blob: 5ab8858c6953bc2070b9899e240ce2076459ff63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Top-level debug module (DM)
// This module implements the RISC-V debug specification version 0.13,
// This toplevel wraps the PULP debug module available from
// to match the needs of
// the TL-UL-based lowRISC chip design.
`include ""
module rv_dm #(
parameter int NrHarts = 1,
parameter logic [31:0] IdcodeValue = 32'h 0000_0001
) (
input logic clk_i, // clock
input logic rst_ni, // asynchronous reset active low, connect PoR
// here, not the system reset
input logic testmode_i,
output logic ndmreset_o, // non-debug module reset
output logic dmactive_o, // debug module is active
output logic [NrHarts-1:0] debug_req_o, // async debug request
input logic [NrHarts-1:0] unavailable_i, // communicate whether the hart is unavailable
// (e.g.: power down)
// bus device with debug memory, for an execution based technique
input tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_d_i,
output tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_d_o,
// bus host, for system bus accesses
output tlul_pkg::tl_h2d_t tl_h_o,
input tlul_pkg::tl_d2h_t tl_h_i,
input logic tck_i, // JTAG test clock pad
input logic tms_i, // JTAG test mode select pad
input logic trst_ni, // JTAG test reset pad
input logic td_i, // JTAG test data input pad
output logic td_o, // JTAG test data output pad
output logic tdo_oe_o // Data out output enable
`ASSERT_INIT(paramCheckNrHarts, NrHarts > 0)
// Currently only 32 bit busses are supported by our TL-UL IP
localparam int BusWidth = 32;
// all harts have contiguous IDs
localparam logic [NrHarts-1:0] SelectableHarts = {NrHarts{1'b1}};
// Debug CSRs
dm::hartinfo_t [NrHarts-1:0] hartinfo;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] halted;
// logic [NrHarts-1:0] running;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] resumeack;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] haltreq;
logic [NrHarts-1:0] resumereq;
logic clear_resumeack;
logic cmd_valid;
dm::command_t cmd;
logic cmderror_valid;
dm::cmderr_e cmderror;
logic cmdbusy;
logic [dm::ProgBufSize-1:0][31:0] progbuf;
logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0] data_csrs_mem;
logic [dm::DataCount-1:0][31:0] data_mem_csrs;
logic data_valid;
logic [19:0] hartsel;
// System Bus Access Module
logic [BusWidth-1:0] sbaddress_csrs_sba;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] sbaddress_sba_csrs;
logic sbaddress_write_valid;
logic sbreadonaddr;
logic sbautoincrement;
logic [2:0] sbaccess;
logic sbreadondata;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] sbdata_write;
logic sbdata_read_valid;
logic sbdata_write_valid;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] sbdata_read;
logic sbdata_valid;
logic sbbusy;
logic sberror_valid;
logic [2:0] sberror;
dm::dmi_req_t dmi_req;
dm::dmi_resp_t dmi_rsp;
logic dmi_req_valid, dmi_req_ready;
logic dmi_rsp_valid, dmi_rsp_ready;
logic dmi_rst_n;
// static debug hartinfo
localparam dm::hartinfo_t DebugHartInfo = '{
zero1: '0,
nscratch: 2, // Debug module needs at least two scratch regs
zero0: 0,
dataaccess: 1'b1, // data registers are memory mapped in the debugger
datasize: dm::DataCount,
dataaddr: dm::DataAddr
for (genvar i = 0; i < NrHarts; i++) begin : gen_dm_hart_ctrl
assign hartinfo[i] = DebugHartInfo;
dm_csrs #(
) i_dm_csrs (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.testmode_i ( testmode_i ),
.dmi_rst_ni ( dmi_rst_n ),
.dmi_req_valid_i ( dmi_req_valid ),
.dmi_req_ready_o ( dmi_req_ready ),
.dmi_req_i ( dmi_req ),
.dmi_resp_valid_o ( dmi_rsp_valid ),
.dmi_resp_ready_i ( dmi_rsp_ready ),
.dmi_resp_o ( dmi_rsp ),
.ndmreset_o ( ndmreset_o ),
.dmactive_o ( dmactive_o ),
.hartsel_o ( hartsel ),
.hartinfo_i ( hartinfo ),
.halted_i ( halted ),
.resumeack_i ( resumeack ),
.haltreq_o ( haltreq ),
.resumereq_o ( resumereq ),
.clear_resumeack_o ( clear_resumeack ),
.cmd_valid_o ( cmd_valid ),
.cmd_o ( cmd ),
.cmderror_valid_i ( cmderror_valid ),
.cmderror_i ( cmderror ),
.cmdbusy_i ( cmdbusy ),
.progbuf_o ( progbuf ),
.data_i ( data_mem_csrs ),
.data_valid_i ( data_valid ),
.data_o ( data_csrs_mem ),
.sbaddress_o ( sbaddress_csrs_sba ),
.sbaddress_i ( sbaddress_sba_csrs ),
.sbaddress_write_valid_o ( sbaddress_write_valid ),
.sbreadonaddr_o ( sbreadonaddr ),
.sbautoincrement_o ( sbautoincrement ),
