;
} else {
ujson_ungetc(uj, got);
return NOT_FOUND();
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_deserialize_uint64_t(ujson_t *uj, uint64_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_uint32_t(ujson_t *uj, uint32_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_uint16_t(ujson_t *uj, uint16_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_uint8_t(ujson_t *uj, uint8_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_size_t(ujson_t *uj, size_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_int64_t(ujson_t *uj, int64_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_int32_t(ujson_t *uj, int32_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_int16_t(ujson_t *uj, int16_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
status_t ujson_deserialize_int8_t(ujson_t *uj, int8_t *value) {
return ujson_parse_integer(uj, (void *)value, sizeof(*value));
static const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
status_t ujson_serialize_string(ujson_t *uj, const char *buf) {
uint8_t ch;
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\"", 1));
while ((ch = (uint8_t)*buf) != '\0') {
if (ch < 0x20 || ch == '"' || ch == '\\' || ch >= 0x7f) {
switch (ch) {
case '"':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\\"", 2));
case '\\':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\\\", 2));
case '\b':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\b", 2));
case '\f':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\f", 2));
case '\n':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\n", 2));
case '\r':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\r", 2));
case '\t':
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\\t", 2));
default: {
char esc[] = {'\\', 'u', '0', '0', hex[ch >> 4], hex[ch & 0xF]};
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, esc, sizeof(esc)));
} else {
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, buf, 1));
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "\"", 1));
return OK_STATUS();
static status_t ujson_serialize_integer64(ujson_t *uj, uint64_t value,
bool neg) {
char buf[24];
char *end = buf + sizeof(buf);
size_t len = 0;
*--end = '\0';
// If negative, two's complement for the absolute value.
if (neg)
value = ~value + 1;
do {
// We've banned __udivdi3; do division with the replacement function.
uint64_t remainder;
value = udiv64_slow(value, 10, &remainder);
*--end = '0' + remainder;
} while (value);
if (neg) {
*--end = '-';
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, end, len));
return OK_STATUS();
static status_t ujson_serialize_integer32(ujson_t *uj, uint32_t value,
bool neg) {
char buf[24];
char *end = buf + sizeof(buf);
size_t len = 0;
*--end = '\0';
// If negative, two's complement for the absolute value.
if (neg)
value = ~value + 1;
do {
*--end = '0' + value % 10;
value /= 10;
} while (value);
if (neg) {
*--end = '-';
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, end, len));
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_serialize_bool(ujson_t *uj, const bool *value) {
if (*value) {
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "true", 4));
} else {
TRY(ujson_putbuf(uj, "false", 5));
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_serialize_uint64_t(ujson_t *uj, const uint64_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer64(uj, *value, false);
status_t ujson_serialize_uint32_t(ujson_t *uj, const uint32_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, *value, false);
status_t ujson_serialize_uint16_t(ujson_t *uj, const uint16_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, *value, false);
status_t ujson_serialize_uint8_t(ujson_t *uj, const uint8_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, *value, false);
status_t ujson_serialize_size_t(ujson_t *uj, const size_t *value) {
if (sizeof(size_t) == sizeof(uint64_t)) {
return ujson_serialize_integer64(uj, *value, false);
} else {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, *value, false);
status_t ujson_serialize_int64_t(ujson_t *uj, const int64_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer64(uj, (uint64_t)*value, *value < 0);
status_t ujson_serialize_int32_t(ujson_t *uj, const int32_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, (uint32_t)*value, *value < 0);
status_t ujson_serialize_int16_t(ujson_t *uj, const int16_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, (uint32_t)*value, *value < 0);
status_t ujson_serialize_int8_t(ujson_t *uj, const int8_t *value) {
return ujson_serialize_integer32(uj, (uint32_t)*value, *value < 0);
status_t ujson_deserialize_status_t(ujson_t *uj, status_t *value) {
private_status_t code;
uint32_t module_id = 0;
uint32_t arg = 0;
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, '{'));
TRY(ujson_deserialize_private_status_t(uj, &code));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, ':'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, '['));
if (code != kPrivateStatusOk) {
char module[4];
TRY(ujson_parse_qs(uj, module, sizeof(module)));
module_id = MAKE_MODULE_ID(module[0], module[1], module[2]);
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, ','));
TRY(ujson_deserialize_uint32_t(uj, &arg));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, ']'));
TRY(ujson_consume(uj, '}'));
*value = status_create((absl_status_t)code, module_id, __FILE__, arg);
return OK_STATUS();
status_t ujson_serialize_status_t(ujson_t *uj, const status_t *value) {
buffer_sink_t out = {
.data = uj->io_context,
.sink = (size_t(*)(void *, const char *, size_t))uj->putbuf,
base_fprintf(out, "%!r", *value);
return OK_STATUS();