blob: 336e2343c5b816fab592075c816b21e861a82ab6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vka/vka.h>
#include <vka/capops.h>
#include <sel4utils/vspace.h>
#include <sel4utils/vspace_internal.h>
/* For the initial vspace, we must always guarantee we have virtual memory available
* for each bottom level page table. Future vspaces can then use the initial vspace
* to allocate bottom level page tables until memory runs out.
* We have 1 + k + k^2 + ... + k^n number of intermediate paging structures. Where
* We want to calculate this using a geometric sumation. Fortunately we know that
* VSPACE_LEVEL_SIZE = 2^VSPACE_LEVEL_BITS so when calculating k^n we can simplify to
/* Number of bottom level structures is just the next term in the previous geometric
* series, i.e. k^(n + 1) */
/* We need to reserve a range of virtual memory such that we have somewhere to put all of
* our tables */
#define MID_LEVEL_STRUCTURES_SIZE (NUM_MID_LEVEL_STRUCTURES * sizeof(vspace_mid_level_t))
#define BOTTOM_LEVEL_STRUCTURES_SIZE (NUM_BOTTOM_LEVEL_STRUCTURES * sizeof(vspace_bottom_level_t))
static int
common_init(vspace_t *vspace, vka_t *vka, seL4_CPtr vspace_root,
vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn, void *cookie)
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = get_alloc_data(vspace);
data->vka = vka;
data->last_allocated = 0x10000000;
data->reservation_head = NULL;
data->vspace_root = vspace_root;
vspace->allocated_object = allocated_object_fn;
vspace->allocated_object_cookie = cookie;
return 0;
static void
common_init_post_bootstrap(vspace_t *vspace, sel4utils_map_page_fn map_page)
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = get_alloc_data(vspace);
/* reserve the kernel region, we do this by marking the
* top level entry as RESERVED */
data->top_level->table[i] = RESERVED;
data->map_page = map_page;
/* initialise the rest of the functions now that they are usable */
vspace->new_pages = sel4utils_new_pages;
vspace->map_pages = sel4utils_map_pages;
vspace->new_pages_at_vaddr = sel4utils_new_pages_at_vaddr;
vspace->map_pages_at_vaddr = sel4utils_map_pages_at_vaddr;
vspace->unmap_pages = sel4utils_unmap_pages;
vspace->reserve_range_aligned = sel4utils_reserve_range_aligned;
vspace->reserve_range_at = sel4utils_reserve_range_at;
vspace->free_reservation = sel4utils_free_reservation;
vspace->free_reservation_by_vaddr = sel4utils_free_reservation_by_vaddr;
vspace->get_cap = sel4utils_get_cap;
vspace->get_cookie = sel4utils_get_cookie;
vspace->get_root = sel4utils_get_root;
vspace->tear_down = sel4utils_tear_down;
vspace->share_mem_at_vaddr = sel4utils_share_mem_at_vaddr;
static void *alloc_and_map(vspace_t *vspace, size_t size) {
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = get_alloc_data(vspace);
if ( (size % PAGE_SIZE_4K) != 0) {
ZF_LOGE("Object must be multiple of base page size");
return NULL;
if (data->next_bootstrap_vaddr) {
void *first_addr = (void*)data->next_bootstrap_vaddr;
while (size > 0) {
void *vaddr = (void*)data->next_bootstrap_vaddr;
vka_object_t frame;
int error = vka_alloc_frame(data->vka, seL4_PageBits, &frame);
if (error) {
LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate bootstrap frame, error: %d", error);
return NULL;
vka_object_t objects[VSPACE_MAP_PAGING_OBJECTS];
error = sel4utils_map_page(data->vka, data->vspace_root, frame.cptr, vaddr,
seL4_AllRights, 1, objects, &num);
if (error) {
vka_free_object(data->vka, &frame);
LOG_ERROR("Failed to map bootstrap frame at %p, error: %d", vaddr, error);
return NULL;
/* Zero the memory */
memset(vaddr, 0, PAGE_SIZE_4K);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
vspace_maybe_call_allocated_object(vspace, objects[i]);
data->next_bootstrap_vaddr += PAGE_SIZE_4K;
size -= PAGE_SIZE_4K;
return first_addr;
} else {
assert(!"not implemented");
return NULL;
static int
reserve_range_bottom(vspace_t *vspace, vspace_bottom_level_t *level, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end)
while (start < end) {
int index = INDEX_FOR_LEVEL(start, 0);
uintptr_t cap = level->cap[index];
switch (cap) {
/* nothing to be done */
case EMPTY:
level->cap[index] = RESERVED;
ZF_LOGE("Cannot reserve allocated region");
return -1;
start += BYTES_FOR_LEVEL(0);
return 0;
static int
reserve_range_mid(vspace_t *vspace, vspace_mid_level_t *level, int level_num, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end)
