blob: 94e4cef103e73fd2d154b138257acac215510756 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Name of the sim cfg: set in the sim_cfg that imports this file
// name: "{dut}"
// Top level testbench name (sv module).
tb: tb
// Top level dut name (sv module): set in the autogenerated sim cfg file that imports this.
dut: ""
// Simulator used to sign off this block
tool: vcs
// The top level (chip) into which this xbar is meant to go. This is set in the sim_cfg that
// imports this file.
top_chip: ""
// Fusesoc core file used for building the file list.
fusesoc_core: "lowrisc:dv:{top_chip}_{dut}_sim:0.1"
// Set the path to testplan md file as it's not in the default location.
testplan_doc_path: "hw/ip/tlul/doc/dv/#testplan"
// Bypass VCS CHECK_SUM check as the exclusion file is generated without proper CHECK_SUM value
vcs_cov_analyze_opts: ["-excl_bypass_checks"]
vcs_cov_report_opts: ["-excl_bypass_checks"]
xcelium_cov_analyze_opts: []
xcelium_cov_report_opts: []
cov_analyze_opts: ["{{tool}_cov_analyze_opts}"]
cov_report_opts: ["{{tool}_cov_report_opts}"]
// Import additional common sim cfg files.
import_cfgs: [// Project wide common sim cfg file
// Add additional tops for simulation.
sim_tops: ["{dut}_bind"]
// Default iterations for all tests - each test entry can override this.
reseed: 50