blob: a3766411759f3aaf3c5b0ebdf78c43ffb7d50503 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2017, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
import <std_connector.camkes>;
procedure P {
string foo(void);
void bar(in string x[]);
void baz(out string x[]);
void qux(inout string x[]);
void quux(in string x[], out string y[], inout string z[]);
void corge(refin string x[]);
component A {
uses P p;
component B {
uses P p;
provides P q;
component C {
provides P p;
assembly {
composition {
component A a;
component B b1;
component B b2;
component B b3;
component C c;
connection seL4RPCCall conn0(from a.p, to b1.q);
connection seL4RPCCall conn1(from b1.p, to b2.q);
connection seL4RPCCall conn2(from b2.p, to b3.q);
connection seL4RPCCall conn3(from b3.p, to c.p);