blob: 7c3cd0e05efd248c52e90a87ca146ade820110be [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// Description: entropy_src health tests module
module entropy_src_shtests (
input clk_i,
input rst_ni,
// ins req interface
input logic entropy_bit_i,
input logic entropy_bit_vld_i,
input logic rct_active_i,
input logic [15:0] rct_max_cnt_i,
input logic apt_active_i,
input logic [15:0] apt_max_cnt_i,
input logic [15:0] apt_window_i,
output logic rct_fail_pls_o,
output logic apt_fail_pls_o,
output logic shtests_passing_o
// signals
logic rct_samples_match;
logic rct_fail;
logic rct_pass;
logic apt_reset_test;
logic apt_samples_match;
logic apt_fail;
logic apt_pass;
// flops
logic rct_prev_sample_q, rct_prev_sample_d;
logic [15:0] rct_rep_cntr_q, rct_rep_cntr_d;
logic apt_initial_sample_q, apt_initial_sample_d;
logic [15:0] apt_sample_cntr_q, apt_sample_cntr_d;
logic [15:0] apt_match_cntr_q, apt_match_cntr_d;
logic rct_passing_q, rct_passing_d;
logic apt_passing_q, apt_passing_d;
always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni)
if (!rst_ni) begin
rct_prev_sample_q <= '0;
rct_rep_cntr_q <= '0;
apt_initial_sample_q <= '0;
apt_sample_cntr_q <= '0;
apt_match_cntr_q <= '0;
rct_passing_q <= '0;
apt_passing_q <= '0;
end else begin
rct_prev_sample_q <= rct_prev_sample_d;
rct_rep_cntr_q <= rct_rep_cntr_d;
apt_initial_sample_q <= apt_initial_sample_d;
apt_sample_cntr_q <= apt_sample_cntr_d;
apt_match_cntr_q <= apt_match_cntr_d;
rct_passing_q <= rct_passing_d;
apt_passing_q <= apt_passing_d;
// Repetition Count Test (RCT)
// Point of test
// check for back to back patterns up to a
// limit, fail if it does
// NIST A sample
assign rct_prev_sample_d = ~rct_active_i ? 1'b0 :
(entropy_bit_vld_i & (rct_rep_cntr_q == 16'h0001)) ? entropy_bit_i :
assign rct_samples_match = (rct_prev_sample_q == (entropy_bit_vld_i & entropy_bit_i));
// NIST B counter
assign rct_rep_cntr_d =
~rct_active_i ? 16'h0001 :
rct_fail ? 16'h0001 :
(entropy_bit_vld_i & rct_samples_match) ? (rct_rep_cntr_q+1) :
rct_pass ? 16'h0001 :
assign rct_pass = rct_active_i & (entropy_bit_vld_i & ~rct_samples_match);
assign rct_fail = rct_active_i & (rct_rep_cntr_q >= rct_max_cnt_i);
assign rct_fail_pls_o = rct_fail;
assign rct_passing_d =
~rct_active_i ? 1'b1 :
rct_fail ? 1'b0 :
rct_pass ? 1'b1 :
// Adaptive Proportion Test (APT)
// Point of test
// sample once, then check for period of time if
// that pattern appears again, fail if it does
// NIST N value
assign apt_reset_test = ~apt_active_i | apt_fail | (apt_sample_cntr_q >= apt_window_i);
// NIST A counter
assign apt_initial_sample_d =
((apt_sample_cntr_q == 16'h0000) & entropy_bit_vld_i) ? entropy_bit_i :
// NIST S counter
assign apt_sample_cntr_d = apt_reset_test ? 16'b0 :
entropy_bit_vld_i ? (apt_sample_cntr_q+1) :
assign apt_samples_match = entropy_bit_vld_i & (apt_initial_sample_q == entropy_bit_i);
// NIST B counter
assign apt_match_cntr_d = apt_reset_test ? 16'b0 :
(entropy_bit_vld_i & apt_samples_match) ? (apt_match_cntr_q+1) :
assign apt_pass = (apt_sample_cntr_q >= apt_window_i);
assign apt_fail = apt_active_i & (apt_match_cntr_q >= apt_max_cnt_i);
assign apt_fail_pls_o = apt_fail;
assign apt_passing_d =
~apt_active_i ? 1'b1 :
apt_fail ? 1'b0 :
apt_pass ? 1'b1 :
// tests summary
assign shtests_passing_o = rct_passing_q && apt_passing_q;