[doc] Removed old documentation build script.
Signed-off-by: Hugo McNally <hugo.mcnally@gmail.com>
diff --git a/util/build_docs.py b/util/build_docs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f9ed0e8..0000000
--- a/util/build_docs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,561 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
-# Usage:
-# run './build_docs.py' to generate the documentation and keep it updated
-# open 'http://localhost:1313/' to check live update (this opens the top
-# level index page). you can also directly access a specific document by
-# accessing 'http://localhost:1313/path/to/doc',
-# e.g. http://localhost:1313/hw/ip/uart/doc
-import argparse
-import logging
-import os
-import platform
-import re
-import socket
-import subprocess
-import sys
-import textwrap
-from pathlib import Path
-import check_tool_requirements
-import dashboard.gen_dashboard_entry as gen_dashboard_entry
-import difgen.gen_dif_listing as gen_dif_listing
-import dvsim.Testplan as Testplan
-import reggen.gen_cfg_html as gen_cfg_html
-import reggen.gen_html as gen_html
-import reggen.gen_selfdoc as reggen_selfdoc
-import tlgen
-from reggen.ip_block import IpBlock
-USAGE = """
- build_docs [options]
-# Version of hugo extended to be used to build the docs
- TOOL_REQUIREMENTS = check_tool_requirements.read_tool_requirements()
- HUGO_EXTENDED_VERSION = TOOL_REQUIREMENTS['hugo_extended'].min_version
-except Exception as e:
- print("Unable to get required hugo version: %s" % str(e), file=sys.stderr)
- sys.exit(1)
-# Configurations
-# TODO: Move to config.yaml
-SRCTREE_TOP = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..').resolve()
-config = {
- # Toplevel source directory
- "topdir":
- # Pre-generate register and hwcfg fragments from these files.
- "hardware_definitions": [
- "hw/ip/aes/data/aes.hjson",
- "hw/ip/aon_timer/data/aon_timer.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen/alert_handler/data/alert_handler.hjson",
- "hw/ip/entropy_src/data/entropy_src.hjson",
- "hw/ip/csrng/data/csrng.hjson",
- "hw/ip/adc_ctrl/data/adc_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/edn/data/edn.hjson",
- "hw/ip/flash_ctrl/data/flash_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/gpio/data/gpio.hjson",
- "hw/ip/hmac/data/hmac.hjson",
- "hw/ip/i2c/data/i2c.hjson",
- "hw/ip/keymgr/data/keymgr.hjson",
- "hw/ip/kmac/data/kmac.hjson",
- "hw/ip/lc_ctrl/data/lc_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/otbn/data/otbn.hjson",
- "hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pattgen/data/pattgen.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pwm/data/pwm.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rom_ctrl/data/rom_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rv_dm/data/rv_dm.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip/pinmux/data/autogen/pinmux.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip/clkmgr/data/autogen/clkmgr.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip/pwrmgr/data/autogen/pwrmgr.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip/rstmgr/data/autogen/rstmgr.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip/sensor_ctrl/data/sensor_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen/rv_plic/data/rv_plic.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rv_core_ibex/data/rv_core_ibex.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rv_timer/data/rv_timer.hjson",
- "hw/ip/spi_host/data/spi_host.hjson",
- "hw/ip/spi_device/data/spi_device.hjson",
- "hw/ip/sram_ctrl/data/sram_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/sysrst_ctrl/data/sysrst_ctrl.hjson",
- "hw/ip/uart/data/uart.hjson",
- "hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev.hjson",
- ],
- # Generate different dashboards for hwcfg's from different folders, as
- # specified below. Note that this only generates fragments for
- # the "hardware_definitions" registered above, or if the file has the
- # ending ".prj.hjson" (non-comportable IPs may only have a .prj.hjson
- # file instead of a full comportable IP hjson).