/* walk entries at this level until we complete this range */
while (start < end) {
int index = INDEX_FOR_LEVEL(start, level_num);
/* align the start so we can check for alignment later */
uintptr_t aligned_start = start & ALIGN_FOR_LEVEL(level_num);
/* calculate the start of the next index */
uintptr_t next_start = aligned_start + BYTES_FOR_LEVEL(level_num);
int must_recurse = 0;
if (next_start > end) {
next_start = end;
must_recurse = 1;
} else if (start != aligned_start) {
must_recurse = 1;
uintptr_t next_table = level->table[index];
if (next_table == EMPTY) {
if (must_recurse) {
/* allocate new level */
if (level_num == 1) {
next_table = (uintptr_t)alloc_and_map(vspace, sizeof(vspace_bottom_level_t));
} else {
next_table = (uintptr_t)alloc_and_map(vspace, sizeof(vspace_mid_level_t));
if (next_table == EMPTY) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to allocate and map book keeping frames during bootstrapping");
return -1;
} else {
next_table = RESERVED;
level->table[index] = next_table;
/* at this point table is either RESERVED or needs recursion */
if (next_table != RESERVED) {
int error;
if (level_num == 1) {
error = reserve_range_bottom(vspace, (vspace_bottom_level_t*)next_table, start, next_start);
} else {
error = reserve_range_mid(vspace, (vspace_mid_level_t*)next_table, level_num - 1, start, next_start);
if (error) {
return error;
start = next_start;
return 0;
static int
reserve_range(vspace_t *vspace, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end)
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = get_alloc_data(vspace);
return reserve_range_mid(vspace, data->top_level, VSPACE_NUM_LEVELS - 1, start, end);
* Symbols in this function need to be provided by your
* crt0.S or your linker script, such that we can figure out
* what virtual addresses are taken up by the current task
sel4utils_get_image_region(uintptr_t *va_start, uintptr_t *va_end)
extern char __executable_start[];
extern char _end[];
*va_start = (uintptr_t) __executable_start;
*va_end = (uintptr_t) _end;
*va_end = (uintptr_t) ROUND_UP(*va_end, PAGE_SIZE_4K);
static int
reserve_initial_task_regions(vspace_t *vspace, void *existing_frames[])
/* mark the code and data segments as used */
uintptr_t va_start, va_end;
sel4utils_get_image_region(&va_start, &va_end);
/* this is the scope of the virtual memory used by the image, including
* data, text and stack */
if (reserve_range(vspace, va_start, va_end)) {
ZF_LOGE("Error reserving code/data segment");
return -1;
/* mark boot info as used */
if (existing_frames != NULL) {
for (int i = 0; existing_frames[i] != NULL; i++) {
if (reserve_range(vspace, (uintptr_t) existing_frames[i], (uintptr_t) existing_frames[i]
+ PAGE_SIZE_4K)) {
ZF_LOGE("Error reserving frame at %p", existing_frames[i]);
return -1;
return 0;
/* What we need to do is bootstrap the book keeping information for our page tables.
* The whole goal here is that at some point we need to allocate book keeping information
* and put it somewhere. Putting it somewhere is fine, but we then need to make sure that
* we track (i.e. mark as used) wherever we ended up putting it. In order to do this we
* need to allocate memory to create structures to mark etc etc. To prevent this recursive
* dependency we will mark, right now, as reserved a region large enough such that we could
* allocate all possible book keeping tables from it */
static int
bootstrap_page_table(vspace_t *vspace)
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = get_alloc_data(vspace);
data->next_bootstrap_vaddr = VSPACE_RESERVE_START;
/* Allocate top level paging structure */
data->top_level = alloc_and_map(vspace, sizeof(vspace_mid_level_t));
/* Try and mark reserved our entire reserve region */
return -1;
return 0;
void *
bootstrap_create_level(vspace_t *vspace, size_t size)
return alloc_and_map(vspace, size);
/* Interface functions */
sel4utils_get_vspace_with_map(vspace_t *loader, vspace_t *new_vspace, sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data,
vka_t *vka, seL4_CPtr vspace_root,
vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn, void *allocated_object_cookie, sel4utils_map_page_fn map_page)
new_vspace->data = (void *) data;
if (common_init(new_vspace, vka, vspace_root, allocated_object_fn, allocated_object_cookie)) {
return -1;
