blob: d62f810b2b68bbf96ca5c16314893708090ca43f [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
r"""TestplanEntry and Testplan classes for maintaining testplan entries
import re
import sys
class TestplanEntry():
"""An entry in the testplan
A testplan entry has the following information: name of the planned test (testpoint),
a brief description indicating intent, stimulus and checking procedure, targeted milestone
and the list of actual developed tests.
name = ""
desc = ""
milestone = ""
tests = []
fields = ("name", "desc", "milestone", "tests")
milestones = ("na", "V1", "V2", "V3")
def __init__(self, name, desc, milestone, tests, substitutions=[]): = name
self.desc = desc
self.milestone = milestone
self.tests = tests
if not self.do_substitutions(substitutions): sys.exit(1)
def is_valid_entry(kv_pairs):
'''Pass a list of key=value pairs to check if testplan entries can be extracted
from it.
for field in TestplanEntry.fields:
if not field in kv_pairs.keys():
"Error: input key-value pairs does not contain all of the ",
"required fields to create an entry:\n", kv_pairs,
"\nRequired fields:\n", TestplanEntry.fields)
return False
if type(kv_pairs[field]) is str and kv_pairs[field] == "":
print("Error: field \'", field, "\' is an empty string\n:",
return False
if field == "milestone" and kv_pairs[
field] not in TestplanEntry.milestones:
print("Error: milestone \'", kv_pairs[field],
"\' is invalid. Legal values:\n",
return False
return True
def do_substitutions(self, substitutions):
'''Substitute {wildcards} in tests
If tests have {wildcards}, they are substituted with the 'correct' values using
key=value pairs provided by the substitutions arg. If wildcards are present but no
replacement is available, then the wildcards are replaced with an empty string.
if substitutions == []: return True
for kv_pair in substitutions:
resolved_tests = []
[(k, v)] = kv_pair.items()
for test in self.tests:
match = re.findall(r"{([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)}", test)
if len(match) > 0:
# match is a list of wildcards used in test
for item in match:
if item == k:
if type(v) is list:
if v == []:
resolved_test = test.replace(
"{" + item + "}", "")
for subst_item in v:
resolved_test = test.replace(
"{" + item + "}", subst_item)
elif type(v) is str:
resolved_test = test.replace(
"{" + item + "}", v)
"Error: wildcard", item, "in test", test,
"has no viable",
"replacement value (need str or list):\n",
return False
if resolved_tests != []: self.tests = resolved_tests
# if wildcards have no available replacements in substitutions arg, then
# replace with empty string
resolved_tests = []
for test in self.tests:
match = re.findall(r"{([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)}", test)
if len(match) > 0:
for item in match:
resolved_tests.append(test.replace("{" + item + "}", ""))
if resolved_tests != []: self.tests = resolved_tests
return True
def map_regr_results(self, regr_results):
'''map regression results to tests in this entry
Given a list of regression results (a tuple containing {test name, # passing and
# total} find if the name of the test in the results list matches the written tests
in this testplan entry. If there is a match, then append the passing / total
information. If no match is found, or if self.tests is an empty list, indicate 0/1
passing so that it is factored into the final total.
test_results = []
for test in self.tests:
found = False
for regr_result in regr_results:
if test == regr_result["name"]:
regr_result["mapped"] = True
found = True
# if a test was not found in regr results, indicate 0/1 passing
if not found:
test_results.append({"name": test, "passing": 0, "total": 1})
# if no written tests were indicated in the testplan, reuse planned
# test name and indicate 0/1 passing
if self.tests == []:
test_results.append({"name":, "passing": 0, "total": 1})
# replace tests with test results
self.tests = test_results
return regr_results
def display(self):
print("testpoint: ",
print("description: ", self.desc)
print("milestone: ", self.milestone)
print("tests: ", self.tests)
class Testplan():
"""The full testplan
This comprises of TestplanEntry entries
name = ""
entries = []
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.entries = []
if name == "":
print("Error: testplan name cannot be empty")
def entry_exists(self, entry):
'''check if new entry has the same name as one of the existing entries
for existing_entry in self.entries:
if ==
print("Error: found a testplan entry with name = ",
print("existing entry:\n", existing_entry)
print("new entry:\n", entry)
return True
return False
def add_entry(self, entry):
'''add a new entry into the testplan
if self.entry_exists(entry): sys.exit(1)
def sort(self):
'''sort entries by milestone
self.entries = sorted(self.entries, key=lambda entry: entry.milestone)
def map_regr_results(self, regr_results):
'''map regression results to testplan entries
def sum_results(totals, entry):
'''function to generate milestone and grand totals
ms = entry.milestone
for test in entry.tests:
totals[ms].tests[0]["passing"] += test["passing"]
totals[ms].tests[0]["total"] += test["total"]
return totals
totals = {}
for ms in TestplanEntry.milestones:
name = "<ignore>"
totals[ms] = TestplanEntry(
"name": "TOTAL",
"passing": 0,
"total": 0
for entry in self.entries:
regr_results = entry.map_regr_results(regr_results)
totals = sum_results(totals, entry)
# extract unmapped tests from regr_results and create 'unmapped' entry
unmapped_regr_results = []
for regr_result in regr_results:
if not "mapped" in regr_result.keys():
unmapped = TestplanEntry(
name="Unmapped tests",
desc="Unmapped tests",
totals = sum_results(totals, unmapped)
# add the grand total: "na" key used for grand total
for ms in TestplanEntry.milestones:
if ms != "na":
totals["na"].tests[0]["passing"] += totals[ms].tests[0][
totals["na"].tests[0]["total"] += totals[ms].tests[0]["total"]
# add total back into 'entries'
for key in totals.keys():
if key != "na": self.entries.append(totals[key])
def display(self):
'''display the complete testplan for debug
print("name: ",
for entry in self.entries: