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  1. 801e664 Merge remote-tracking branch 'spacebeaker/upstream' into master by Matthew Wilson · 7 months ago master
  2. 07e7f33 feat: add features to tflite::Span (#2664) by Ryan Kuester · 7 months ago
  3. 2b127fd TFLM compression changes (3rd) (#2658) by David Davis · 7 months ago
  4. 95da7a8 Automated sync from (#2662) by TFLM-bot · 7 months ago
  5. 19577c1 Fix build with recent version of GCC (#2661) by Lucas Chollet · 7 months ago

TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers

TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers is a port of TensorFlow Lite designed to run machine learning models on DSPs, microcontrollers and other devices with limited memory.

Additional Links:

Build Status

Official Builds

Build TypeStatus
CI (Linux)CI
Code SyncSync from Upstream TF

Community Supported TFLM Examples

This table captures platforms that TFLM has been ported to. Please see New Platform Support for additional documentation.

ArduinoArduino Antmicro
Coral Dev Board MicroTFLM + EdgeTPU Examples for Coral Dev Board Micro
Espressif Systems Dev BoardsESP Dev Boards
Renesas BoardsTFLM Examples for Renesas Boards
Silicon Labs Dev KitsTFLM Examples for Silicon Labs Dev Kits
Sparkfun EdgeSparkfun Edge
Texas Instruments Dev BoardsTexas Instruments Dev Boards

Community Supported Kernels and Unit Tests

This is a list of targets that have optimized kernel implementations and/or run the TFLM unit tests using software emulation or instruction set simulators.

Build TypeStatus
Generate Integration TestGenerate Integration Test


See our contribution documentation.

Getting Help

A Github issue should be the primary method of getting in touch with the TensorFlow Lite Micro (TFLM) team.

The following resources may also be useful:

  1. SIG Micro email group and monthly meetings.

  2. SIG Micro gitter chat room.

  3. For questions that are not specific to TFLM, please consult the broader TensorFlow project, e.g.:

Additional Documentation


  1. Pre-allocated tensors
  2. TensorFlow Lite for Microcontrollers Port of 16x8 Quantized Operators