blob: ffb02010199148936dca96721d6c837592b12c7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// xbar_env_pkg__params generated by `` tool
name_len = max([len( for x in xbar.devices])
// List of Xbar device memory map
tl_device_t xbar_devices[$] = '{
% for device in xbar.devices:
'{"${device.esc_name()}", '{
% for addr in device.addr_range:
'{32'h${"%08x" % addr[0]}, 32'h${"%08x" % addr[1]}}${"," if not loop.last else ""}
% endfor
% if loop.last:
% else:
% endif
% endfor
// List of Xbar hosts
tl_host_t xbar_hosts[$] = '{
% for host in xbar.hosts:
'{"${}", ${loop.index}, '{
% for device in xbar.get_devices_from_host(host):
"${device.esc_name()}"${'}}' if loop.last else ','}
% endfor
% if loop.last:
% else:
% endif
% endfor