blob: dcb381ba1e03952be1193a1e06bcbc2f804e04cd [file] [log] [blame]
mod dprintf;
mod mailbox_client;
use crate::mailbox_client::MailboxClient;
use libtock::result::TockResult;
use libtock::syscalls;
use matcha_config::*;
libtock_core::stack_size! {0x1000}
// Global static message buffer. The mailbox driver will copy incoming messages
// here when they arrive.
static mut MESSAGE_BUF: [u8; 4096] = [0; 4096];
async fn main() -> TockResult<()> {
dprintf!("SEC: sw/matcha/app/src/\n");
dprintf!("SEC: Booting sel4 from TockOS app!\n");
let _result = syscalls::command(CAPSULE_ELFLOADER, CMD_ELFLOADER_BOOT_SEL4, 0, 0);
dprintf!("SEC: Booting sel4 from TockOS app done!\n");
unsafe {
loop {
dprintf!("SEC: Waiting for request\n");
let message_size = MailboxClient::wait_message_async(&mut MESSAGE_BUF).await;
dprintf!("SEC: Request arrived, {} bytes\n", message_size);
let dst: *mut u32 = core::mem::transmute(MESSAGE_BUF.as_ptr());
// We don't actually have any message handling set up, so we just
// tweak the first and last dword of the message so the sender can
// tell we were able to modify it.
let last = (message_size / 4) - 1;
dprintf!("request[0] = {:X}\n", dst.offset(0).read());
"request[{}] = {:X}\n",
dst.offset(last as isize).read()
dst.offset(last as isize).write(0x87654321);
dprintf!("SEC: Sending response\n");
MailboxClient::send_message_sync(message_size, &MESSAGE_BUF);
dprintf!("SEC: Response sent\n");
// Unreachable