blob: 7000d6141eabe255380c58f54f31859828d33094 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <sel4/types.h>
#include <allocman/cspace/cspace.h>
struct cspace_single_level_config {
/* A cptr to the cnode that we are managing slots in */
seL4_CPtr cnode;
/* Size in bits of the cnode */
size_t cnode_size_bits;
/* Guard depth added to this cspace. */
size_t cnode_guard_bits;
/* First valid slot (as an index) */
size_t first_slot;
/* Last valid slot + 1 (as an index) */
size_t end_slot;
typedef struct cspace_single_level {
struct cspace_single_level_config config;
size_t *bitmap;
size_t bitmap_length;
size_t last_entry;
} cspace_single_level_t;
int cspace_single_level_create(struct allocman *alloc, cspace_single_level_t *cspace, struct cspace_single_level_config config);
/* Frees any allocated resources back to the given allocation manager */
void cspace_single_level_destroy(struct allocman *alloc, cspace_single_level_t *cspace);
int _cspace_single_level_alloc(struct allocman *alloc, void *_cspace, cspacepath_t *slot);
int _cspace_single_level_alloc_at(struct allocman *alloc, void *_cspace, seL4_CPtr slot);
void _cspace_single_level_free(struct allocman *alloc, void *_cspace, const cspacepath_t *slot);
static inline cspacepath_t _cspace_single_level_make_path(void *_cspace, seL4_CPtr slot)
cspace_single_level_t *cspace = (cspace_single_level_t*) _cspace;
return (cspacepath_t) {
.root = cspace->config.cnode,
.capPtr = slot,
.capDepth = cspace->config.cnode_size_bits + cspace->config.cnode_guard_bits,
.dest = 0,
.destDepth = 0,
.offset = slot,
.window = 1
static inline cspace_interface_t cspace_single_level_make_interface(cspace_single_level_t *cspace) {
return (cspace_interface_t) {
.alloc = _cspace_single_level_alloc,
.free = _cspace_single_level_free,
.make_path = _cspace_single_level_make_path,
/* We do not want to handle recursion, as it shouldn't happen */
.cspace = cspace