data->bootstrap = loader;
/* create the top level page table from the loading vspace */
data->top_level = vspace_new_pages(loader, seL4_AllRights, sizeof(vspace_mid_level_t) / PAGE_SIZE_4K, seL4_PageBits);
if (data->top_level == NULL) {
return -1;
common_init_post_bootstrap(new_vspace, map_page);
return 0;
sel4utils_get_vspace(vspace_t *loader, vspace_t *new_vspace, sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data,
vka_t *vka, seL4_CPtr vspace_root,
vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn, void *allocated_object_cookie)
return sel4utils_get_vspace_with_map(loader, new_vspace, data, vka, vspace_root, allocated_object_fn, allocated_object_cookie, sel4utils_map_page_pd);
int sel4utils_get_vspace_ept(vspace_t *loader, vspace_t *new_vspace, vka_t *vka,
seL4_CPtr ept, vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn, void *allocated_object_cookie)
sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data = malloc(sizeof(*data));
if (!data) {
return -1;
return sel4utils_get_vspace_with_map(loader, new_vspace, data, vka, ept, allocated_object_fn, allocated_object_cookie, sel4utils_map_page_ept);
#endif /* CONFIG_VTX */
sel4utils_bootstrap_vspace(vspace_t *vspace, sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data,
seL4_CPtr vspace_root, vka_t *vka,
vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn, void *cookie, void *existing_frames[])
vspace->data = (void *) data;
if (common_init(vspace, vka, vspace_root, allocated_object_fn, cookie)) {
return -1;
data->bootstrap = NULL;
if (bootstrap_page_table(vspace)) {
return -1;
if (reserve_initial_task_regions(vspace, existing_frames)) {
return -1;
common_init_post_bootstrap(vspace, sel4utils_map_page_pd);
return 0;
sel4utils_bootstrap_vspace_with_bootinfo(vspace_t *vspace, sel4utils_alloc_data_t *data,
seL4_CPtr vspace_root,
vka_t *vka, seL4_BootInfo *info, vspace_allocated_object_fn allocated_object_fn,
void *allocated_object_cookie)
size_t extra_pages = BYTES_TO_4K_PAGES(info->extraLen);
uintptr_t extra_base = (uintptr_t)info + PAGE_SIZE_4K;
void *existing_frames[extra_pages + 3];
existing_frames[0] = info;
/* We assume the IPC buffer is less than a page and fits into one page */
existing_frames[1] = (void *) (seL4_Word)ROUND_DOWN(((seL4_Word)(info->ipcBuffer)), PAGE_SIZE_4K);
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < extra_pages; i++) {
existing_frames[i + 2] = (void*)(extra_base + i * PAGE_SIZE_4K);
existing_frames[i + 2] = NULL;
return sel4utils_bootstrap_vspace(vspace, data, vspace_root, vka, allocated_object_fn,
allocated_object_cookie, existing_frames);
sel4utils_bootstrap_clone_into_vspace(vspace_t *current, vspace_t *clone, reservation_t image)
sel4utils_res_t *res = reservation_to_res(image);
seL4_CPtr slot;
int error = vka_cspace_alloc(get_alloc_data(current)->vka, &slot);
if (error) {
return -1;
cspacepath_t dest;
vka_cspace_make_path(get_alloc_data(current)->vka, slot, &dest);
for (uintptr_t page = res->start; page < res->end - 1; page += PAGE_SIZE_4K) {
/* we don't know if the current vspace has caps to its mappings -
* it probably doesn't.
* So we map the page in and copy the data across instead :( */
/* create the page in the clone vspace */
error = vspace_new_pages_at_vaddr(clone, (void *) page, 1, seL4_PageBits, image);
if (error) {
/* vspace will be left inconsistent */
ZF_LOGE("Error %d while trying to map page at %"PRIuPTR, error, page);
seL4_CPtr cap = vspace_get_cap(clone, (void *) page);
/* copy the cap */
cspacepath_t src;
vka_cspace_make_path(get_alloc_data(clone)->vka, cap, &src);
error = vka_cnode_copy(&dest, &src, seL4_AllRights);
assert(error == 0);
/* map a copy of it the current vspace */
void *dest_addr = vspace_map_pages(current, &dest.capPtr, NULL, seL4_AllRights,
1, seL4_PageBits, 1);
if (dest_addr == NULL) {
/* vspace will be left inconsistent */
ZF_LOGE("Error! Vspace mapping failed, bailing\n");
return -1;
/* copy the data */
memcpy(dest_addr, (void *) page, PAGE_SIZE_4K);
seL4_ARM_Page_Unify_Instruction(dest.capPtr, 0, PAGE_SIZE_4K);
seL4_ARM_Page_Unify_Instruction(cap, 0, PAGE_SIZE_4K);
#endif /* CONFIG_ARCH_ARM */
/* unmap our copy */
vspace_unmap_pages(current, dest_addr, 1, seL4_PageBits, VSPACE_PRESERVE);
/* TODO swap out fault handler temporarily to ignore faults here */
vka_cspace_free(get_alloc_data(current)->vka, slot);
return 0;