blob: 7ddf445da702f48133c5dfc5bac535d4c61c8eaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class pattgen_agent_cfg extends dv_base_agent_cfg;
bit en_monitor = 1'b1; // enable monitor
// interface handle used by driver, monitor & the sequencer, via cfg handle
virtual pattgen_if vif;
bit [NUM_PATTGEN_CHANNELS-1:0] error_injected;
bit [NUM_PATTGEN_CHANNELS-1:0] channel_done;
bit [NUM_PATTGEN_CHANNELS-1:0] polarity;
uint length[NUM_PATTGEN_CHANNELS-1:0];
// pre-divider check enable
bit [NUM_PATTGEN_CHANNELS-1:0] chk_prediv;
// expected clk_cnt value
// calculated by 2 * (pattgen.PREDIV_CH + 1)
`uvm_field_int(error_injected, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_sarray_int(polarity, UVM_DEFAULT)
`uvm_field_sarray_int(length, UVM_DEFAULT)
endclass : pattgen_agent_cfg