| // Copyright 2024 The IREE Authors |
| // |
| // Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions. |
| // See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information. |
| // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception |
| |
| #include "iree/tooling/function_io.h" |
| |
| #include "iree/io/stdio_stream.h" |
| #include "iree/io/stream.h" |
| #include "iree/modules/hal/module.h" |
| #include "iree/tooling/numpy_io.h" |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Utilities |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| // NOTE: this will get moved at some point but is staged here while it's figured |
| // out. I'm still not sure how best to factor things so that this doesn't get |
| // pulled in all the time even if IO is never used. We may end up needing some |
| // kind of registry that the main iree_io_stream_open uses or allow |
| // iree_io_file_handle_t to carry a factory function for opening the handles of |
| // certain types. For now we shim things here at the leaf. |
| static iree_status_t iree_io_stream_open_path(iree_io_stdio_stream_mode_t mode, |
| iree_string_view_t path, |
| uint64_t file_offset, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_t** out_stream) { |
| IREE_ASSERT_ARGUMENT(out_stream); |
| *out_stream = NULL; |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, path.data, path.size); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = NULL; |
| |
| status = iree_io_stdio_stream_open(mode, path, host_allocator, &stream); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status) && file_offset > 0) { |
| status = iree_io_stream_seek(stream, IREE_IO_STREAM_SEEK_SET, file_offset); |
| } |
| |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| *out_stream = stream; |
| } else { |
| iree_io_stream_release(stream); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // iree_io_stream_list_t |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| typedef struct iree_io_stream_list_entry_t { |
| iree_string_view_t path; |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream; |
| // + path char storage of path.size |
| } iree_io_stream_list_entry_t; |
| |
| // A list of streams indexed by their verbatim paths. |
| // Streams track their positions and repeated accesses will continue where |
| // they left off when reading and writing. |
| // |
| // NOTE: this is not thread-safe or safe for concurrent access to the same |
| // streams via different accesses. Re-opening a stream will reset the stream |
| // offset to 0 and any extant references may end up doing the wrong thing. |
| typedef struct iree_io_stream_list_t { |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator; |
| iree_io_stdio_stream_mode_t mode; |
| iree_host_size_t capacity; |
| iree_host_size_t count; |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t** entries; |
| } iree_io_stream_list_t; |
| |
| // Allocates a new stream list where all streams will share the same |mode|. |
| iree_status_t iree_io_stream_list_allocate(iree_io_stdio_stream_mode_t mode, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t** out_list) { |
| *out_list = NULL; |
| |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* list = NULL; |
| z0, iree_allocator_malloc(host_allocator, sizeof(*list), (void**)&list)); |
| list->host_allocator = host_allocator; |
| list->mode = mode; |
| |
| *out_list = list; |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| // Frees a stream list and releases all stream resources. |
| void iree_io_stream_list_free(iree_io_stream_list_t* list) { |
| if (!list) return; |
| |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* entry = list->entries[i]; |
| iree_io_stream_release(entry->stream); |
| iree_allocator_free(list->host_allocator, entry); |
| } |
| iree_allocator_free(list->host_allocator, list->entries); |
| |
| iree_allocator_free(list->host_allocator, list); |
| |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the entry matching the given verbatim |path| or NULL if not found. |
| static iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* iree_io_stream_list_find_entry( |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* list, iree_string_view_t path) { |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < list->count; ++i) { |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* entry = list->entries[i]; |
| if (iree_string_view_equal(path, entry->path)) { |
| return entry; |
| } |
| } |
| return NULL; |
| } |
| |
| // Appends a stream to the list. The |path| will be cloned into the list |
| // storage and the stream will be retained until the list is freed. |
| static iree_status_t iree_io_stream_list_append_entry( |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* list, iree_string_view_t path, |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream) { |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, path.data, path.size); |
| |
| // Grow if needed. |
| if (list->count + 1 > list->capacity) { |
| iree_host_size_t new_capacity = iree_max(list->capacity * 2, 16); |
| z0, iree_allocator_realloc(list->host_allocator, |
| new_capacity * sizeof(*list->entries[0]), |
| (void**)&list->entries)); |
| list->capacity = new_capacity; |
| } |
| |
| // Allocate the entry and its string storage. |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* entry = NULL; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_allocator_malloc( |
