blob: 70bd2c38317ca04df9a9660b187f6b03f800a31b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// One-hot mux
// A AND/OR mux with a one-hot select input.
`include ""
module prim_onehot_mux #(
parameter int Width = 32,
parameter int Inputs = 8
) (
// Clock and reset only for assertions
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
input logic [Width-1:0] in_i [Inputs],
input logic [Inputs-1:0] sel_i, // Must be one-hot or zero
output logic [Width-1:0] out_o
logic [Inputs-1:0] in_mux [Width];
for (genvar b = 0; b < Width; ++b) begin : g_in_mux_outer
logic [Inputs-1:0] out_mux_bits;
for (genvar i = 0; i < Inputs; ++i) begin : g_in_mux_inner
assign in_mux[b][i] = in_i[i][b];
prim_and2 #(.Width(Inputs)) u_mux_bit_and(
assign out_o[b] = |out_mux_bits;
logic unused_clk;
logic unused_rst_n;
// clock and reset only needed for assertion
assign unused_clk = clk_i;
assign unused_rst_n = rst_ni;
`ASSERT(SelIsOnehot_A, $onehot0(sel_i))