blob: 83386b1cfb12fe4445f48f45895eba8461c9c896 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "samples/risp4ml/common/utils.h"
// int GetBayerIndex(int x, int y) {
// // The Bayer pattern code defines which color is top left in the quad:
// // +---+---+
// // | R | Gr|
// // +---+---+
// // | Gb| B |
// // +---+---+
// return ((x & 1) + 2 * (y & 1));
// }
BayerIndex GetBayerIndex(BayerPattern bayerType, uint16_t x, uint16_t y) {
// The Bayer pattern code defines which color is top left in the quad:
// 0: +---+---+ 1: +---+---+ 2: +---+---+ 3: +---+---+
// | R | Gr| | Gr| R | | Gb| B | | B | Gb|
// +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
// | Gb| B | | B | Gb| | R | Gr| | Gr| R |
// +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
// pattern 0 is base pattern and other patterns are shifted versions of the
// base
// Patterns 1 and 3 shift in the x
uint16_t x_shift = (uint16_t)(bayerType == kGrbg || bayerType == kBggr);
// Patterns 2 and 3 shift in the y
uint16_t y_shift = (uint16_t)(bayerType == kGbrg || bayerType == kBggr);
return (BayerIndex)(((x + x_shift) & 1) + 2 * ((y + y_shift) & 1));
int BayerMirrorBoundary(int x, int size) {
if (x < 0)
return (-x + 2 * (-x & 0x1) - 2);
else if (x < size)
return x;
return 2 * size - x - 2 * ((x - size + 1) & 0x1);