- "dashboard_definitions": {
- "comportable": [
- "hw/ip",
- ],
- "top_earlgrey": [
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen",
- ],
- },
- # Pre-generate testplan fragments from these files.
- "testplan_definitions": [
- "hw/ip/aes/data/aes_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen/alert_handler/data/alert_handler_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/aon_timer/data/aon_timer_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/clkmgr/data/clkmgr_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/entropy_src/data/entropy_src_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/csrng/data/csrng_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/adc_ctrl/data/adc_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/edn/data/edn_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/flash_ctrl/data/flash_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/gpio/data/gpio_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/hmac/data/hmac_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/i2c/data/i2c_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/kmac/data/kmac_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/keymgr/data/keymgr_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/lc_ctrl/data/lc_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/otbn/data/otbn_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/otp_ctrl/data/otp_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pattgen/data/pattgen_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pinmux/data/pinmux_fpv_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pwm/data/pwm_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/pwrmgr/data/pwrmgr_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rom_ctrl/data/rom_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rstmgr/data/rstmgr_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rv_dm/data/rv_dm_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/ip_autogen/rv_plic/data/rv_plic_fpv_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/rv_timer/data/rv_timer_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/spi_device/data/spi_device_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/spi_host/data/spi_host_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/sram_ctrl/data/sram_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/tlul/data/tlul_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/uart/data/uart_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/usbdev/data/usbdev_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/ip/sysrst_ctrl/data/sysrst_ctrl_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_testplan.hjson",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/data/chip_testplan.hjson:gls",
- "hw/top_earlgrey/data/standalone_sw_testplan.hjson",
- "sw/device/silicon_creator/manuf/data/manuf_testplan.hjson",
- "util/dvsim/examples/testplanner/foo_testplan.hjson",
- ],
- # Pre-generated utility selfdoc
- "selfdoc_tools": ["tlgen", "reggen"],
- # DIF Docs
- "difs-directory": "sw/device/lib/dif",
- # Top Level Docs
- "top_docs_directory": "top",
- # Pre-generate top level documentation from the following files.
- "hw_top_definitions": [
- "hw/top_earlgrey/data/autogen/top_earlgrey.gen.hjson",
- ],
- # Output directory for documents
- "outdir":
- SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath('build', 'docs'),
- "outdir-generated":
- SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath('build', 'docs-generated'),
- "verbose":
- False,
-def generate_dashboards():
- for dashboard_name, dirs in config["dashboard_definitions"].items():
- hjson_paths = []
- # helper dict to avoid adding duplicate paths in case where
- # the listed folders for a dashboard have a common prefix that
- # would cause an item to be added multiple times.
- known_paths = {}
- for d in dirs:
- # Search for files with the prj.hjson prefix
- # (typically non-comportable IPs like tlul or prims).
- hjson_paths += SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(d).rglob('*.prj.hjson')
- # Check for registered comportable IP definitions in this folder.
- for k in config["hardware_definitions"]:
- if k not in known_paths and os.path.commonprefix([d, k]) == d:
- hjson_paths += [SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(k)]
- known_paths.update({k: 1})
- hjson_paths.sort(key=lambda f: f.name)
- dashboard_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath(
- dashboard_name, 'dashboard')
- dashboard_path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- dashboard_html = open(str(dashboard_path), mode='w')
- for hjson_path in hjson_paths:
- gen_dashboard_entry.gen_dashboard_html(hjson_path, dashboard_html)
- dashboard_html.close()
-def generate_hardware_blocks():
- for hardware in config["hardware_definitions"]:
- regs = IpBlock.from_path(str(SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(hardware)), [])
- hw_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath(hardware)
- dst_path = hw_path.parent
- dst_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- regs_path = dst_path.joinpath(hw_path.name + '.registers')
- with open(regs_path, 'w') as regs_file:
- gen_html.gen_html(regs, regs_file)
- hwcfg_path = dst_path.joinpath(hw_path.name + '.hwcfg')
- with open(hwcfg_path, 'w') as hwcfg_file:
- gen_cfg_html.gen_cfg_html(regs, hwcfg_file)
-def generate_testplans():
- for testplan in config["testplan_definitions"]:
- # Split the filename into filename and tags, if provided.
