blob: cf5b1c10d9f26443d01007f360925a2f49132130 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#ifndef _CSPACEPATH_T_H_
#define _CSPACEPATH_T_H_
#include <sel4/sel4.h>
/* --- Debug --- */
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#define CSPACEPATHPRINT printf
/* cspacepath_t
* ------------
* This struct contains all the data to describe a slot in the CSpace.
* It can be also used to describe a range of slots beginning at 'capPtr'
* and count 'window'.
capPtr: The address/pointer to a capability.
* capDepth: The depth of the address. (Most used value 32-Bit.)
* root: Capability pointer to the root CNode in our CSpace.
* window: Count of caps in the range, beginning with 'capPtr'.
* !! Now this is where things are getting complicated. !!
* dest: Capability pointer to the destination CNode. Resolved relative
* to the root parameter.
* depth: Number of bits of dest to translate when addressing the
* destination CNode.
* offset: Number of slots into the node at which capabilities start being
* placed
* -------------------------------
* ??? But what does this mean ???
* -------------------------------
* Example: Let's assume a three level cspace layout
* ROOT [ |A| ] 20 = bitlength
* |
* v
* A [ |B| ] 8 = bitlength
* |
* v
* B [ |x| ] 4 = bitlength
* (where bitlength = guardsize + radix)
* Let's say we want to address the capability x which lies in the CNode B.
* That means our destination CNode is B.
* Imagine capPtr x as a concatenated value of offsets. In other words
* take the offset value of every level and put them together starting
* at the root.
* capPtr x [rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr|aaaa aaaa|bbbb]
* bitlength 20 8 4
* In this case to address the CNode B we would get:
* dest: [rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr|aaaa aaaa]
* |<-------------------------------->|
* depth: 20 + 8 = 28
* To address the slot where x is, we specify the offset as:
* offset: [bbbb]
typedef struct _cspacepath_t {
seL4_CPtr capPtr;
seL4_Word capDepth;
seL4_CNode root;
seL4_Word dest;
seL4_Word destDepth;
seL4_Word offset;
seL4_Word window;
} cspacepath_t;
/// --------------------------- Debug --------------------------------
inline static void cspacepath_t_print(const cspacepath_t* src)
#ifndef FMT
#ifdef CONFIG_X86_64
#define FMT "%llx"
#define FMT "%x"
CSPACEPATHPRINT("capPtr: 0x"FMT"\n", src->capPtr);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("capDepth: 0x"FMT"\n", src->capDepth);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("root: 0x"FMT"\n", src->root);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("dest: 0x"FMT"\n", src->dest);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("destDepth: 0x"FMT"\n", src->destDepth);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("offset: 0x"FMT"\n", src->offset);
CSPACEPATHPRINT("window: 0x"FMT"\n", src->window);
#ifdef FMT
#undef FMT
#endif /* _CSPACEPATH_T_H_ */