ML SW toolchain based on IREE

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  1. a380007 Add support for .dat file as model input by Lun Dong · 3 weeks ago master
  2. 78a6ea6 Revert "Fix the latest breakage by defining IREE_TIME_NOW_FN" by Lun Dong · 7 weeks ago
  3. 3a0d091 Fix the latest breakage by defining IREE_TIME_NOW_FN by Lun Dong · 7 weeks ago
  4. 5af2ebf Update doc on lit Filecheck usage by Cindy Liu · 3 months ago
  5. 2e11f49 Revert "Bypass conv1x1_vmvx test for renode" by Lun Dong · 4 months ago

Springbok Model Execution Repository

This project contains ML model codegen and execution libraries/examples. The artifacts built from this project is targeted for RISC-V 32-bit baremetal machine (Springbok or Kelvin).


If you get this project from Project Shodan manifest, you are all set. If not, you need to have following projects as well to build the project successfully.

This project needs to be at <dir>/sw/vec_iree

Code structure

  • audio_prep: Audio preprocessing libarary
  • build_tools: Utility scripts for the project
  • cmake: CMake Macros for the project
  • device: Device HAL driver library
  • model_util: Runtime utility library for model execution
  • native_log: BSP support for the Linux userspace emulation
  • risp4ml: Vision preprocessing library (Reduced ISP for ML)
  • samples: Codegen and execution of ML models based on IREE
    • branch_mul: Branch multiplication example
    • microbenchmarks: Currently only contain a convolution 1x1 example
    • simple_vec_mul: Point-wise vector multiplication examples
  • ssd_postprocess: Vision postprocessing library for Single-Shot Detectors (SSD)
  • ukernel: Custom microkernel library for VMVX and LLVM

Build the project

If you are running from Project Shodan repo, you can build the artifacts with m iree. If you download this project alone, you need to download/build IREE's host compiler, then go to the top level directory.

For Springbok

  cmake -B <output dir> -G Ninja \
     -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$(realpath sw/vec_iree/cmake/riscv_iree.cmake)" \
     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel \
     -DIREE_HOST_BIN_DIR="$(IREE_COMPILER_DIR)/install/bin" \
  cmake --build <output dir> --target all

For Kelvin

  cmake -B <output dir> -G Ninja \
     -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$(realpath sw/vec_iree/cmake/riscv_iree_gcc.cmake)" \
     -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=MinSizeRel \
     -DIREE_HOST_BIN_DIR="$(IREE_COMPILER_DIR)/install/bin" \
  cmake --build <output dir> --target all

Run the executables

You can run RENODE emulation with the built executables. In Shodan repo, sim_springbok for Renode simulation on Springbok; sim_kelvin for Renode simulation on Kelvin. Out-of-repo emulation is possible but requires more steps.

Test the executables

In Shodan, this project utilizes LLVM lit and Python filecheck to test the ML executable performance. The tests are defined in the * files under <output dir>. To run the test, at the Shodan top level directory

lit -a <output dir>

Default is renode tests for Springbok. Add-D RUNNER=kelvin to enable renode tests for Kelvin. Add-D RUNNER=kelvin_hw to enable renode tests for Kelvin HW.