| list->host_allocator, sizeof(*entry) + path.size, (void**)&entry); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| entry->path.data = (const char*)entry + sizeof(*entry); |
| entry->path.size = path.size; |
| memcpy((void*)entry->path.data, path.data, path.size); |
| entry->stream = stream; |
| iree_io_stream_retain(entry->stream); |
| } |
| |
| // Store in list. |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| list->entries[list->count++] = entry; |
| } else { |
| iree_allocator_free(list->host_allocator, entry); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Opens an |entry| that has already been opened, resetting its position to |
| // 0 if needed or directly returning it if appending. |
| static iree_status_t iree_io_stream_list_open_existing( |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* list, iree_string_view_t path, |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* entry, bool is_append, |
| iree_io_stream_t** out_stream) { |
| IREE_ASSERT_ARGUMENT(out_stream); |
| *out_stream = NULL; |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, path.data, path.size); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| |
| // Reset the stream back to 0 if not appending. Today we require seekable |
| // streams for this. We could re-open the file but the only non-seekable |
| // stream we have today is stdin and reopening that isn't possible without |
| // buffering that we don't/won't do. |
| if (!is_append) { |
| if (iree_all_bits_set(iree_io_stream_mode(entry->stream), |
| status = iree_io_stream_seek(entry->stream, IREE_IO_STREAM_SEEK_SET, 0); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_make_status( |
| "opened stream from `%.*s` is not seekable and cannot be reopened", |
| (int)path.size, path.data); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| iree_io_stream_retain(entry->stream); |
| *out_stream = entry->stream; |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Opens a stream at |path|, possibly reusing an existing stream if it has |
| // already been opened. If |append| is true the stream will be returned at its |
| // existing position for continued reading/writing and otherwise it will be |
| // reset to position 0. |
| iree_status_t iree_io_stream_list_open(iree_io_stream_list_t* list, |
| iree_string_view_t path, bool is_append, |
| iree_io_stream_t** out_stream) { |
| IREE_ASSERT_ARGUMENT(out_stream); |
| *out_stream = NULL; |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, path.data, path.size); |
| |
| // Lookup an existing entry - if found we can reuse it. |
| iree_io_stream_list_entry_t* entry = |
| iree_io_stream_list_find_entry(list, path); |
| if (entry) { |
| iree_status_t status = iree_io_stream_list_open_existing( |
| list, path, entry, is_append, out_stream); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Open the file at the path specified. |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = NULL; |
| z0, iree_io_stream_open_path(list->mode, path, 0ull, list->host_allocator, |
| &stream)); |
| |
| // Append the stream entry to the list so it's retained for future opens. |
| iree_status_t status = iree_io_stream_list_append_entry(list, path, stream); |
| |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| *out_stream = stream; |
| } else { |
| iree_io_stream_release(stream); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Parsing |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_consume_cconv_any(iree_string_view_t* cconv, |
| char* out_type) { |
| *out_type = 0; |
| if (cconv->size == 0) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "function expected fewer input values"); |
| } |
| *out_type = cconv->data[0]; |
| ++cconv->data; |
| --cconv->size; |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_consume_cconv(iree_string_view_t* cconv, |
| char expected_type) { |
| char actual_type = 0; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_tooling_consume_cconv_any(cconv, &actual_type)); |
| if (actual_type != expected_type) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "function signature mismatch: expected cconv type " |
| "`%c` but provided type `%c`", |
| expected_type, actual_type); |
| } |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_null_into(iree_string_view_t* cconv, |
| iree_string_view_t string, |
| iree_vm_list_t* list) { |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, string.data, string.size); |
| |
| // Get the expected cconv type so we can handle 0 for primitives and |
| // NULL for refs. |
| char cconv_type = 0; |
| z0, iree_tooling_consume_cconv_any(cconv, &cconv_type)); |
| |
| // Add the appropriate variant type to the list. |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| switch (cconv_type) { |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_I32: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_i32(0); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_F32: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_f32(0.0f); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_I64: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_i64(0ll); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_F64: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_f64(0.0); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| break; |
| } |
