blob: c3c7c5a56e78833ba925210f6f872039409fdd8c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#pragma once
/* Builder functions for process configs */
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <sel4utils/gen_config.h>
#include <sel4/types.h>
#include <sel4utils/api.h>
#include <sel4utils/elf.h>
#include <vka/vka.h>
typedef struct {
/* should we handle elf logic at all? */
bool is_elf;
/* if so what is the image name? */
const char *image_name;
/* Do you want the elf image preloaded? */
bool do_elf_load;
/* otherwise what is the entry point and sysinfo? */
void *entry_point;
uintptr_t sysinfo;
/* should we create a default single level cspace? */
bool create_cspace;
/* if so how big ? */
int one_level_cspace_size_bits;
/* if not by what CPtr can the initial thread of the process
* invoke its own TCB (optional) */
seL4_CPtr dest_cspace_tcb_cptr;
/* otherwise what is the root cnode ?*/
/* Note if you use a custom cspace then
* sel4utils_copy_cap_to_process etc will not work */
vka_object_t cnode;
/* do you want us to create a vspace for you? */
bool create_vspace;
/* if not what is the page dir, and what is the vspace */
vspace_t *vspace;
vka_object_t page_dir;
/* if so, is there a regions you want left clear?*/
sel4utils_elf_region_t *reservations;
int num_reservations;
/* do you want a fault endpoint created? */
bool create_fault_endpoint;
/* otherwise what is it */
vka_object_t fault_endpoint;
/* scheduling params */
sched_params_t sched_params;
seL4_CPtr asid_pool;
} sel4utils_process_config_t;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_asid_pool(sel4utils_process_config_t config, seL4_CPtr asid_pool)
config.asid_pool = asid_pool;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_auth(sel4utils_process_config_t config, seL4_CPtr auth)
config.sched_params.auth = auth;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_new(simple_t *simple)
sel4utils_process_config_t config = {0};
config = process_config_auth(config, simple_get_tcb(simple));
return process_config_asid_pool(config, simple_get_init_cap(simple, seL4_CapInitThreadASIDPool));
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_elf(sel4utils_process_config_t config, const char *image_name, bool preload)
config.is_elf = true;
config.image_name = image_name;
config.do_elf_load = preload;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_noelf(sel4utils_process_config_t config, void *entry_point, uintptr_t sysinfo)
config.is_elf = false;
config.entry_point = entry_point;
config.sysinfo = sysinfo;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_cnode(sel4utils_process_config_t config, vka_object_t cnode)
config.create_cspace = false;
config.cnode = cnode;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_create_cnode(sel4utils_process_config_t config, int size_bits)
config.create_cspace = true;
config.one_level_cspace_size_bits = size_bits;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_vspace(sel4utils_process_config_t config, vspace_t *vspace, vka_object_t page_dir)
config.create_vspace = false;
config.vspace = vspace;
config.page_dir = page_dir;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_create_vspace(sel4utils_process_config_t config, sel4utils_elf_region_t *reservations,
int num_reservations)
config.create_vspace = true;
config.reservations = reservations;
config.num_reservations = num_reservations;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_priority(sel4utils_process_config_t config, uint8_t priority)
config.sched_params.priority = priority;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_mcp(sel4utils_process_config_t config, uint8_t mcp)
config.sched_params.mcp = mcp;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_create_fault_endpoint(sel4utils_process_config_t config)
config.create_fault_endpoint = true;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_fault_endpoint(sel4utils_process_config_t config, vka_object_t fault_endpoint)
config.fault_endpoint = fault_endpoint;
config.create_fault_endpoint = false;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_fault_cptr(sel4utils_process_config_t config, seL4_CPtr fault_cptr)
config.fault_endpoint.cptr = fault_cptr;
config.create_fault_endpoint = false;
return config;
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_default(const char *image_name, seL4_CPtr asid_pool)
sel4utils_process_config_t config = {0};
config = process_config_asid_pool(config, asid_pool);
config = process_config_elf(config, image_name, true);
config = process_config_create_cnode(config, CONFIG_SEL4UTILS_CSPACE_SIZE_BITS);
config = process_config_create_vspace(config, NULL, 0);
return process_config_create_fault_endpoint(config);
static inline sel4utils_process_config_t
process_config_default_simple(simple_t *simple, const char *image_name, uint8_t prio)
sel4utils_process_config_t config = process_config_new(simple);
config = process_config_elf(config, image_name, true);
config = process_config_create_cnode(config, CONFIG_SEL4UTILS_CSPACE_SIZE_BITS);
config = process_config_create_vspace(config, NULL, 0);
config = process_config_create_fault_endpoint(config);
if (config_set(CONFIG_KERNEL_RT)) {
uint64_t timeslice = CONFIG_BOOT_THREAD_TIME_SLICE;
config.sched_params = sched_params_round_robin(config.sched_params, simple, 0, timeslice * US_IN_MS);
return process_config_priority(config, prio);