| # OTBNSim - OTBN Simulation Software |
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| `OTBNSim` class represents a simulator that models the whole OTBN block. |
| Therefore it includes abstract models for the the state of the core, its memory modules, and also the register modules. |
| It has methods for starting the execution, cycle-accurate simulation tracing, and for injecting errors and reacting to those errors with a secure wipe. |
| As explained in the overall [OTBN DV documentation](../README.md), this simulator is driven essentially from the SystemVerilog model of the OTBN module. |
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| The simulator works in a step-by-step fashion and it has multiple methods to apply external stimuli to OTBN. |
| In a typical run without errors, the ISS does the following: |
| 1. Decode the program on the path given by `iss_wrapper.cc` by the `decode_file` method in `decode.py`. |
| 2. Load the decoded program to a local list in `sim.py`. |
| 3. With each `step` command from the SystemVerilog side, update the simulated state of the core (`state.py`), registers (`wsr.py`, `csr.py` and `gpr.py`) and data memory (`dmem.py`). |
| 4. Once the step is done, pass the generated trace to `iss_wrapper.cc`, which to then passes it on to `OTBNTraceChecker`. |
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| ## Co-Simulation with RTL |
| For co-simulation of RTL and ISS, the `otbn_tracer` module logs state changes of the RTL, and the ISS logs state changes of the Python model. |
| Trace entries from the simulated core (aka. from RTL) appear as a result of DPI callbacks while ISS trace entries appear in the trace checker through `ISSWrapper` using `OnIssTrace` method after sending a step command to `OTBNSim`. |
| To check correct behaviour, the two separate logs generated by the model and the RTL are compared. |
| For more information about how OTBN RTL produces traces see the [Tracer README](../tracer/README.md). |
| To see the C++ program that compares both traces, check the method `otbn_trace_checker.cc` in `../model/otbn_trace_entry`. |