| iree_vm_ref_t null_ref = iree_vm_ref_null(); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_ref_retain(list, &null_ref); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, |
| "unimplemented cconv type `%c`", cconv_type); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_primitive_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_string_view_t string, iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, string.data, string.size); |
| |
| // Get the expected cconv type to help us parse the primitive value. |
| char cconv_type = 0; |
| z0, iree_tooling_consume_cconv_any(cconv, &cconv_type)); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| switch (cconv_type) { |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_I32: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_i32(0); |
| if (iree_string_view_atoi_int32(string, &value.i32)) { |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "parsing value `%.*s` as i32", |
| (int)string.size, string.data); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_F32: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_f32(0.0f); |
| if (iree_string_view_atof(string, &value.f32)) { |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "parsing value `%.*s` as f32", |
| (int)string.size, string.data); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_I64: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_i64(0ll); |
| if (iree_string_view_atoi_int64(string, &value.i64)) { |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "parsing value `%.*s` as i64", |
| (int)string.size, string.data); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case IREE_VM_CCONV_TYPE_F64: { |
| iree_vm_value_t value = iree_vm_value_make_f64(0.0); |
| if (iree_string_view_atod(string, &value.f64)) { |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_value(list, &value); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "parsing value `%.*s` as f64", |
| (int)string.size, string.data); |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| default: { |
| status = iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, |
| "unimplemented cconv type `%c`", cconv_type); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_buffer_view_file_callback( |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t* mapping, void* user_data) { |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = (iree_io_stream_t*)user_data; |
| return iree_io_stream_read(stream, mapping->contents.data_length, |
| mapping->contents.data, |
| /*out_buffer_length=*/NULL); |
| } |
| |
| // Creates a HAL buffer view with the given |metadata| and reads the contents |
| // from the file reference in |string| which has the prefix `@` to indicate |
| // the contents starting from 0 and `+` for the next contents in an already |
| // opened stream. |
| // The file contents are directly read in to memory with no processing. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_buffer_view_file( |
| iree_string_view_t metadata, iree_string_view_t string, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, string.data, string.size); |
| |
| // Parse shape and element type used to allocate the buffer view. |
| iree_hal_element_type_t element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_NONE; |
| iree_host_size_t shape_rank = 0; |
| iree_hal_dim_t shape[128] = {0}; |
| IREE_RETURN_AND_END_ZONE_IF_ERROR(z0, iree_hal_parse_shape_and_element_type( |
| metadata, IREE_ARRAYSIZE(shape), |
| &shape_rank, shape, &element_type)); |
| |
| // TODO(benvanik): allow specifying the encoding. |
| iree_hal_encoding_type_t encoding_type = |
| |
| // @ = open new |
| // + = append |
| bool is_append = !iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("@")); |
| iree_string_view_t path = |
| iree_string_view_substr(string, 1, IREE_HOST_SIZE_MAX); |
| |
| // Open (or retrieve) the file. |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = NULL; |
| z0, iree_io_stream_list_open(stream_list, path, is_append, &stream)); |
| |
| // TODO(benvanik): support mapping on allocators that can handle importing |
| // host memory. We only want to do this when it won't hurt performance |
| // (unified memory systems and where the mapped memory meets alignment |
| // requirements). For now we always wire new device memory to read into. |
| // A real application would want to either do the import or use |
| // iree_hal_file_t to stream the file contents into device memory without |
| // going through host memory. |
| |
| // Read the stream contents into the buffer. |
| iree_hal_buffer_params_t buffer_params = { |
| }; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_buffer_view_generate_buffer( |
| device, device_allocator, shape_rank, shape, element_type, encoding_type, |
| buffer_params, iree_tooling_parse_buffer_view_file_callback, stream, |
| out_buffer_view); |
| |
| iree_io_stream_release(stream); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Parses a shaped tensor type into a HAL buffer view. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_tensor( |
| iree_string_view_t string, iree_hal_device_t* device, |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| // If contents are sourced from a file then route to that, and otherwise |
| // parse as a normal HAL buffer view with inline contents (or none). |
| iree_string_view_t metadata, contents; |
| if (iree_string_view_split(string, '=', &metadata, &contents) != -1) { |
