blob: 5f1123fc323a0be593507ef28346e0f3b83d5439 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package common
import chisel3._
import chisel3.util._
object MuxOR {
def apply(valid: Bool, data: UInt): UInt = {
Mux(valid, data, 0.U(data.getWidth.W))
def apply(valid: Bool, data: Bool): Bool = {
Mux(valid, data, false.B)
// An easy way to build a Wire(T) and (partially) connect some of its
// contents.
// This is essentially somewhere between WireDefault (which does not like
// bundle members) and bundle literals (which only likes literals)
// See MakeValid for usage example.
// TODO: add more examples for advanced usage:
// - _.member1.member2 on LHS
// - _.something on RHS (only, or both)
// - _ (no member) on LHS
// TODO: add tests
object MakeWireBundle {
def apply[T <: Bundle](gen: T, exp: T => (Data, Data)*): T = {
val ret = Wire(gen)
exp.foreach { e =>
val (x, y) = e(ret)
x := y
object MakeValid {
def apply[T <: Data](valid: Bool, bits: T): ValidIO[T] = {
// Explicitly stating the type here allows the function types to be
// inferred.
_.valid -> valid,
_.bits -> bits,
def apply[T <: Data](bits: T): ValidIO[T] = {
apply(true.B, bits)
object MakeInvalid {
def apply[T <: Data](gen: T): ValidIO[T] = MakeWireBundle[ValidIO[T]](
_.valid -> false.B,
_.bits -> 0.U.asTypeOf(gen),
// Gate the bits of an interface based on it's validity bit. This prevents
// invalid data from propagating down stream, thus reducing dynamic power
object ForceZero {
def apply[T <: Data](input: ValidIO[T]): ValidIO[T] = MakeWireBundle[ValidIO[T]](
_.valid -> input.valid,
_.bits -> Mux(input.valid, input.bits, 0.U.asTypeOf(input).bits),
object Clz {
def apply(bits: UInt): UInt = {
PriorityEncoder(Cat(1.U(1.W), Reverse(bits)))
// Zip bytes/half-words in a pair of words.
object Zip32 {
def apply(sz: UInt, a0: UInt, b0: UInt): UInt = {
assert(sz.getWidth == 3)
assert(a0.getWidth == 32)
assert(b0.getWidth == 32)
// Zip half-words
val zipHalf = sz(0) | sz(1)
val a1 = Cat(Mux(zipHalf, b0(15, 0), a0(31, 16)), a0(15, 0))
val b1 = Cat(b0(31, 16), Mux(zipHalf, a0(31, 16), b0(15, 0)))
// Zip bytes
val zipBytes = sz(0)
val a2 = Cat(a1(31, 24),
Mux(zipBytes, Cat(a1(15, 8), a1(23, 16)), a1(23, 8)),
a1(7, 0))
val b2 = Cat(b1(31, 24),
Mux(zipBytes, Cat(b1(15, 8), b1(23, 16)), b1(23, 8)),
b1(7, 0))
Cat(b2, a2)
object UIntToVec {
def apply(in: UInt, elemWidth: Int): Vec[UInt] = {
assert((in.getWidth % elemWidth) == 0)
VecInit((0 until in.getWidth by elemWidth).map(
x => in(x + elemWidth - 1, x)