- split = testplan.split(":")
- filename = split[0]
- tags = "_".join(split[1:])
- plan = Testplan.Testplan(SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(testplan),
- repo_top=SRCTREE_TOP)
- plan_filename = f"{filename}.{tags}_testplan"
- plan_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath(plan_filename)
- plan_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- testplan_html = open(str(plan_path), mode='w')
- testplan_html.write(plan.get_testplan_table("html"))
- testplan_html.close()
-def generate_selfdocs():
- """Generate documents for the tools in `util/` if `--doc` option exists.
- Each tool creates selfdoc differently. Manually invoked.
- """
- for tool in config["selfdoc_tools"]:
- selfdoc_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath(tool + '.selfdoc')
- selfdoc_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(str(selfdoc_path), mode='w') as fout:
- if tool == "reggen":
- reggen_selfdoc.document(fout)
- elif tool == "tlgen":
- fout.write(tlgen.selfdoc(heading=3, cmd='tlgen.py --doc'))
-def generate_pkg_reqs():
- """Generate an apt/yum command line invocation from
- apt/yum-requirements.txt
- This will be saved in outdir-generated/apt_cmd.txt and
- outdir-generated/yum_cmd.txt, respectively.
- """
- for pkgmgr in ["apt", "yum"]:
- # Read the apt/yum-requirements.txt
- requirements = []
- requirements_file = open(str(SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(pkgmgr + "-requirements.txt")))
- for package_line in requirements_file.readlines():
- # Ignore everything after `#` on each line, and strip whitespace
- package = package_line.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
- if package:
- # only add non-empty lines to packages
- requirements.append(package)
- cmd = "$ sudo " + pkgmgr + " install " + " ".join(requirements)
- cmd_lines = textwrap.wrap(cmd,
- width=78,
- replace_whitespace=True,
- subsequent_indent=' ',
- break_long_words=False,
- break_on_hyphens=False)
- # Newlines need to be escaped
- cmd = " \\\n".join(cmd_lines)
- # And then to write the generated string directly to the file.
- cmd_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath(pkgmgr + '_cmd.txt')
- cmd_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(str(cmd_path), mode='w') as fout:
- fout.write(cmd)
-def generate_tool_versions():
- """Generate an tool version number requirement from tool_requirements.py
- The version number per tool will be saved in outdir-generated/version_$TOOL_NAME.txt
- """
- # And then write a version file for every tool.
- for tool, req in TOOL_REQUIREMENTS.items():
- version_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath('version_' + tool + '.txt')
- version_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(str(version_path), mode='w') as fout:
- fout.write(req.min_version)
-def generate_dif_docs():
- """Generate doxygen documentation and DIF listings from DIF source comments.
- This invokes Doxygen, and a few other things. Be careful of changing any
- paths here, some correspond to paths in other configuration files.
- """
- logging.info("Generating Software API Documentation (Doxygen)...")