| if (iree_string_view_starts_with(contents, IREE_SV("@")) || |
| iree_string_view_starts_with(contents, IREE_SV("+"))) { |
| return iree_tooling_parse_buffer_view_file(metadata, contents, device, |
| device_allocator, stream_list, |
| out_buffer_view); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, string.data, string.size); |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_buffer_view_parse( |
| string, device, device_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Parses a shaped tensor type into a HAL buffer view and appends it to |list|. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_tensor_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_string_view_t string, iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| // Expect a ref holding the buffer view. |
| IREE_RETURN_AND_END_ZONE_IF_ERROR(z0, iree_tooling_consume_cconv(cconv, 'r')); |
| |
| // Expect tensors to have a shape/type. Kinda sketchy but filters out some |
| // typos (scalar values). |
| bool has_equal = |
| iree_string_view_find_char(string, '=', 0) != IREE_STRING_VIEW_NPOS; |
| bool has_x = |
| iree_string_view_find_char(string, 'x', 0) != IREE_STRING_VIEW_NPOS; |
| if (!has_equal && !has_x) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "invalid tensor specification, requires at least a " |
| "shape/type (`4x2xf32=...`)"); |
| } |
| |
| // Parse the tensor contents. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| z0, iree_tooling_parse_tensor(string, device, device_allocator, |
| stream_list, host_allocator, &buffer_view)); |
| |
| // Add buffer view to list. |
| iree_vm_ref_t buffer_view_ref = iree_hal_buffer_view_move_ref(buffer_view); |
| iree_status_t status = iree_vm_list_push_ref_retain(list, &buffer_view_ref); |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Parses a shaped tensor type with optional contents to size a HAL buffer for |
| // output storage and appends it to |list|. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_storage_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_string_view_t string, iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| // Expect a ref holding the buffer. |
| IREE_RETURN_AND_END_ZONE_IF_ERROR(z0, iree_tooling_consume_cconv(cconv, 'r')); |
| |
| // Parse the tensor contents. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| z0, iree_tooling_parse_tensor(string, device, device_allocator, |
| stream_list, host_allocator, &buffer_view)); |
| |
| // Add just the storage buffer to the list - we don't need the metadata. |
| iree_vm_ref_t buffer_ref = |
| iree_hal_buffer_move_ref(iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(buffer_view)); |
| iree_status_t status = iree_vm_list_push_ref_retain(list, &buffer_ref); |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Parses a single ndarray from |stream| as a HAL buffer view and appends it to |
| // |list|. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_ndarray_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_vm_list_t* list, iree_io_stream_t* stream, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator) { |
| |
| // Expect a ref holding the buffer view. |
| IREE_RETURN_AND_END_ZONE_IF_ERROR(z0, iree_tooling_consume_cconv(cconv, 'r')); |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_params_t buffer_params = { |
| }; |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_numpy_npy_load_ndarray( |
| stream, IREE_NUMPY_NPY_LOAD_OPTION_DEFAULT, buffer_params, device, |
| device_allocator, &buffer_view); |
| |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| iree_vm_ref_t buffer_view_ref = iree_hal_buffer_view_move_ref(buffer_view); |
| status = iree_vm_list_push_ref_retain(list, &buffer_view_ref); |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| // Parses zero or more variants from a file into the |list|. |
| // The |string| defines the file mode (`@` new, `+` existing, `*` splat) and |
| // the path to source from. |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_file_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_string_view_t string, iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| IREE_TRACE_ZONE_APPEND_TEXT(z0, string.data, string.size); |
| |
| // @ = open new |
| // +/* = append |
| // * = splat |
| bool is_append = !iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("@")); |
| bool is_splat = iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("*")); |
| iree_string_view_t path = |
| iree_string_view_substr(string, 1, IREE_HOST_SIZE_MAX); |
| |
| // Today we only support numpy files here but could make this pluggable or at |
| // least a little smarter (sniff file header/etc) instead of relying on ext. |
| if (!iree_string_view_ends_with(path, IREE_SV(".npy"))) { |
| return iree_make_status( |
| "only numpy (.npy) files are supported for metadata-less variant I/O"); |
| } |
| |
| // Open (or retrieve) the file. |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = NULL; |
| z0, iree_io_stream_list_open(stream_list, path, is_append, &stream)); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| if (!is_splat) { |
| // Read a single ndarray from the stream at the current offset. |
| status = iree_tooling_parse_ndarray_into(cconv, list, stream, device, |
| device_allocator); |
| } else { |
| // Read zero or more ndarrays from the stream - note that it may already be |
