blob: c934645ed92044c0fb24763264ec85ee9ee807b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
#pragma once
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sel4/types.h>
#include <allocman/mspace/mspace.h>
#include <allocman/mspace/k_r_malloc.h>
#include <allocman/mspace/fixed_pool.h>
#include <allocman/mspace/virtual_pool.h>
/* This memory allocator supports have a fixed pool of memory, as well as a
* virtual pool that can be attached while running. */
typedef struct mspace_dual_pool {
size_t fixed_pool_start;
size_t fixed_pool_end;
mspace_fixed_pool_t fixed_pool;
int have_virtual_pool;
mspace_virtual_pool_t virtual_pool;
} mspace_dual_pool_t;
void mspace_dual_pool_create(mspace_dual_pool_t *dual_pool, struct mspace_fixed_pool_config config);
void mspace_dual_pool_attach_virtual(mspace_dual_pool_t *dual_pool, struct mspace_virtual_pool_config config);
void *_mspace_dual_pool_alloc(struct allocman *alloc, void *_dual_pool, size_t bytes, int *error);
void _mspace_dual_pool_free(struct allocman *alloc, void *_dual_pool, void *ptr, size_t bytes);
static inline struct mspace_interface mspace_dual_pool_make_interface(mspace_dual_pool_t *dual_pool) {
return (struct mspace_interface){
.alloc = _mspace_dual_pool_alloc,
.free = _mspace_dual_pool_free,
.mspace = dual_pool