- doxygen_out_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath("sw")
- # The next two paths correspond to relative paths specified in the Doxyfile
- doxygen_xml_path = doxygen_out_path.joinpath("api-xml")
- # We need to prepare this path because doxygen won't `mkdir -p`
- doxygen_sw_path = doxygen_out_path.joinpath("public-api/sw/apis")
- doxygen_sw_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- # This is where warnings will be generated
- doxygen_warnings_path = doxygen_out_path.joinpath("doxygen_warnings.log")
- if doxygen_warnings_path.exists():
- doxygen_warnings_path.unlink()
- doxygen_args = [
- "doxygen",
- str(SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath("util/doxygen/Doxyfile")),
- ]
- doxygen_results = subprocess.run( # noqa: F841
- doxygen_args, check=True,
- cwd=str(SRCTREE_TOP), stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- env=dict(
- os.environ,
- DOXYGEN_OUT=str(doxygen_out_path),
- ))
- logging.info("Generated Software API Documentation (Doxygen)")
- if doxygen_warnings_path.exists():
- logging.warning("Doxygen Generated Warnings "
- "(saved in {})".format(str(doxygen_warnings_path)))
- combined_xml = gen_dif_listing.get_combined_xml(doxygen_xml_path)
- dif_paths = []
- dif_paths.extend(sorted(SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath(config["difs-directory"]).glob("dif_*.h")))
- dif_listings_root_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath("sw/difs_listings")
- difrefs_root_path = config["outdir-generated"].joinpath("sw/difref")
- for dif_header_path in dif_paths:
- dif_header = str(dif_header_path.relative_to(SRCTREE_TOP))
- dif_listings_filename = dif_listings_root_path.joinpath(dif_header + ".html")
- dif_listings_filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(str(dif_listings_filename), mode='w') as dif_listings_html:
- gen_dif_listing.gen_listing_html(combined_xml, dif_header,
- dif_listings_html)
- difref_functions = gen_dif_listing.get_difref_info(combined_xml, dif_header)
- for function in difref_functions:
- difref_filename = difrefs_root_path.joinpath(function["name"] + '.html')
- difref_filename.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- with open(str(difref_filename), mode='w') as difref_html:
- gen_dif_listing.gen_difref_html(function, difref_html)
- logging.info("Generated DIF Listing for {}".format(dif_header))
-def generate_top_docs():
- '''Generate top level documentation fragments.
- The result is in Markdown format and is written to
- outdir-generated/top_docs_directory/<top level name>/*.md.
- '''
- script = SRCTREE_TOP / 'util' / 'design' / 'gen-top-docs.py'
- outdir = config['outdir-generated'] / config["top_docs_directory"]
- for top in config["hw_top_definitions"]:
- subprocess.run([str(script), "-t", top, "-o", outdir])
-def generate_otbn_isa():
- '''Generate the OTBN ISA documentation fragment
- The result is in Markdown format and is written to
- outdir-generated/otbn-isa.md
- '''
- otbn_dir = SRCTREE_TOP / 'hw/ip/otbn'
- script = otbn_dir / 'util/yaml_to_doc.py'
- yaml_file = otbn_dir / 'data/insns.yml'
- impl_file = otbn_dir / 'dv/otbnsim/sim/insn.py'
- out_dir = config['outdir-generated'].joinpath('otbn-isa')
- subprocess.run([str(script), str(yaml_file), str(impl_file), str(out_dir)],
- check=True)
-def hugo_match_version(hugo_bin_path, version):
- logging.info("Hugo binary path: %s", hugo_bin_path)
- args = [str(hugo_bin_path), "version"]
- process = subprocess.run(args,
- universal_newlines=True,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- check=True,
- cwd=str(SRCTREE_TOP))
- logging.info("Checking for correct Hugo version: %s", version)
- # Hugo version string example:
- # "Hugo Static Site Generator v0.59.0-1DD0C69C/extended linux/amd64 BuildDate: 2019-10-21T09:45:38Z" # noqa: E501
- return bool(re.search("v" + version + ".*[/+]extended", process.stdout))
-def install_hugo(install_dir):
- """Download and "install" hugo into |install_dir|
- install_dir is created if it doesn't exist yet.
- Limitations:
- Currently only 64-bit x86 Linux and macOS is supported."""
- # TODO: Support more configurations
- if platform.system() == 'Linux' and platform.machine() == 'x86_64':
- download_url = ('https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v{version}'
- '/hugo_extended_{version}_Linux-64bit.tar.gz').format(
- elif platform.system() == 'Darwin' and platform.machine() == 'x86_64':
- download_url = ('https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases/download/v{version}'
- '/hugo_extended_{version}_macOS-64bit.tar.gz').format(
- else:
- logging.fatal(
- "Auto-install of hugo only supported for 64-bit x86 Linux and "
- "macOS. Manually install hugo and re-run this script with --force-global.")
