docs: Update IREE compiling options

Change-Id: I0b8960007d337b026eff29dc3a815fb0b57234ca
diff --git a/ b/
index 0709c1b..066e7c8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,15 +14,15 @@
 example, to generate the IREE bytecode module from a vector multiply MLIR:
-${OUT}/host/iree-compiler/install/bin/iree-translate \
+${OUT}/host/iree_compiler/install/bin/iree-translate \
     -iree-input-type=mhlo \
     -iree-mlir-to-vm-bytecode-module \
     -iree-hal-target-backends=dylib-llvm-aot \
     -iree-llvm-target-triple=riscv32-pc-linux-elf \
     -iree-llvm-target-cpu=generic-rv32 \
     -iree-llvm-target-cpu-features="+m,+f" \
-    -iree-llvm-target-abi=lp32d \
-    -iree-llvm-link-embedded=true \
+    -iree-llvm-target-abi=ilp32 \
+    -iree-llvm-embedded-linker-path=${OUT}/host/iree_compiler/install/bin/lld \
     ${ROOTDIR}/toolchain/iree/iree/samples/simple_embedding/simple_embedding_test.mlir \
     -o /tmp/simple_mul-llvm_aot.vmfb
@@ -44,12 +44,8 @@
 __For the vector extension, it can be enabled with "+experimental-v"__.
 * iree-llvm-target-abi: The flag is polulated to LLVM target abi.
-* iree-llvm-link-embedded: Generate the executable into a platform-agnostic ELF
-and use the ELF loader to load the library instead of using `dlopen` and `dlsym`.
-This creates the least overhead in the executable, and the simplest
-linker during codegen without dynamic library linkage; therefore, it will be the
-targeted path for Shodan. However, it is WIP and currently is not set as the
-default path.
+* iree-llvm-embedded-linker-path: Linker for the device executable. It is
+  recommanded to use the lld from the IREE compiler release.
 Some extra options:
@@ -57,6 +53,13 @@
 (with [schema](,
 the intermediate linker is generated at `/tmp/<module_name>_linked_<hal_target>`.
 (the exact path is printed in the stdout).
+* iree-vm-emit-polyglot-zip: Instead of the previous flag, by enabling this flag
+you can extract the .so from the .vmfb file with 7z
+7z e -aoa -bb0 <vmfb> -y
 * riscv-v-vector-bits-min and riscv-v-fixed-length-vector-lmul-max: If the
 vector extension is enabled in `iree-llvm-target-cpu-features`, the RVV VLS
 (vector length specific) code will be generated with the vector length specified
@@ -99,8 +102,7 @@
   -iree-hal-target-backends=dylib-llvm-aot \
   -iree-llvm-target-triple=riscv32-pc-linux-elf \
   -iree-llvm-target-cpu=generic-rv32 \
-  -iree-llvm-target-cpu-features="+m,+a,+f" \
-  -iree-llvm-target-abi=lp32d \
-  -iree-llvm-link-embedded=true \
+  -iree-llvm-target-cpu-features="+m,+f" \
+  -iree-llvm-target-abi=ilp32 \
   <MLIR input>