| // at EOS. |
| while (iree_status_is_ok(status) && !iree_io_stream_is_eos(stream)) { |
| status = iree_tooling_parse_ndarray_into(cconv, list, stream, device, |
| device_allocator); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| iree_io_stream_release(stream); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_variant_into( |
| iree_string_view_t* cconv, iree_string_view_t string, iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| if (iree_string_view_is_empty(string)) { |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "no value specified for input"); |
| } else if (iree_string_view_equal(string, IREE_SV("(null)")) || |
| iree_string_view_equal(string, IREE_SV("(ignored)"))) { |
| return iree_tooling_parse_null_into(cconv, string, list); |
| } else if (iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("@")) || |
| iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("+")) || |
| iree_string_view_starts_with(string, IREE_SV("*"))) { |
| return iree_tooling_parse_file_into(cconv, string, list, device, |
| device_allocator, stream_list, |
| host_allocator); |
| } else if (iree_string_view_consume_prefix(&string, IREE_SV("&"))) { |
| return iree_tooling_parse_storage_into(cconv, string, list, device, |
| device_allocator, stream_list, |
| host_allocator); |
| } else if (!iree_string_view_starts_with(*cconv, IREE_SV("r"))) { |
| return iree_tooling_parse_primitive_into(cconv, string, list, device, |
| device_allocator, host_allocator); |
| } |
| // Shaped tensor as a buffer view. |
| // NOTE: we could support more things here - strings, VM buffers or lists, |
| // etc. Today if it's not a null or primitive value it's a tensor. |
| return iree_tooling_parse_tensor_into(cconv, string, list, device, |
| device_allocator, stream_list, |
| host_allocator); |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_variants_into( |
| iree_string_view_t cconv, iree_string_view_list_t specs, |
| iree_vm_list_t* list, iree_hal_device_t* device, |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| // List of opened streams used for allowing multiple arguments to source from |
| // the same file sequentially. |
| iree_io_stream_list_t* stream_list = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_io_stream_list_allocate( |
| IREE_IO_STDIO_STREAM_MODE_READ, host_allocator, &stream_list)); |
| |
| // Parse each variant string. Note that some strings may expand to zero or |
| // more variants and so we need to consume the cconv based on how many were |
| // parsed. |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < specs.count; ++i) { |
| iree_string_view_t string = iree_string_view_trim(specs.values[i]); |
| status = iree_status_annotate_f( |
| iree_tooling_parse_variant_into(&cconv, string, list, device, |
| device_allocator, stream_list, |
| host_allocator), |
| "parsing input `%.*s`", (int)string.size, string.data); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| } |
| |
| iree_io_stream_list_free(stream_list); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| iree_status_t iree_tooling_parse_variants( |
| iree_string_view_t cconv, iree_string_view_list_t specs, |
| iree_hal_device_t* device, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_vm_list_t** out_list) { |
| *out_list = NULL; |
| |
| // Argument list that will be populated - possibly returning with 0 entries. |
| iree_vm_list_t* list = NULL; |
| z0, iree_vm_list_create(iree_vm_make_undefined_type_def(), specs.count, |
| host_allocator, &list)); |
| |
| // Parse into the argument list. |
| iree_status_t status = iree_tooling_parse_variants_into( |
| cconv, specs, list, device, device_allocator, host_allocator); |
| |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| *out_list = list; |
| } else { |
| iree_vm_list_release(list); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Printing |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_format(B, "i" #SIZE "=%" PRIi##SIZE, \ |
| (V).i##SIZE); \ |
| break; |
| |
| status = \ |
| iree_string_builder_append_format(B, "f" #SIZE "=%g", (V).f##SIZE); \ |
| break; |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_format_variant( |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant, iree_host_size_t max_element_count, |
| iree_string_builder_t* builder) { |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| if (iree_vm_variant_is_empty(variant)) { |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("(null)")); |
| } else if (iree_vm_variant_is_value(variant)) { |
| switch (iree_vm_type_def_as_value(variant.type)) { |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_I(8, builder, variant) |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_I(16, builder, variant) |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_I(32, builder, variant) |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_I(64, builder, variant) |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_F(32, builder, variant) |
| IREE_PRINT_VARIANT_CASE_F(64, builder, variant) |
| default: |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("?")); |
| break; |
| } |
| } else if (iree_vm_variant_is_ref(variant)) { |
| iree_string_view_t type_name = |
| iree_vm_ref_type_name(iree_vm_type_def_as_ref(variant.type)); |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, type_name); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("\n")); |
