blob: f04458633915d66f9cfe87c7b0b584e889b8185e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# waiver file for prim_generic_pad_wrapper
# note that this code is NOT synthesizable and meant for sim only
waive -rules TRI_DRIVER -regexp {'inout_io' is driven by a tristate driver} -location {} \
-comment "This is a bidirectional pad inout."
waive -rules TRI_DRIVER -regexp {'in_raw_o' is driven by a tristate driver} \
-comment "This is a bidirectional pad inout."
waive -rules MULTI_DRIVEN -regexp {.* drivers on 'inout_io' here} -location {} \
-comment "The pad simulation model has multiple drivers to emulate different IO terminations."
waive -rules SELF_ASSIGN -regexp {LHS signal 'inout_io' encountered on the RHS of a continuous assignment statement} -location {} \
-comment "This implements a keeper termination (it's basically an explicit TRIREG)"
waive -rules DRIVE_STRENGTH -regexp {Drive strength .* encountered on assignment to 'inout_io'} -location {} \
-comment "The pad simulation model uses driving strength attributes to emulate different IO terminations."
waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -regexp {Input port 'attr\_i*' is not read from} -location {} \
-comment "Some IO attributes may not be implemented."
waive -rules Z_USE -regexp {Constant with 'Z literal value '1'bz' encountered} -location {} \
-comment "This z assignment is correct."
waive -rules PARAM_NOT_USED -regexp {Parameter 'Variant' not used in module 'prim_generic_pad_wrapper'} -location {} \
-comment "This parameter has been provisioned for later and is currently unused."
waive -rules PARAM_NOT_USED -regexp {Parameter 'ScanRole' not used in module 'prim_generic_pad_wrapper'} -location {} \
-comment "This parameter has been provisioned for later and is currently unused."
waive -rules INPUT_NOT_READ -msg {Input port 'clk_scan_i' is not read from in module 'prim_generic_pad_wrapper'} \
-comment "This clock is not read in RTL since it will be connected after synthesis during DFT insertion"