blob: 500bf16e66551cf0cb0df1d0ca709668a02f46fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2017, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
#include <autoconf.h>
#include <sel4platsupport/gen_config.h>
#include <sel4platsupport/io.h>
#include <platsupport/clock.h>
#include <platsupport/mux.h>
#include <utils/util.h>
#include <vspace/page.h>
#include <vspace/vspace.h>
#include <vka/capops.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct io_mapping {
/* address we returned to the user */
void *returned_addr;
/* base address of the mapping with respect to the vspace */
void *mapped_addr;
size_t num_pages;
size_t page_size;
size_t page_size_bits;
/* caps for the mappings (s) */
seL4_CPtr *caps;
/* allocation cookie for allocation(s) */
seL4_Word *alloc_cookies;
struct io_mapping *next, *prev;
} io_mapping_t;
typedef struct sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie {
vspace_t vspace;
vka_t vka;
io_mapping_t *head;
} sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t;
static void free_node(io_mapping_t *node)
if (node->caps) {
if (node->alloc_cookies) {
static io_mapping_t *new_node(size_t num_pages)
io_mapping_t *ret = calloc(1, sizeof(io_mapping_t));
if (!ret) {
return NULL;
ret->caps = calloc(num_pages, sizeof(seL4_CPtr));
if (!ret->caps) {
return NULL;
ret->alloc_cookies = calloc(num_pages, sizeof(seL4_Word));
if (!ret->alloc_cookies) {
return NULL;
ret->num_pages = num_pages;
return ret;
static void destroy_node(vka_t *vka, io_mapping_t *mapping)
cspacepath_t path;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapping->num_pages; i++) {
/* free the allocation */
vka_utspace_free(vka, kobject_get_type(KOBJECT_FRAME, mapping->page_size_bits),
mapping->page_size_bits, mapping->alloc_cookies[i]);
/* free the caps */
vka_cspace_make_path(vka, mapping->caps[i], &path);
vka_cspace_free(vka, mapping->caps[i]);
static void insert_node(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper, io_mapping_t *node)
node->prev = NULL;
node->next = io_mapper->head;
if (io_mapper->head) {
io_mapper->head->prev = node;
io_mapper->head = node;
static io_mapping_t *find_node(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper, void *returned_addr)
io_mapping_t *current;
for (current = io_mapper->head; current; current = current->next) {
if (current->returned_addr == returned_addr) {
return current;
return NULL;
static void remove_node(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper, io_mapping_t *node)
if (node->prev) {
node->prev->next = node->next;
} else {
assert(io_mapper->head == node);
io_mapper->head = node->next;
if (node->next) {
node->next->prev = node->prev;
static void *sel4platsupport_map_paddr_with_page_size(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper, uintptr_t paddr,
size_t size, size_t page_size_bits, bool cached)
vka_t *vka = &io_mapper->vka;
vspace_t *vspace = &io_mapper->vspace;
/* search at start of page */
int page_size = BIT(page_size_bits);
uintptr_t start = ROUND_DOWN(paddr, page_size);
uintptr_t offset = paddr - start;
size += offset;
io_mapping_t *mapping = new_node(BYTES_TO_SIZE_BITS_PAGES(size, page_size_bits));
assert(mapping->num_pages << page_size_bits >= size);
if (!mapping) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to allocate node for %zu pages", mapping->num_pages);
return NULL;
mapping->page_size_bits = page_size_bits;
seL4_Word type = kobject_get_type(KOBJECT_FRAME, mapping->page_size_bits);
/* allocate all of the physical frame caps */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapping->num_pages; i++) {
/* allocate a cslot */
int error = vka_cspace_alloc(vka, &mapping->caps[i]);
if (error) {
ZF_LOGE("cspace alloc failed");
assert(error == 0);
/* we don't clean up as everything has gone to hell */
return NULL;
/* create a path */
cspacepath_t path;
vka_cspace_make_path(vka, mapping->caps[i], &path);
/* allocate the frame */
error = vka_utspace_alloc_at(vka, &path, type, page_size_bits, start + (i * page_size),
if (error) {
/* free this slot, and then do general cleanup of the rest of the slots.