| } |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| if (iree_vm_list_isa(variant.ref)) { |
| iree_vm_list_t* child_list = iree_vm_list_deref(variant.ref); |
| status = iree_tooling_format_variants(IREE_SV("child_list"), child_list, |
| max_element_count, builder); |
| } else if (iree_hal_buffer_view_isa(variant.ref)) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_deref(variant.ref); |
| status = iree_hal_buffer_view_append_to_builder( |
| buffer_view, max_element_count, builder); |
| } else { |
| // TODO(benvanik): a way for ref types to describe themselves. |
| status = |
| iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("(no printer)")); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("(null)")); |
| } |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| iree_status_t iree_tooling_format_variants(iree_string_view_t list_name, |
| iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_host_size_t max_element_count, |
| iree_string_builder_t* builder) { |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < iree_vm_list_size(list); ++i) { |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant = iree_vm_variant_empty(); |
| z0, iree_vm_list_get_variant_assign(list, i, &variant)); |
| z0, iree_string_builder_append_format( |
| builder, "%.*s[%" PRIhsz "]: ", (int)list_name.size, |
| list_name.data, i)); |
| z0, iree_tooling_format_variant(variant, max_element_count, builder)); |
| z0, iree_string_builder_append_string(builder, IREE_SV("\n"))); |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_print_variant( |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant, iree_host_size_t max_element_count, |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| iree_string_builder_t builder; |
| iree_string_builder_initialize(host_allocator, &builder); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = |
| iree_tooling_format_variant(variant, max_element_count, &builder); |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(&builder, IREE_SV("\n")); |
| } |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_io_stream_write(stream, iree_string_builder_size(&builder), |
| iree_string_builder_buffer(&builder)); |
| } |
| |
| iree_string_builder_deinitialize(&builder); |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| iree_status_t iree_tooling_print_variants(iree_string_view_t list_name, |
| iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_host_size_t max_element_count, |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| // Reused across each variant print to amortize allocations. |
| iree_string_builder_t builder; |
| iree_string_builder_initialize(host_allocator, &builder); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < iree_vm_list_size(list); ++i) { |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant = iree_vm_variant_empty(); |
| status = iree_vm_list_get_variant_assign(list, i, &variant); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_format( |
| &builder, "%.*s[%" PRIhsz "]: ", (int)list_name.size, list_name.data, |
| i); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| status = iree_tooling_format_variant(variant, max_element_count, &builder); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| status = iree_string_builder_append_string(&builder, IREE_SV("\n")); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| status = iree_io_stream_write(stream, iree_string_builder_size(&builder), |
| iree_string_builder_buffer(&builder)); |
| if (!iree_status_is_ok(status)) break; |
| iree_string_builder_reset(&builder); |
| } |
| |
| iree_string_builder_deinitialize(&builder); |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| // Writing |
| //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_hal_buffer( |
| iree_hal_buffer_t* hal_buffer, iree_allocator_t host_allocator, |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| iree_hal_dim_t shape[1] = { |
| (iree_hal_dim_t)iree_hal_buffer_byte_length(hal_buffer), |
| }; |
| return iree_hal_buffer_view_create( |
| hal_buffer, IREE_ARRAYSIZE(shape), shape, IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_INT_8, |
| IREE_HAL_ENCODING_TYPE_DENSE_ROW_MAJOR, host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| } |
| |
| static void iree_hal_buffer_release_vm_buffer( |
| void* user_data, struct iree_hal_buffer_t* buffer) { |
| iree_vm_buffer_release((iree_vm_buffer_t*)user_data); |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_vm_buffer( |
| iree_vm_buffer_t* vm_buffer, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| // Get read-only pointer to the underlying buffer heap memory. |
| iree_const_byte_span_t span = iree_const_byte_span_empty(); |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_vm_buffer_map_ro( |
| vm_buffer, 0, iree_vm_buffer_length(vm_buffer), 1, &span)); |
| |
| // Wrap the heap memory in a HAL buffer for read-only access. |
| const iree_hal_buffer_release_callback_t release_callback = { |
| .fn = iree_hal_buffer_release_vm_buffer, |
| .user_data = vm_buffer, |
| }; |
| iree_vm_buffer_retain(vm_buffer); |
| iree_hal_buffer_t* hal_buffer = NULL; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_heap_buffer_wrap( |
| iree_hal_buffer_placement_undefined(), IREE_HAL_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST_LOCAL, |
| span.data_length, iree_cast_const_byte_span(span), release_callback, |