- return False
- install_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
- hugo_bin_path = install_dir / 'hugo'
- try:
- if hugo_match_version(hugo_bin_path, HUGO_EXTENDED_VERSION):
- return hugo_bin_path
- except PermissionError:
- # If there is an error checking the version just continue to download
- logging.info("Hugo version could not be verified. Continue to download.")
- except FileNotFoundError:
- pass
- # TODO: Investigate the use of Python builtins for downloading. Extracting
- # the archive will probably will be a call to tar.
- cmd = 'curl -sL {download_url} | tar -xzO hugo > {hugo_bin_file}'.format(
- hugo_bin_file=str(hugo_bin_path), download_url=download_url)
- logging.info("Calling %s to download hugo.", cmd)
- subprocess.run(cmd, shell=True, check=True, cwd=str(SRCTREE_TOP))
- hugo_bin_path.chmod(0o755)
- return hugo_bin_path
-def invoke_hugo(preview, bind_wan, hugo_opts, hugo_bin_path):
- site_docs = SRCTREE_TOP.joinpath('site', 'docs')
- config_file = str(site_docs.joinpath('config.toml'))
- layout_dir = str(site_docs.joinpath('layouts'))
- args = [
- str(hugo_bin_path),
- "--config",
- config_file,
- "--destination",
- str(config["outdir"]),
- "--contentDir",
- "--layoutDir",
- layout_dir,
- # This option is needed because otherwise Hugo hangs trying to follow
- # Bazel symlinks (even though they're in config.toml's ignoreFiles):
- # see https://github.com/lowRISC/opentitan/issues/12322 for details.
- "--watch=false",
- ]
- if preview:
- args += ["server"]
- # --bind-wan only applies when previewing.
- if bind_wan:
- args += ["--bind", "", "--baseURL",
- "http://" + socket.getfqdn()]
- if hugo_opts is not None:
- args += hugo_opts
- subprocess.run(args, check=True, cwd=str(SRCTREE_TOP))
-def main():
- logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO,
- format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s",
- datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- prog="build_docs",
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- usage=USAGE)
- parser.add_argument(
- '--preview',
- action='store_true',
- help="""Starts a local server with live reload (updates triggered upon
- changes in the documentation files). This feature is intended
- to preview the documentation locally.""")
- parser.add_argument(
- '--bind-wan',
- action='store_true',
- help="""When previewing, bind to all interfaces (instead of just
- localhost). This makes the documentation preview visible from
- other hosts.""")
- parser.add_argument(
- '--force-global',
- action='store_true',
- help="""Use a global installation of Hugo. This skips the version
- check and relies on Hugo to be available from the environment.""")
- parser.add_argument(
- '--hugo-opts',
- nargs=argparse.REMAINDER,
- help="""Indicates that all following arguments should be passed as
- additional options to hugo. This may be useful for controlling
- server bindings and so forth.""")
- parser.add_argument('--hugo', help="""TODO""")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- generate_hardware_blocks()
- generate_dashboards()
- generate_testplans()
- generate_selfdocs()
- generate_pkg_reqs()
- generate_tool_versions()
- generate_dif_docs()
- generate_otbn_isa()
- generate_top_docs()
- hugo_localinstall_dir = SRCTREE_TOP / 'build' / 'docs-hugo'
- os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + str(hugo_localinstall_dir)
- hugo_bin_path = "hugo"
- if not args.force_global:
- try:
- hugo_bin_path = install_hugo(hugo_localinstall_dir)
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
- try:
- invoke_hugo(args.preview, args.bind_wan, args.hugo_opts, hugo_bin_path)
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
- sys.exit("Error building site")
- except PermissionError:
- sys.exit("Error running Hugo")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- pass
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()