* this avoids a needless seL4_CNode_Delete of this slot, as there is no
* cap in it */
vka_cspace_free(vka, mapping->caps[i]);
mapping->num_pages = i;
goto error;
/* Now map the frames in */
mapping->mapped_addr = vspace_map_pages(vspace, mapping->caps, mapping->alloc_cookies, seL4_AllRights,
mapping->page_size_bits, cached);
if (mapping->mapped_addr != NULL) {
/* fill out and insert node */
mapping->returned_addr = mapping->mapped_addr + offset;
insert_node(io_mapper, mapping);
return mapping->returned_addr;
destroy_node(vka, mapping);
return NULL;
static void *sel4platsupport_map_paddr(void *cookie, uintptr_t paddr, size_t size, int cached,
UNUSED ps_mem_flags_t flags)
sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper = (sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *)cookie;
int frame_size_index = 0;
/* find the largest reasonable frame size */
while (frame_size_index + 1 < SEL4_NUM_PAGE_SIZES) {
if (size >> sel4_page_sizes[frame_size_index + 1] == 0) {
/* try mapping in this and all smaller frame sizes until something works */
for (int i = frame_size_index; i >= 0; i--) {
void *result = sel4platsupport_map_paddr_with_page_size(io_mapper, paddr, size, sel4_page_sizes[i], cached);
if (result) {
return result;
/* shit out of luck */
ZF_LOGE("Failed to find a way to map address %p", (void *)paddr);
return NULL;
static void sel4platsupport_unmap_vaddr(void *cookie, void *vaddr, UNUSED size_t size)
sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *io_mapper = cookie;
vspace_t *vspace = &io_mapper->vspace;
vka_t *vka = &io_mapper->vka;
io_mapping_t *mapping = find_node(io_mapper, vaddr);
if (!mapping) {
ZF_LOGF("Tried to unmap vaddr %p, which was never mapped in", vaddr);
/* unmap the pages */
vspace_unmap_pages(vspace, mapping->mapped_addr, mapping->num_pages, mapping->page_size_bits,
/* clean up the node */
remove_node(io_mapper, mapping);
destroy_node(vka, mapping);
int sel4platsupport_new_io_mapper(vspace_t vspace, vka_t vka, ps_io_mapper_t *io_mapper)
sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t *cookie = calloc(1, sizeof(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t));
if (!cookie) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to allocate %zu bytes", sizeof(sel4platsupport_io_mapper_cookie_t));
return -1;
cookie->vspace = vspace;
cookie->vka = vka;
io_mapper->cookie = cookie;
io_mapper->io_map_fn = sel4platsupport_map_paddr;
io_mapper->io_unmap_fn = sel4platsupport_unmap_vaddr;
return 0;
int sel4platsupport_new_malloc_ops(ps_malloc_ops_t *ops)
return 0;
static char *sel4platsupport_io_fdt_get(void *cookie)
return cookie != NULL ? (char *) cookie : NULL;
int sel4platsupport_new_fdt_ops(ps_io_fdt_t *io_fdt, simple_t *simple, ps_malloc_ops_t *malloc_ops)
if (!io_fdt || !simple || !malloc_ops) {
ZF_LOGE("arguments are NULL");
return -1;
ssize_t block_size = simple_get_extended_bootinfo_length(simple, SEL4_BOOTINFO_HEADER_FDT);
int error = ps_calloc(malloc_ops, 1, block_size, &io_fdt->cookie);
if (error) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to allocate %zu bytes for the FDT", block_size);
return -1;
/* Copy the FDT from the extended bootinfo */
ssize_t copied_size = simple_get_extended_bootinfo(simple, SEL4_BOOTINFO_HEADER_FDT,
io_fdt->cookie, block_size);
if (copied_size != block_size) {
ZF_LOGE("Failed to copy the FDT");
ZF_LOGF_IF(ps_free(malloc_ops, block_size, io_fdt->cookie),
"Failed to clean-up after a failed operation!");
return -1;
/* Cut off the bootinfo header from the start of the buffer */
ssize_t fdt_size = block_size - sizeof(seL4_BootInfoHeader);
void *fdt_start = io_fdt->cookie + sizeof(seL4_BootInfoHeader);
memmove(io_fdt->cookie, fdt_start, fdt_size);
/* Trim off the extra bytes at the end of the FDT */
void *fdt_end = io_fdt->cookie + fdt_size;
memset(fdt_end, 0, sizeof(seL4_BootInfoHeader));
/* Set the function pointer inside the io_fdt interface */
io_fdt->get_fn = sel4platsupport_io_fdt_get;
return 0;
#include <platsupport/gpio.h>
gpio_sys_t gpio_sys;
void *get_mux_dependencies(void)
/* The TK1's mux depends on an instance of the GPIO driver. */
return &gpio_sys;
/* The other platforms don't have any such dependency issues. */
return NULL;
int sel4platsupport_new_io_ops(vspace_t vspace, vka_t vka, ps_io_ops_t *io_ops)
memset(io_ops, 0, sizeof(ps_io_ops_t));
int err = sel4platsupport_new_io_mapper(vspace, vka, &io_ops->io_mapper);
if (err) {
return err;
#ifdef ARCH_ARM
clock_sys_init(io_ops, &io_ops->clock_sys);
gpio_sys_init(io_ops, &gpio_sys);
mux_sys_init(io_ops, get_mux_dependencies(), &io_ops->mux_sys);
return err;