blob: 2391f75c23b0c6049c75b975f650b4b0043fe755 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
name: "padctrl"
import_testplans: ["hw/dv/tools/testplans/fpv_csr_testplan.hjson"]
entries: [
name: MioWarl_A
// TODO: need a better way eliminate the differentiation between imp targets
desc: '''In either generic or Xilinx mode, if a muxed IO's pad attribute is written to the
mio_pads registers via the TLUL interface, this assertion checks if the corresponding
mio_attr_o's reserved bits remain 0. This assertion intends to test the
write_any_read_legal access policy for the mio_pads registers.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: MioAttr_A
desc: '''In either generic or Xilinx mode, if a muxed IO's pad attribute is written to the
mio_pads registers via the TLUL interface, this assertion checks if the corresponding
mio_attr_o value is updated correctly.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: MioBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If the output mio_attr_o has changed, then a valid write to the mio_pads register
must have taken place or the write enable signal must have risen in the previous
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: DioWarl_A
desc: '''In either generic or Xilinx mode, if a dedicated IO's pad attribute is written to
the dio_pads registers via the TLUL interface, this assertion checks if the
corresponding dio_attr_o's reserved bits remain 0. This assertion intends to test the
write_any_read_legal access policy for the dio_pads registers.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: DioAttr_A
desc: '''In either generic or Xilinx mode, if a dedicated IO's pad attribute is written to
the dio_pads registers via the TLUL interface, this assertion checks if the
corresponding dio_attr_o value is updated correctly.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: DioBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If the output dio_attr_o has changed, then a valid write to the dio_pads register
must have taken place or the write enable signal must have risen in the previous
milestone: V2
tests: ["padctrl_assert"]
name: ClkConn_A
desc: "This assertion checks that clk_pad_i is correctly connected to clk_o."
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: RstConn_A
desc: "This assertion checks that rst_pad_ni is correctly connected to rst_no."
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioIn_A
desc: '''This assertion checks the muxed IO output mio_in_o based on mio_pad_io and
mio_attr_i inversion bit.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioInBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If the muxed IO output mio_in_o has changed, then mio_pad_io or mio_attr_i must be
changed in the same clock cycle.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioOutNormal_A
desc: '''If the selected muxed IO output is enabled and the corresponding attribute is not
open drain, then the mio_pad_io must be the (possibly inverted) muxed IO output
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioOutOd0_A
desc: '''If the selected muxed IO output is enabled, the open drain attribute is set, and the
expected mio_output value is 0, then the mio_pad_io must be 0.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioOutOd1_A
desc: '''If the selected muxed IO output is enabled, the open drain attribute is set, and the
expected mio_output value is not 0, then the mio_pad_io must be either 0, 1, x or
high z.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioOutBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If the muxed IO output mio_pad_io has changed and mio_oe_i is enabled, then
mio_attr_i or mio_output_value must be changed in the same clock cycle.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: MioOe_A
desc: '''If the selected muxed IO output is not enabled, the mio_pad_io must be either 0, 1,
x or high z.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioIn_A
desc: '''This assertion checks the dedicated IO output dio_in_o based on dio_pad_io and
dio_attr_i inversion bit.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioInBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If dedicated IO output dio_in_o has changed, then dio_pad_io or dio_attr_i must be
changed in the same clock cycle.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioOutNormal_A
desc: '''If the selected dedicated IO output is enabled and the corresponding attribute is
not open drain, then the dio_pad_io must be the (possibly inverted) dedicated IO output
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioOutOd0_A
desc: '''If the selected dedicated IO output is enabled, the open drain attribute is set, and
the expected dio_output value is 0, then the dio_pad_io must be 0.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioOutOd1_A
desc: '''If the selected dedicated IO output is enabled, the open drain attribute is set, and
the expected dio_output value is not 0, then the dio_pad_io must be either 0, 1, x or
high z.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioOutBackwardCheck_A
desc: '''If the dedicated IO output dio_pad_io has changed and dio_oe_i is enabled, then
dio_attr_i or dio_output_value must be changed in the same clock cycle.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]
name: DioOe_A
desc: '''If the selected dedicated IO output is not enabled, the dio_pad_io must be either 0,
1, x or high z.'''
milestone: V2
tests: ["padring_assert"]