| host_allocator, &hal_buffer); |
| iree_vm_buffer_release(vm_buffer); |
| |
| // Wrap the HAL buffer in a buffer view. |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_hal_buffer( |
| hal_buffer, host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_release(hal_buffer); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_empty( |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| iree_hal_buffer_t* hal_buffer = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_heap_buffer_wrap( |
| iree_hal_buffer_placement_undefined(), IREE_HAL_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST_LOCAL, |
| iree_byte_span_empty(), iree_hal_buffer_release_callback_null(), |
| host_allocator, &hal_buffer)); |
| iree_status_t status = iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_hal_buffer( |
| hal_buffer, host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| iree_hal_buffer_release(hal_buffer); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_value( |
| iree_vm_value_t value, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| iree_device_size_t byte_length = 0; |
| iree_hal_element_type_t element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_NONE; |
| switch (value.type) { |
| return iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_empty(host_allocator, |
| out_buffer_view); |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.i8); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_INT_8; |
| break; |
| case IREE_VM_VALUE_TYPE_I16: |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.i16); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_INT_16; |
| break; |
| case IREE_VM_VALUE_TYPE_I32: |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.i32); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_INT_32; |
| break; |
| case IREE_VM_VALUE_TYPE_I64: |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.i64); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_INT_64; |
| break; |
| case IREE_VM_VALUE_TYPE_F32: |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.f32); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_32; |
| break; |
| case IREE_VM_VALUE_TYPE_F64: |
| byte_length = sizeof(value.f64); |
| element_type = IREE_HAL_ELEMENT_TYPE_FLOAT_64; |
| break; |
| default: |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, |
| "unsupported value type"); |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_params_t params = { |
| .usage = |
| }; |
| iree_hal_buffer_t* hal_buffer = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_hal_allocator_allocate_buffer( |
| device_allocator, params, byte_length, &hal_buffer)); |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_buffer_map_write( |
| hal_buffer, 0, value.value_storage, byte_length); |
| |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_hal_buffer_view_create(hal_buffer, /*shape_rank=*/0, |
| /*shape=*/NULL, element_type, |
| host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_release(hal_buffer); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_from_variant( |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant, iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator, iree_hal_buffer_view_t** out_buffer_view) { |
| *out_buffer_view = NULL; |
| if (iree_vm_variant_is_empty(variant)) { |
| // Empty value - we need to emit a zero-length value to keep the npy file |
| // ordered when there are multiple entries. |
| return iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_empty(host_allocator, |
| out_buffer_view); |
| } else if (iree_vm_variant_is_ref(variant)) { |
| if (iree_hal_buffer_view_isa(variant.ref)) { |
| // Buffer view returned can provide the metadata required. |
| *out_buffer_view = iree_hal_buffer_view_deref(variant.ref); |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_retain(*out_buffer_view); |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } else if (iree_hal_buffer_isa(variant.ref)) { |
| // i8 buffer view of the total length of the HAL buffer. |
| iree_hal_buffer_t* buffer = iree_hal_buffer_deref(variant.ref); |
| return iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_hal_buffer( |
| buffer, host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| } else if (iree_vm_buffer_isa(variant.ref)) { |
| // i8 buffer view of the total length of the VM buffer wrapped in a HAL |
| // buffer. |
| iree_vm_buffer_t* buffer = iree_vm_buffer_deref(variant.ref); |
| return iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_vm_buffer( |
| buffer, device_allocator, host_allocator, out_buffer_view); |
| } else { |
| // Unsupported type. |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT, |
| "unsupported output source type; expected: " |
| "!hal.buffer, !hal.buffer_view, !vm.buffer"); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Primitive value that we wrap in a scalar buffer view. |
| return iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_with_value( |
| iree_vm_variant_value(variant), device_allocator, host_allocator, |
| out_buffer_view); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_write_variant_to_npy_file( |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream, iree_vm_variant_t variant, |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| // npy files require buffer views so if we receive anything but a buffer view |
