blob: ae10f6a48979054932b2f1353d84c1e5fa77e15e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Hardened AND operation for life cycle values. To be used instead of lc_tx_and_*() if the output
// signal must always be rectified (i.e. either ActVal or ~ActVal)/
`include ""
module prim_lc_and_hardened
import lc_ctrl_pkg::*;
lc_tx_t ActVal = On
) (
// Clock is only used for SVAs in this module.
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input lc_tx_t lc_en_a_i,
input lc_tx_t lc_en_b_i,
output lc_tx_t lc_en_o
// We perform strict comparisons and make sure we only output ActVal if both of the two inputs are
// strictly ActVal. The comparisons are done redundantly so that the multibit aspect is preserved
// throughout instead of creating a single point of failure due to the reduction.
lc_tx_t [TxWidth-1:0] lc_en_a_copies;
prim_lc_sync #(
.AsyncOn(0) // no sync needed
) u_prim_lc_sync_a (
lc_tx_t [TxWidth-1:0] lc_en_b_copies;
prim_lc_sync #(
.AsyncOn(0) // no sync needed
) u_prim_lc_sync_b (
logic [TxWidth-1:0] lc_en_logic;
for (genvar k = 0; k < TxWidth; k++) begin : gen_hardened_or
assign lc_en_logic[k] = (lc_en_a_copies[k] == ActVal) && (lc_en_b_copies[k] == ActVal);
// So far all comparisons above produce the same value in lc_en_logic.
// X'oring with the inverse active value will flip the bits that need to be inverted.
assign lc_en_o = lc_tx_t'(lc_en_logic ^ lc_tx_inv(ActVal));
// Assertions //
// The outputs should be known at all times.
`ASSERT_KNOWN(OutputsKnown_A, lc_en_o)
`ASSERT(FunctionCheck_A, ((lc_en_a_i == ActVal) && (lc_en_b_i == ActVal)) == (lc_en_o == ActVal))
endmodule : prim_lc_and_hardened