.sbaccess_o ( sbaccess ),
.sbreadondata_o ( sbreadondata ),
.sbdata_o ( sbdata_write ),
.sbdata_read_valid_o ( sbdata_read_valid ),
.sbdata_write_valid_o ( sbdata_write_valid ),
.sbdata_i ( sbdata_read ),
.sbdata_valid_i ( sbdata_valid ),
.sbbusy_i ( sbbusy ),
.sberror_valid_i ( sberror_valid ),
.sberror_i ( sberror )
logic host_req;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] host_add;
logic host_we;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] host_wdata;
logic [BusWidth/8-1:0] host_be;
logic host_gnt;
logic host_r_valid;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] host_r_rdata;
logic host_r_err;
dm_sba #(
) i_dm_sba (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.master_req_o ( host_req ),
.master_add_o ( host_add ),
.master_we_o ( host_we ),
.master_wdata_o ( host_wdata ),
.master_be_o ( host_be ),
.master_gnt_i ( host_gnt ),
.master_r_valid_i ( host_r_valid ),
.master_r_rdata_i ( host_r_rdata ),
.dmactive_i ( dmactive_o ),
.sbaddress_i ( sbaddress_csrs_sba ),
.sbaddress_o ( sbaddress_sba_csrs ),
.sbaddress_write_valid_i ( sbaddress_write_valid ),
.sbreadonaddr_i ( sbreadonaddr ),
.sbautoincrement_i ( sbautoincrement ),
.sbaccess_i ( sbaccess ),
.sbreadondata_i ( sbreadondata ),
.sbdata_i ( sbdata_write ),
.sbdata_read_valid_i ( sbdata_read_valid ),
.sbdata_write_valid_i ( sbdata_write_valid ),
.sbdata_o ( sbdata_read ),
.sbdata_valid_o ( sbdata_valid ),
.sbbusy_o ( sbbusy ),
.sberror_valid_o ( sberror_valid ),
.sberror_o ( sberror )
tlul_adapter_host #(
) tl_adapter_host_sba (
.req_i (host_req),
.gnt_o (host_gnt),
.addr_i (host_add),
.we_i (host_we),
.wdata_i (host_wdata),
.be_i (host_be),
.valid_o (host_r_valid),
.rdata_o (host_r_rdata),
.err_o (host_r_err),
.tl_o (tl_h_o),
.tl_i (tl_h_i)
// DBG doesn't handle error responses so raise assertion if we see one
`ASSERT(dbgNoErrorResponse, host_r_valid |-> !host_r_err)
localparam int unsigned AddressWidthWords = BusWidth - $clog2(BusWidth/8);
logic req;
logic we;
logic [BusWidth/8-1:0] be;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] wdata;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] rdata;
logic rvalid;
logic [BusWidth-1:0] addr_b;
logic [AddressWidthWords-1:0] addr_w;
// TODO: The tlul_adapter_sram give us a bitwise write mask currently,
// but dm_mem only supports byte write masks. Disable sub-word access in the
// adapter for now until we figure out a good strategy to deal with this.
assign be = {BusWidth/8{1'b1}};
assign addr_b = {addr_w, {$clog2(BusWidth/8){1'b0}}};
dm_mem #(
// The debug module provides a simplified ROM for systems that map the debug ROM to offset 0x0
// on the system bus. In that case, only one scratch register has to be implemented in the core.
// However, we require that the DM can be placed at arbitrary offsets in the system, which
// requires the generalized debug ROM implementation and two scratch registers. We hence set
// this parameter to a non-zero value (inside dm_mem, this just feeds into a comparison with 0).
) i_dm_mem (
.clk_i ( clk_i ),
.rst_ni ( rst_ni ),
.debug_req_o ( debug_req_o ),
.hartsel_i ( hartsel ),
.haltreq_i ( haltreq ),
.resumereq_i ( resumereq ),
.clear_resumeack_i ( clear_resumeack ),
.halted_o ( halted ),
.resuming_o ( resumeack ),
.cmd_valid_i ( cmd_valid ),
.cmd_i ( cmd ),
.cmderror_valid_o ( cmderror_valid ),
.cmderror_o ( cmderror ),
.cmdbusy_o ( cmdbusy ),
.progbuf_i ( progbuf ),
.data_i ( data_csrs_mem ),
.data_o ( data_mem_csrs ),
.data_valid_o ( data_valid ),
.req_i ( req ),
.we_i ( we ),
.addr_i ( addr_b ),
.wdata_i ( wdata ),
.be_i ( be ),
.rdata_o ( rdata )
// Bound-in DPI module replaces the TAP
`ifndef DMIDirectTAP
dmi_jtag #(
.IdcodeValue (IdcodeValue)
) dap (
.clk_i (clk_i),
.rst_ni (rst_ni),
.testmode_i (testmode_i),
.dmi_rst_no (dmi_rst_n),
.dmi_req_o (dmi_req),
.dmi_req_valid_o (dmi_req_valid),
.dmi_req_ready_i (dmi_req_ready),
.dmi_resp_i (dmi_rsp ),
.dmi_resp_ready_o (dmi_rsp_ready),
.dmi_resp_valid_i (dmi_rsp_valid),
tlul_adapter_sram #(
) tl_adapter_device_mem (
.req_o (req),
.gnt_i (1'b1),
.we_o (we),
.addr_o (addr_w),
.wdata_o (wdata),
.wmask_o (),
.rdata_i (rdata),
.rvalid_i (rvalid),
.rerror_i (2'b00),
.tl_o (tl_d_o),
.tl_i (tl_d_i)
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin
if (!rst_ni) begin
rvalid <= '0;
end else begin
rvalid <= req & ~we;