| // we wrap it in one typed as bytes. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_from_variant( |
| variant, device_allocator, host_allocator, &buffer_view)); |
| |
| // Append buffer view contents to the file stream. |
| iree_numpy_npy_save_options_t options = IREE_NUMPY_NPY_SAVE_OPTION_DEFAULT; |
| iree_status_t status = |
| iree_numpy_npy_save_ndarray(stream, options, buffer_view, host_allocator); |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_write_variant_to_binary_file( |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream, iree_vm_variant_t variant, |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator, iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| // Today we reuse the buffer view code to get the variant into a byte buffer |
| // to write out even though we don't use any of the metadata. This is a |
| // command line tool writing out files using stdio and not an example of how |
| // to create a high performance I/O mechanism. |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_t* buffer_view = NULL; |
| IREE_RETURN_IF_ERROR(iree_tooling_create_buffer_view_from_variant( |
| variant, device_allocator, host_allocator, &buffer_view)); |
| iree_device_size_t byte_length = |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_byte_length(buffer_view); |
| |
| // Map the buffer memory into a host pointer so we can access it. |
| iree_hal_buffer_mapping_t mapping; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_buffer_map_range( |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_buffer(buffer_view), IREE_HAL_MAPPING_MODE_SCOPED, |
| |
| // Write to the file from the mapped memory. |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| status = iree_io_stream_write(stream, byte_length, mapping.contents.data); |
| } |
| |
| iree_status_ignore(iree_hal_buffer_unmap_range(&mapping)); |
| |
| iree_hal_buffer_view_release(buffer_view); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_write_variant_to_file( |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant, iree_string_view_t spec, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| // Open the output file based on the spec. |
| iree_io_stdio_stream_mode_t mode = 0; |
| if (iree_string_view_consume_prefix(&spec, IREE_SV("@"))) { |
| } else if (iree_string_view_consume_prefix(&spec, IREE_SV("+"))) { |
| } else { |
| // We only support overwrite and append for now. |
| return iree_make_status(IREE_STATUS_UNIMPLEMENTED, |
| "unsupported output mode specification '%.*s'", |
| (int)spec.size, spec.data); |
| } |
| iree_io_stream_t* stream = NULL; |
| iree_io_stdio_stream_open(mode, spec, host_allocator, &stream)); |
| |
| // Dummy heap used for allocating transient variants. |
| // This is wasteful to cycle for each one but we don't care about it in the |
| // tooling. |
| iree_hal_allocator_t* device_allocator = NULL; |
| iree_status_t status = iree_hal_allocator_create_heap( |
| IREE_SV("tooling"), host_allocator, host_allocator, &device_allocator); |
| |
| // Output format is based on file extension with ones we don't know about |
| // going into binary mode. Some formats require metadata from buffer views |
| // but in binary mode we just dump whatever contents we have and leave it up |
| // to the user to handle the shape/type/encoding. |
| if (iree_status_is_ok(status)) { |
| if (iree_string_view_ends_with(spec, IREE_SV(".npy"))) { |
| status = iree_tooling_write_variant_to_npy_file( |
| stream, variant, device_allocator, host_allocator); |
| } else { |
| status = iree_tooling_write_variant_to_binary_file( |
| stream, variant, device_allocator, host_allocator); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| iree_hal_allocator_release(device_allocator); |
| iree_io_stream_release(stream); |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| static iree_status_t iree_tooling_write_variant( |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant, iree_string_view_t spec, |
| iree_host_size_t max_element_count, iree_io_stream_t* default_stream, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| iree_status_t status = iree_ok_status(); |
| if (iree_string_view_is_empty(spec)) { |
| // Send into the void. |
| } else if (iree_string_view_equal(spec, IREE_SV("-"))) { |
| // Route to the default stream (if provided). |
| if (default_stream) { |
| status = iree_tooling_print_variant(variant, max_element_count, |
| default_stream, host_allocator); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Write to a file. |
| status = iree_tooling_write_variant_to_file(variant, spec, host_allocator); |
| } |
| |
| return status; |
| } |
| |
| iree_status_t iree_tooling_write_variants(iree_vm_list_t* list, |
| iree_string_view_list_t specs, |
| iree_host_size_t max_element_count, |
| iree_io_stream_t* default_stream, |
| iree_allocator_t host_allocator) { |
| |
| if (iree_vm_list_size(list) != specs.count) { |
| return iree_make_status( |
| "%" PRIhsz |
| " outputs specified but the provided variant list only has %" PRIhsz |
| " elements", |
| specs.count, iree_vm_list_size(list)); |
| } |
| |
| for (iree_host_size_t i = 0; i < specs.count; ++i) { |
| iree_vm_variant_t variant = iree_vm_variant_empty(); |
| z0, iree_vm_list_get_variant_assign(list, i, &variant)); |
| z0, |
| iree_tooling_write_variant(variant, specs.values[i], max_element_count, |
| default_stream, host_allocator)); |
| } |
| |
| return iree_ok_status(); |
| } |