blob: 1732eb8a3c7400261a3eb81e3e5805bb466f56fa [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
.section .text._start
.align 2
.globl _start
.type _start, @function
# Put all scalar registers into a known state #
la sp, _stack_ptr
la gp, _global_pointer
la s0, _sheap
sw s0, _heap_ptr, s1
mv tp, zero
mv t1, zero
mv t2, zero
mv s0, zero
mv s1, zero
mv a1, zero
mv a2, zero
mv a3, zero
mv a4, zero
mv a5, zero
mv a6, zero
mv a7, zero
mv s2, zero
mv s3, zero
mv s4, zero
mv s5, zero
mv s6, zero
mv s7, zero
mv s8, zero
mv s9, zero
mv s10, zero
mv s11, zero
mv t3, zero
mv t4, zero
mv t5, zero
mv t6, zero
# Put all vector registers into a known state #
# Set vector extension to "initial"
csrr a0, mstatus
ori a0, a0, 0x600
addi a0, a0, -0x200
csrw mstatus, a0
# Set lmul=8 and clear the register file
vsetvli t0, zero, e8, m8, tu, mu
vmv.v.i v0, 0
vmv.v.i v8, 0
vmv.v.i v16, 0
vmv.v.i v24, 0
# Set lmul=1
vsetvli t0, zero, e8, m1, tu, mu
# Set vector extension to "clean"
xori a0, a0, 0x600
csrw mstatus, a0
# Reset all other CSRs, and perform any other processor setup #
# Enable floating point unit
csrr a0, mstatus
li a1, 0x2000
or a0, a0, a1
csrw mstatus, a0
la a0, exception_handler
csrw mtvec, a0
# Set up stack sentinels #
jal ra, _setup_stack_sentinels
# Register fini handlers #
la a0, __libc_fini_array
call atexit
# Perform C initialization calls #
call __libc_init_array
# Call main #
li a0, 0 #argv
li a1, 0 #argc
li a2, 0 #envp
la ra, main
jalr ra, ra
# Save main's return value into s0
mv s0, a0
# Call C destructors #
li a1, 0
call __call_exitprocs
# Don't clear the stack if the program returned from main
j 1f
# Save _exit's return value
mv s0, a0
# Clear the stack
la sp, _stack_ptr
# Verify stack sentinels are unchanged and that sp is where we expect it #
# Check the stack, and fix it if it's broken
jal ra, _check_stack
# Was the stack corrupted?
beq a0, zero, 1f
# The stack was corrupted!
# These strings are stored in instruction memory like
# this so they can't ever be corrupted.
li t0, 0x63617473 # "stac"
li t1, 0x6f63206b # "k co"
li t2, 0x70757272 # "rrup"
li t3, 0x00646574 # "ted\0"
addi sp, sp, -16
sw t0, 0(sp)
sw t1, 4(sp)
sw t2, 8(sp)
sw t3, 12(sp)
li t4, 0 # ERROR logging level
.word 0x00A10EFB # simprint t4, sp, a0 (encoded as custom3<func3=0>)
addi sp, sp, 16
# Restore the application's return value
mv a0, s0
# Print main's return value
# These strings are stored in instruction memory like
# this so they can't ever be corrupted.
li t0, 0x6e69616d # "main"
li t1, 0x74657220 # " ret"
li t2, 0x656e7275 # "urne"
li t3, 0x00203a64 # "d: \0"
addi sp, sp, -16
sw t0, 0(sp)
sw t1, 4(sp)
sw t2, 8(sp)
sw t3, 12(sp)
li t4, 2 # INFO logging level
.word 0x00A10EFB # simprint t4, sp, a0 (encoded as custom3<func3=0>)
addi sp, sp, 16
# At ret we have 3 u32 values: return code, fault PC (if any), and
# output length (to be added with MlOutput cleanup).
la t0, _ret
# Store the application's return value and machine exception program
# counter at _ret
sw a0, 0(t0)
csrr t1, mepc
sw t1, 4(t0)
# Store the application's return value at _ret
sw a0, 0(t0)
.word 0x0000307B # finish (encoded as custom3<func3=3>)
j 1b
# Write our stack sentinels to memory #
la a0, _stack_start_sentinel
li a1, 0xCAFEF00D
sw a1, 0(a0)
sw a1, 4(a0)
sw a1, 8(a0)
sw a1, 12(a0)
sw a1, 16(a0)
sw a1, 20(a0)
sw a1, 24(a0)
sw a1, 28(a0)
sw a1, 32(a0)
sw a1, 36(a0)
sw a1, 40(a0)
sw a1, 44(a0)
sw a1, 48(a0)
sw a1, 52(a0)
sw a1, 56(a0)
sw a1, 60(a0)
la a0, _stack_end_sentinel
li a1, 0xDECAFBAD
sw a1, 0(a0)
sw a1, 4(a0)
sw a1, 8(a0)
sw a1, 12(a0)
sw a1, 16(a0)
sw a1, 20(a0)
sw a1, 24(a0)
sw a1, 28(a0)
sw a1, 32(a0)
sw a1, 36(a0)
sw a1, 40(a0)
sw a1, 44(a0)
sw a1, 48(a0)
sw a1, 52(a0)
sw a1, 56(a0)
sw a1, 60(a0)
# Check that our stack sentinels are there and that the stack is empty #
# repair the stack pointer if it's broken
mv a0, sp
la sp, _stack_ptr
bne a0, sp, 2f
la a0, _stack_start_sentinel
addi a1, a0, 64
li a2, 0xCAFEF00D
lw a3, 0(a0)
bne a2, a3, 2f
addi a0, a0, 4
bne a0, a1, 1b
la a0, _stack_end_sentinel
addi a1, a0, 64
li a2, 0xDECAFBAD
lw a3, 0(a0)
bne a2, a3, 2f
addi a0, a0, 4
bne a0, a1, 1b
# stack is fine
mv a0, zero
# stack corruption!
2: li a0, 1
.weak exception_handler
# Exception occurred
# These strings are stored in instruction memory like
# this so they can't ever be corrupted.
li t0, 0x65637845 # "Exce"
li t1, 0x6f697470 # "ptio"
li t2, 0x636f206e # "n oc"
li t3, 0x72727563 # "curr"
li t4, 0x00006465 # "ed\0\0"
addi sp, sp, -20
sw t0, 0(sp)
sw t1, 4(sp)
sw t2, 8(sp)
sw t3, 12(sp)
sw t4, 16(sp)
csrr a0, mcause
li t6, 0 # ERROR logging level
.word 0x00A10FFB # simprint t6, sp, a0 (encoded as custom3<func3=0>)
addi sp, sp, 20
# Store mcause as the reture value
mv s0, a0
call print_csrs
# Restore the return value to be used in _finish
mv a0, s0
# Clear the stack
la sp, _stack_ptr
j _finish
.weak print_csrs